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Notes for Management Information System


Submitted By PadmaKannan
Words 4587
Pages 19
Management Information System
2 Marks
MIS Introduction
1. Data:
Raw facts such as an employee’s name and number of hours worked in a week, inventory part numbers or sales orders.
A collection of facts organized in such a way that they have additional value beyond the value of the facts themselves. Data Information
Salesperson: J. Jones Sales Territory: Western Region.
Current Sales: $147,000
Units = 147

Salesperson: J. Jones Sales Territory: Western Region.
Current Sales: $147,000
Units = 147

Data Processing

Data Processing

$35,000 12 Units $12,000 J. Jones Western Region
$100,000 100 Units 35 Units

$35,000 12 Units $12,000 J. Jones Western Region
$100,000 100 Units 35 Units

2. Management information systems:
Def 1: Information system at the management level of an organization that serves the functions of planning, controlling, and decision making by providing routine summary and exception reports.
Def 2:
MIS provide information in the form of pre-specified reports and displays to support business decision making.
Examples: sales analysis, production performance and cost trend reporting systems.
* Routine information for routine decisions * Operational efficiency * Use transaction data as main input * Databases integrate MIS in different functional areas.

3. Describe three levels of information in managerial level
Management Support Systems provide information and support needed for effective decision making by managers
Major categories are: i) Management Information System ii) Decision Support Systems iii) Executive Information System

4. What are the various trends in the evolution of the MIS concept? * MIS: Many companies are now using their computers to provide information for decision making; that is, they are using a management information

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