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Normandy Research Paper

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When most people think of Normandy, they probably think of D-Day. Normandy, however, has many other things about it that are worth remembering. It has a rich history, beautiful landscape, and delicious foods, to name a few. Normandy is located on the northern coast of France along the English Channel. It was initially populated by Celtic and Belgic tribes but was conquered by the Romans in 98 AD. In the 5th century, after the fall of Rome, the Franks were the dominant ethnic group. Viking raids devastated the area by the end of the 8th century. In 1204 Normandy was integrated into the Kingdom of France. Normandy was separated into two regions, Upper Normandy and Lower Normandy in 1956. Today there are proposals to unify the two regions. …show more content…
Oysters, scallops, lobster and sole are the most common in seafood meals. “De mer d’ honfleur” is a Norman favorite. It is a large platter of raw mussels, oysters, and clams with cooked shrimp and lobster. Another favorite dish is “mussels a la crème”, a dish of mussels served with cream, herbs, butter and fruits. The food is rich and simple, due to the use of butter and cream in most Norman dishes. “Marmite dieppoise” is a creamy seafood stew using butter and cream. The lush landscape and temperate climate make it extremely suitable for raising milk cows. The cows produce up to seven gallons of milk a day. Not only is this region a major producer of milk, cream, and butter, but it has several world famous cheeses. Normandy is also known for its world famous apples which are used to produce apple cider. The apples can be used to make “calvados”, an apple brandy that most Normans would typically drink after dinner. Along with the local favorite of seafood, Normandy has prized ducks, poultry, and some of the best lamb in the

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