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North American Influence On North Korea

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(U) A United States invasion on North Korea (NK) would have a major impact on North Korea’s culture and family life. This is imperative to understanding North Korean culture and how influences inside and outside the country can affect the citizens of North Korea.
(U) North Korea is a communist country. Being a communist country has had a negative impact on society in the past decades. A war began between North and South Korea due to tensions based on South Korea wanting to become a country based on capitalism. “On June 25th, 1950 the war between North and South Korea began” (Culture Gram, paragraph 3). North Korea has been under suspicion by the United Nations for “torturing, starving and killing potential dissidents in prison camps” (Culture …show more content…
North Korea is very strict on interaction with foreigners, the internet is monitored and controlled very stringently, and is often very unattainable (Human Rights Watch, North Korea). General Kim Jung Un is known to use “public executions and to generate fearful obedience amongst the citizens of North Korea” (Human Rights Watch, North Korea). North Korea does not allow its citizens to travel outside of the country to prevent citizens from fleeing to other parts of the world searching to pursue a life as a refugees (Human Rights Watch, North Korea). North Korean citizens are sent to political prison camps if caught trying to communicate with people outside of the country. Citizens are also imprisoned if caught trying to sneak out of the country into other parts of the world such as China located North of North Korea (Human Rights, North Korea). In North Korea, citizens are likely to be given a pre-determined career path based off where they are born and what type of family they are born into (Human Rights, North Korea). This ultimately limits the growth of each individuals potential. This also causes citizens of NK to accept the career path that they have been given, rather than reaching for a specific goal based on their personal abilities, skills and …show more content…
One, would be that the North Korean citizens remain loyal to their country and to their leading general, Kim Jong Un. Despite being treated badly, tortured and killed at times, they would still fight against our U.S. friendly forces who are invading. Another possibility would be that the North Korean citizens are tired of the way they are being treated by their government and fight with U.S. friendly forces in hopes of creating better lives for themselves. North Korean citizens have been starving due to a famine. This is another reason North Korean citizens would possibly, side with the U.S. North Korea’s disastrous famine has caused many deaths in recent decades. The North Korean government has controlled the distribution of all food throughout the country (North Koreas Devastating Famine). The North Korean government is mainly feeding military personnel and those who have political power. The North Korean population has had to resort to “eating grass and foraging for wild food to survive” (North Koreas Devastating

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