...Chapter 1 - Abnormal Behavior in Historical Context Abnormal Psychology (PS265) Class Notes Guide Shoshana Sloman DEFINING "PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDER" A psychological dysfunction within an individual associated with distress or impairment in functioning and a resonse that is not typical or culturally expected. Each criterion contributes something to the definition. Any one element, alone, would not constitute a psychological disorder. Criteria: (Standard for judging) Psychological Dysfunction: Breakdown of cognitive, emotional, or behavioral functioning. (Examples?) Where do we draw the line? Considered a continuum or dimension, rather than being present or absent. (dys = Greek for bad, abnormal, difficult) (ab = Latin for off, away from; norma = rule -- abnormal = deviating from the norm, from the rule) Personal Distress or Impairment: Distress: The individual is usually extremely upset about the dysfunction. This is not ALWAYS the case, however, as is often true with mania. Impairment: Interferes with normal activities, with achieving things that the person wants to. But not always. Depends on the severity. (Some simple phobias, for example.) Illustrates how most psychological disorders are extreme expressions of otherwise normal behavior. Atypical or Not Culturally Expected: Deviates from the average, the greater the deviation, the more abnormal, but that doesn’t automatically imply a disorder. (Pro athletes, talented artists.) More productive...
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...Kingdom. We ran model-fitting analyses to estimate the genetic, shared environmental and nonshared environmental effects on the propensity of people to become entrepreneurs. We found relatively high heritabilities for entrepreneurship across different operationalizations of the phenomenon, with little effect of family environment and upbringing. Our findings suggest the importance of considering genetic factors in explanations for why people engage in entrepreneurial activity. Key words: entrepreneurship; twin studies; behavioral genetics History: Accepted by Wallace J. Hopp, technological innovation, product development, and entrepreneurship; received June 21, 2006. This paper was with the authors 6 1 months for 2 revisions. 2 Introduction Why do people engage in entrepreneurial activity? Despite the centrality of this question to the field of entrepreneurship, and over 40 years of research that has sought to answer it, researchers have offered incomplete and...
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...IOP3701 EXAM QUESTIONS SECTION 1 May 2011 For fair & equitable testing & assessment in the work context, the starting point is that the job must be described, explain why this would be important (5) Discuss the importance of doing a thorough job analysis in testing and assessment in the work context (5) * The first step and main emphasis in the decision making process is a thorough job analysis * Job analysis consists of: * Job description – indicates the tasks that need to be done in the job. * Job specification – specific characteristics required of a person to perform well in the job. * It is important to list specific requirements that are not often stated – which candidates cannot be considered. * The next step includes fair procedures for making decision. This entails well thought through and justifiable procedures for job description, advertisements etc. * Evaluate and justify minimum requirements in formal education, prior learning, relevant experience, training, skills and knowledge. * Decide on suitable testing and assessment techniques * Follow scientific, professional and ethical guidelines * Monitor outcomes for fairness and adverse impact. * Take steps to ensure equity and fairness for future opportunities. * Fair and equitable testing and assessment: * 1st step and main emphasis in the decision-making process is a thorough job analysis – to know exactly what the job entails and what qualities, characteristics...
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...been defined as "a complex secretomotor phenomenon characterized by the shedding of tears from the lacrimal apparatus, without any irritation of the ocular structures".[1] A related medical term is lacrimation, which also refers to non-emotional shedding of tears. A neuronal connection between the lacrimal gland (tear duct) and the areas of the human brain involved with emotion has been established. Some scientists believe that only humans produce tears in response to emotional states [2] while others disagree.[3] Charles Darwin wrote in The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals that the keepers of Indian elephants in the London Zoo told him that their charges shed tears in sorrow. Tears produced during emotional crying have a chemical composition which differs from other types of tears. They contain significantly greater quantities of the hormones prolactin, adrenocorticotropic hormone, Leu-enkephalin[4], and the elements potassium and manganese.[2] Contents [hide] 1 Function 2 Biological response 3 Frequency of crying 4 Types of crying in infants 5 Categorizing dimensions 6 Lacrimal system 7 Disorders related to crying 8 References 9 Further reading 10 External links [edit] Function A young woman weeps during the deportation of Jews of Ioannina on March 25,...
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...American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 3 (February 2011): 1–36 http://www.aeaweb.org/articles.php?doi=10.1257/mic.3.1.1 Strategic Entry Deterrence and the Behavior of Pharmaceutical Incumbents Prior to Patent Expiration† By Glenn Ellison and Sara Fisher Ellison* This paper develops a new approach to testing for strategic entry deterrence and applies it to the behavior of pharmaceutical incumbents before patent expiration. It examines a cross section of markets, determining whether behavior is nonmonotonic in market size. Under some conditions, investment levels will be monotone in market size if firms do not invest to deter entry. Strategic investments to deter entry, however, may result in nonmonotonic investment because they are unnecessary in small markets, and impossible in large ones. Consistent with an entry-deterrence motivation is the finding that incumbents in medium-sized markets advertise less prior to patent expiration. (JEL D92, G31, L11, L21, L65) T he insight that firms may make “strategic investments” to alter future competitive conditions is one of the most fundamental ideas in industrial organization. Jean Tirole’s (1988) chapter reviewing arguments about how excess capacity, capital structure, advertising, contractual practices, learning-by-doing, and other actions can be used to deter entry is easily the longest in the text.1 Strategic investment models are difficult to test directly, however, and the vast majority of this literature is theoretical...
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...racticeBriefing Notes: Best Practices in Professional Development Introduction A firm interested in increasing its employees’ skills and competencies while deepening their employees’ commitment to the organization should c onsider three interventions: the nature of the job, formal training and the mentoring/co aching process. This paper on best practices outlines the issues firms fa ce in developing programs in these three areas and disc usses which practices, program designs or methods firms should take up in response to these issues. The Job Research in firms suggests that younger professionals are drawn to two different kinds of firms: the firm with a great reputation in the field, and the smaller, often less reputable, firms that offer younger people a broader range of opportunities. They usually favor the former when they regard their first or secon d job as a way station to a longer-term career in another company or setting and want to garner the “halo” effect of having worked at a great firm. This phenomenon o c curs in other professional services as well. For example, many consultants are happy to go to M cKinsey for their first five years of employment even though the prospect of becoming a partner and then a director are quite limited, and the work itself is extremely taxing. Many firms, however, cannot rely exclusively on the limited supply of skills within the firm to create opportunities for learning and growth. Therefore, these firms must...
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...Introduction to Psychology: January 12, 2015 3 Main Problems of Psychology 1) Determinism vs. Freewill * The idea that everything that happens has a cause (determinism) versus the belief that behavior is cause by a person’s independent decisions (freewill) 2) The Mind-Brain Problem * The philosophical question of how experience relates to the brain. 3) The Nature-Nurture Issue * “How do differences in behavior relate to differences in heredity and environment?” Intro to Psych: Wednesday, January 14 2015 Three major philosophical issues with psychology: Free Will vs. Determinism - Determinism: Everything that happens has a cause. - Free Will: the belief that behavior is cause by a person’s independent decisions The Mind-Brain Problem - The philosophical question of how experience relates to the brain. - How is brain activity linked with our experienced? - There is a close relationship with brain activity and psychological events - “Do we feel first, or do we think first?” Nature-Nurture Issue - “How do differences in behavior relate to differences in heredity and environment?” Milgram and the shock experiment test Psychiatry - different from psychology in the way that a psychiatrist can prescribe medication and psychologists can not. - branch of the medical field that focuses on the brain and mental disorders **Get to know both of the “What Psychologists Do” handouts from class Quick History of Psychology Early...
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...| | |Semester: Fall I August 21-Oct. 12, 2012 |Year: 2012 | |Course #: PSY 202 |Title: Adolescent Psychology | |CRN #: 18858 |Credits: 3 | Instructor information: Dinah Hamilton, M.Ed. Dinah.Hamilton@enmu.edu 575-257-2120 X 385 Rationale for student taking this course: This course will meet the requirements for a Psychology course with General Core Education requirements. In addition, it will assist all students in the area of Social Science courses and degree plans that lead to further education in the broad field of Social Science. Course description: This is a (3) credit hour course providing developmental psychological aspects and issues facing adolescents, with emphasis on the foundations of adolescent development (i.e. physiological, social,...
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...PL3236 - Abnormal Unit 3 Notes – Assessment and Diagnosis Term | Info | Intro | * Clinical Assessment - the process of gathering information about a person and his or her environment to make decisions about the nature, status, and treatment of psychological problems * Typically begins with a set of Referral Questions developed in response to a request for help * Determine the goals of the assessment and select appropriate psych tests or measures | Goals of Assessment | * What procedures and instruments to use – age, med condition, and symptoms influence tools – psychologist’s theoretical perspective also affects scope. * Integrate findings to develop preliminary answers – shares this – process sometimes has therapeutic effect – feedback | Screening | * Screening - an assessment process that attempts to identify psychological problems or predict the risk of future problems among people who are not referred for clinical assessment * All members of group are given a brief measure for which some identified cutoff score indicates the possibility of significant problems, e.g. Centre for Epidemiological Studies-D (CES-D) – possibility of depression. * General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) – broad-based – indicates if more thorough evaluation is needed. * AUDIT test – 10-item screen to identify substance abuse * To evaluate usefulness of screening, they must have: * Sensitivity – ability of the screener/instrument to identify a problem that actually exists...
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...jdonal15@kennesaw.edu Telephone: (404) 654-3411; (only for sudden emergencies please) Textbook: Myers, D. (2010). Psychology. (9th Ed.). Belmont, CA: Worth Publishers. ISBN-10: 1-4292-1597-6 ISBN-13: 978-1-4292-1597-8 NOTE: This specific book is a requirement of the course *Additional reading or video assignments will be made throughout the course. Course Description Explores the scientific approach to the study of psychological phenomena, human development, learning and thinking, motivation and emotion, perception, testing and measurement, personality and behavior. Course Objectives The primary objective of this course is to provide a general overview of the major areas of psychology by discussing basic terms, concepts, principles, and methods of psychology. This class will provide you with an introduction to the following areas of psychology: the history of psychology, personality, learning, human development, stress, abnormal psychology, psychotherapy, research methods, intelligence, and social psychology. In addition, I want you to understand these major areas of psychology and apply concepts learned in class to everyday life via the development of critical thinking skills and effective study strategies and habits. This course is also meant to prepare those taking classes for which PSY 1101 is a prerequisite. Student Learning Outcomes The successful completion of this class will enable you to: o Acquire...
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...Is it possible for children to hurt their future selves socially by spend multiple hours a day on electronic devices in their youth? Sara, from Institute of HeartMath (2012) A website devoted to healthy living states "The fear is not only that this technology is replacing traditional children's activities but that it also may be diminishing social-interaction skills, the ability to relate to the world around them and their empathy for others." But not everyone agrees, there are as many people that promote the use of electronic devices for educational purposes with young children as there are against it. In this essay we will discuss the pro's and the cons of children and technology. The different type of media and the effects they can have on children. Some children seem to be born with the ability to adapt social interaction and the use of media devices. Being able to utilize technology to help a child advance in life by teaching them basic education is helpful in preparing a child for their future. Media devices are useful in helping to educate children, but they cannot replace the day to day social interaction a child requires early in life. It is the responsibility of the parent to make sure that a child gets enough social interaction with other children so that they learn how to relate to others in a group. It is said that a child is like a sponge they absorb information constantly so by making sure that they are absorbing the right kind of information is paramount...
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...3733/ca.v064n04p183. October-December 2010. Author Affiliations C.M. Aldwin is Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, Oregon State University, Manoa. L.A. Yancura is Associate Professor, Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, University of Hawai'i, Manoa. Abstract Although older adults are thought to experience more stress and to be more vulnerable to its adverse effects, they often report less stress than younger adults and sometimes show more resilience. Paradoxically, while stress sometimes has long-term positive effects on well-being, studies differ as to whether this increases or decreases with age. We conclude that older individuals have learned to appraise and cope differently with stress. This protects them in spite of their increased physiological vulnerability and may also increase the possibility of stress-related growth and optimal aging. Full Text [View Enlargement] As people age their health trajectories tend to diverge, with some developing multiple chronic conditions and others maintaining good health; stress may play a role in this aspect of aging. Over the past century, remarkable changes have occurred in the life expectancy and quality of life of older adults. Individuals born in the United States in 1900 had an average life expectancy of 47.3 years; those born in 2004 are expected to live 77.8 years on average (NCHS 2006). Life expectancy projections for residents of...
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...ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research project would not have been possible without the support of many people. The authors wish to express their gratitude to the following individuals who generously offered help, invaluable assistance, support and guidance: The Almighty God, for giving the researchers the strength, courage and good health to carry out this study. Parents of the researchers, for their never-ending all out support morally and financially, for the encouragement that made the completion of this work possible; Mr. Paul Sherwind Belciña, the adviser, for being there, guiding the researcher and sharing his expertise and knowledge; Dr. Imelda Lagrito, the Chairman for the Social Behavioral Sciences, for assisting and permitting the researchers to conduct this study in the Department’s Psychotherapy Laboratory and for being one of the respectable panelists, for her intellectual advice and support in pursuing this research to its completion; Dr. Arlene Sotelo, the researcher’s thesis coordinator for her patience and understanding towards blemishes. To the panel members; Miss Najie B. Responte, Dr. Virginia P. Mollaneda, Dr. Araceli P. Villacarlos, and Dr. Louise Anne D. Librando for their valuable suggestions and intellectual advice for the refinement of this study; Dr. Leovigildo Manalo, the researcher’s statistician for sharing his knowledge and skills with the statistical procedure needed for the study. Dr. Renita Calago, Principal for the Elementary Department...
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...PYC4808/101/0/2014 Tutorial letter 101/0/2014 Ecosystemic Psychology PYC4808 or PSY474V Year module Department of Psychology IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This tutorial letter contains important information about your module. 2 CONTENTS Page 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 3 1.1 Tutorial matter ................................................................................................................................. 5 2 PURPOSE OF AND OUTCOMES FOR THE MODULE ............................................................... 5 2.1 Purpose .......................................................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Outcomes ....................................................................................................................................... 6 3 LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS .................................................................................... 7 3.1 Lecturer(s) ...................................................................................................................................... 7 3.2 Department ..................................................................................................................................... 7 3.3 University .......................................................................................................
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...Cyber and Traditional Bullying Victimization as a Risk Factor for Mental Health Problems and Suicidal Ideation in Adolescents Rienke Bannink1, Suzanne Broeren1, Petra M. van de Looij – Jansen2, Frouwkje G. de Waart2, Hein Raat1* 1 Department of Public Health, Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 2 Municipal Public Health Service Rotterdam area, Rotterdam, the Netherlands Abstract Purpose: To examine whether traditional and cyber bullying victimization were associated with adolescent’s mental health problems and suicidal ideation at two-year follow-up. Gender differences were explored to determine whether bullying affects boys and girls differently. Methods: A two-year longitudinal study was conducted among first-year secondary school students (N = 3181). Traditional and cyber bullying victimization were assessed at baseline, whereas mental health status and suicidal ideation were assessed at baseline and follow-up by means of self-report questionnaires. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to assess associations between these variables while controlling for baseline problems. Additionally, we tested whether gender differences in mental health and suicidal ideation were present for the two types of bullying. Results: There was a significant interaction between gender and traditional bullying victimization and between gender and cyber bullying victimization on mental health problems. Among boys, traditional and cyber bullying victimization...
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