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Northern Wei Legitimacy

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It is obvious that not only the Northern and southern dynasties, but also various ancient China’s scholars cherished the five criteria of legitimacy in their legitimization practices or academic discussion. To deepen our understanding about the legitimacy in ancient China, this section will discuss why these dynasties and scholars have the different emphasis on these criteria.
The distinct legitimization mold could account for the different emphasis on these criteria by the Northern Wei and the southern dynasties. Chapter 2 shows that the Northern Wei had established its legitimacy from scratch. Therefore, the Northern Wei put emphasis on these criteria, which could provide it with the direct legitimacy resource. This dynasty therefore focused more on the cosmological and historical criterion as aforementioned sections showed, expecting it could impute the legitimacy …show more content…
These dynasties thereupon focused more on the moral, historical and geographical criterion. The adoption of the abdication institution serves to manifest the southern dynasties’ fitness of the moral and historical criterion. The immigrant commanderies as well as the mysterious prophecy of capital Jingling aim to complete the southern dynasties’ geographical legitimacy.
Scholars’ different social status, historical circumstances and academic background explain why scholars had the different focus towards these criteria of legitimacy. The first reason could be manifest if we see these official scholars’ views towards the Northern Wei’s issue. The northern and southern dynasties’ official-scholars Wei Shou, Shen Yue and Xiao Zixian and later scholars Li Yanshou, Yang Weizhen and Fang Xiaoru not only echo the official idea about the Northern Wei’s issue in their periods, but also introduce their answers to support their own dynasties’

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