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Modern Day Slavery: Human Trafficking In The United States

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Human trafficking is a global phenomenon nowadays known as modern day slavery. Human trafficking exists in the form of sex trafficking, bonded labor, slavery and similar practices. According to several researches poverty lays as the most contributing factor for being a victim of trafficking.
Human Trafficking have become a billion dollar industry with investors, recruiters and public officials partnering in the business Globalization enabled easy transportation between countries due to expansion of service industry. In the meantime, these developments in service industry and transportation facilitate trafficking in person. The traffickers utilize various ways to transport them through borders. For instance, they provide high quality forged …show more content…
Blind faith leads victims to darkness due to the desperate need to survive. During the trafficking process victims are subjected with constant physical and sexual abuse. This often leads to mental, psychological and health problems. Economic reality of the human trafficking is that it is a profitable business and is on the rise.
Human Trafficking is a global issue and a transnational organized crime. Hence, Maldives is not immune to acts of trafficking. However, the degree of occurrence and nature of the crime is different but the impact remains relatively the same. This essay will define human trafficking and critically discuss the trafficking situation in the Maldives. This essay will identify and describe the law enforcement challenges in policing. Furthermore, this essay will evaluate the current readiness of the Maldives legislation, law enforcement agencies and other services in responding to the …show more content…
US TIP report 2016 ranks Maldives in tier two watch list for the second consecutive year. According to the report the Government of Maldives does not fully meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking (U.S State Department, 2016). Various reports states that Human Trafficking does exist in the Maldives including US TIP report. However, no concrete data is available to conclude the extent of trafficking in person in the Maldives
Maldives, ratified the Anti-Human Trafficking (AHT) Legislation.The objective of the AHT Act includes criminalizing of trafficking in persons, providing protection for trafficked victims and prevention of human trafficking (U.S State Department, 2016). According to the act penalties for perpetrators include 10 to 15 years jail sentence. Furthermore, the bill criminalizes fraudulent recruitment, confiscation of identity and travel documents, withholding or nonpayment of wages, and debt bondage as punishable offenses (The Presidenc,

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