...Mpdm[ms[smd[sm[m blah What is number sense? Number sense refers to a person's general understanding of number and operations along with the ability to use this understanding in flexible ways to make mathematical judgments and to develop useful strategies for solving complex problems. Number sense develops gradually, and varies as a result of exploring numbers, visualizing them in a variety of contexts, and relating them in ways that are not limited by traditional algorithms. Most children acquire this conceptual structure informally through interactions with parents and siblings before they enter kindergarten (Marshall 2010) . Other children who have not acquired it require formal instruction to do so. For example, one child may enter school knowing that 8 is 3 bigger than 5, whereas a student with less well-developed number sense may know only that 8 is bigger than 5. Other children may have very well-developed number sense and may have a strategy for figuring out how much bigger 8 is than 5 using fingers or blocks. This number sense not only leads to automatic use of math information, but also is a key ingredient in the ability to solve basic arithmetic computations. Knowing that 15 is much further away from 8 than 11 requires an... What is number sense? Number sense refers to a person's general understanding of number and operations along with the ability to use this understanding in flexible ways to make mathematical judgments and to develop useful strategies...
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...Teaching Statistics and Probability is great for promoting problem solving and critical thinking, enhancing communication, developing number sense, and applying computation. As it applies to every day situations and appeals to our sense of fairness, it is very close in nature to inquiry based learning. Children encounter ideas of statistics and probability outside of school every day. The data students see are often represented graphically, statistically, or probabilistically. Weather reports are just one example of probability data we hear on the news. Begin teaching probability by formulating questions. “How many children in this class prefer to eat apples?” Children are familiar with line plots, which they learned earlier, review and build on that knowledge. Next step in teaching probability is to teach to collect data: observations, survey and questionnaires, experiments, interviews, simulations, poles, examining records, and searching info sources. It is important to teach kids to use appropriate methods of collecting data. Next step is to analyze data, represent it graphically. Representing data is done in a concrete way first (laying objects on the graph), and moving towards pictorial representation (drawing a chart with pictures of items being compared), and then symbolic (line plot, pie chart). Help students understand graphic representations by asking questions about the chart. Different ways to represent graphically: line plots, stem and leaf plots, box plots, picture...
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...“What is the impact of parental separation in young children and how can parents support their children throughout and after separation?” Separation can be a very daunting experience in young children’s lives and can impact severely on their growing skills; such as communication and social skills. Children can become vulnerable. Children need the continuing affection and support of both parents. “Not all parents are able to continue a relationship with their children after separation. There are no easy solutions to these difficult situations” According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the number of children under 18 years of age affected by divorce has decreased from 46,337 in 2010 to 43,867 in 2011. The average number of children per divorce was 1.9. Although there were no statistics taken recently, the numbers show a significant amount of children affected by divorce. During my survey of ‘impact of separation on children’, 100% of the people taking the survey knew someone that has been divorced or separated with children. My first key finding is that because of a young child’s sense of time perception, that separation between the child and the parent has a confronting impact on their emotional wellbeing. Children under two will often have a stronger emotional and physical dependence on their primary carer. A child at that age has a vastly different concept of time compared to older children, leading to issues with parenting arrangements. The needs of the child need...
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...big toe moves toward the top surface of the foot and the other toes fan out after the sole of the foot has been firmly stroked. * Social development * Social behavior based on the social relationship experienced Parenting Styles (enumerate and describe) Parenting Style | Parent Behavior | Child’s Behavior | 1 Authoritarian Parenting | These parents have high demands, but are not responsive to their children. According to Baumrind, these parents "are obedience- and status-oriented, and expect their orders to be obeyed without explanation" (1991). | Children resulting from this type of parenting may have less social competence because the parent generally tells the child what to do instead of allowing the child to choose by him or herself. | 2 Authoritative Parenting | They are assertive, but not intrusive and restrictive. Their disciplinary methods are supportive, rather than punitive. They want their children to be assertive as well as socially responsible, and self-regulated as well as cooperative" (1991). | This is supposed to result in children having a higher self esteem and independence because of the...
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...reinforces their focus on the people and things they love. Since, it is widely regarded that humans, specifically children, are creatures of habit, the state of one’s home has been known to physiologically influence their behavior, emotions, and overall mental and physical health (Leichsenring, 2003). More specifically, the home provides a basis for enculturation, where it establishes the grounds for accepted norms and values within a social framework; dictating what is culturally permissible within this social setting. For children, the enculturation into the guidelines, rituals, expectations and social practices and assumptions present within the home, orients them, by providing a sense of acceptance, belonging and reality. Typically, the widespread assumptions of safety, protection and wellbeing for children are often associated with the dynamic between the family and home. However, recent revelations indicate that the home is increasingly becoming the grounds for the physical victimization of children. Children being vulnerable and socially naive, are unable to decipher between what is right and wrong and are often victimized by this seemingly caring and safe institution. Moreover, these children’s sense of reality and home are defined by their understanding of the norms and boundaries present within their own home environment. Essentially, everything these children have acquired and become grounded in, with respect...
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...The majority of students participate in non-academic and academic activities at school and, in doing so, develop a sense of belonging or, as described by Roffey (2016) a ‘sense of connectedness’. They have friends at the school, good relationships with teachers and classmates and they are committed to adhering to the school’s values. However a number of children are not engaged. They do not feel accepted by their teachers or peers nor do they feel the school is beneficial to them. This negative attitude towards schooling leads to children withdrawing and becoming alienated from school, disrupting classes and negatively affecting other pupils (Willms 2003). This paper will focus on the importance of creating a sense of belonging to create a...
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...1. Within today’s economy it is very easy to lose everything 2. The US leads all industrialized nations in numbers of homeless women and children. 3. Homelessness is hurting the American family, to many children are homeless this is not just a problem with older adults. 4. Most children in these types of situations are prone to a life of crime or a sense of loneliness. 5. Most children in these types of situations are prone to a life of crime or a sense of loneliness. 6. While that number is equally divided among males and females, the majority of them are between the ages of 15 and 17. 7. Family shelters and programs that fight homelessness could put a lot of these problems to a halt. 8. To get a better idea on how this organization could help fight homelessness in Philadelphia, I've spoken to a few families who are homeless. 9. Ultimately we must encourage citizens to get involved in addressing the challenges of homelessness. I’m still re-writing a lot of this project, I gave it to me brother to read. He gave me a few suggestions on the paper, and what he would do to change it. I’m still trying to get that good conclusion, which has been the hard part. I still don’t think my paper is ready for me to send it in to Kaplan for a review. But I plan on working on it until the last day I have to submit the project. When was the last time you walked around downtown Philadelphia Pa.? Was it recently, a few days ago, how about a few months; or is it...
Words: 349 - Pages: 2
...business today, difficult to manage relationships sabotage more business than anything else - it is not a question of strategy that gets us into trouble; it is a question of emotions. 2. Write a short note on the marshmallow experiment. Answer: In the 1960s, psychologist Walter Mischel performed an experiment known as the "marshmallow test" with 4-year-old children. He placed one marshmallow in front of a child and told the child it could be eaten now, but if the child waited, he or she could have an extra marshmallow. Dr. Mischel would then leave the room for 15 to 20 minutes, while cameras captured the child's struggle. Some children were unable to hold out and would eat the marshmallow before Dr. Mischel returned, whereas other children were able to control themselves in order to receive that second marshmallow. Dr. Mischel then studied his subjects as teenagers, and found that the children who were able to resist the instant gratification of the marshmallow were more successful as teenagers. The kids who had eaten the marshmallow were lonely, easily frustrated and susceptible to stress, but the children who waited performed better on standardized tests, enjoyed greater popularity among peers and demonstrated more confidence....
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...environment provides time and opportunities for children to experience and respond creatively to their world. The learning environment is social in nature, providing a secure and stimulating climate for all children. It provides time and opportunities for children to take appropriate risks and to explore and investigate their world. Children have experiences which encourage them to interact with others, to develop interpersonal skills, and to work and learn cooperatively." (p. 3) Lombardi (1992) notes that the early childhood environment should be based on developmentally appropriate practice: "Programs for young children should not be seen as either play-oriented or academic. Rather, developmentally appropriate practice, whether in a preschool or a primary classroom, should respond to the natural curiosity of young children, reaffirm a sense of self, promote positive disppositions towards learning, and help build increasingly complex skills in the use of language, problem solving, and cooperation." Effective Grouping Practices An important organizational issue in early childhood education is the grouping of children. Traditionally, children have been grouped by grade-level designations according to age and ability. Many effective early childhood programs do not follow this graded grouping pattern, however, and instead are using a nongraded approach. According to Gaustad (1992), "Nongraded education is the practice of teaching children of different ages and ability levels together...
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...many children after they have grown up they eventually find out that they are not the biological child of the two parents who have raised them. Surely knowing that they are only adopted children is very painful. It really hurts. So as parents what actions would you take after the children you have raised know the actual condition? Why do spouses have to adopt a child? Spouses sometimes have difficulty having children until they finally decided to raise a child as their heart entertainer. But parents sometimes do not realize that raising a child will become a problem later on if the child knows that they are only adopted children. When parents decide to adopt children, they should be able to keep it secret by moving to a new house or moving to another city. It's very important to keep the adopted child's feelings. I know a friend of mine who is in fact an adopted child. He told me he was deeply hurt when he found out he was only an adopted child. His foster parents kept it secret but neighbors let the cat out of the bag. He overheard a conversation that mentioned him being an adopted child. He was not brave enough to ask his parents. In my opinion, adopted child or biological child is not a problem. Adopted child who has grown up since he or she was a baby is just like a child of their own. He will have the nature of people who raised him. What's the use of having a biological child, but we never take care of and raise them? Parents who have adopted children since...
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...Topic: "It takes a village to raise a child." The education of your children is the task of the community as a whole, not merely the province of teachers and local school administrators. Essay: Albert Einstein said: "Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school”. Real education is not only pieces of knowledge children get, real education is also the way children think and what they believe in. That is why the education of anyone’s children is the task of a whole community, not only school teachers and administrators. Normally, parents and schoolteachers serve as the main educational sources for a child. A truly educated child, besides having basic school knowledge, has to have a sense of honesty and dignity. But if parents want to install those notions in their children, they need to place them in a surrounding that encourages a positive type of behavior. Inspite of all the positive influence from the behalf of the teaching staff, the children may still end up taking a sideway in life if they are exposed to detrimental influence from the behalf of poorly behaved children with whom they spend a significant portion of their time. When away from the family cradle, children seek to recreate the removed sense of security by electing a leader who surrogates their parents. Unfortunately, that role is often assumed by the most dominant and aggressive individuals thus creating an unhealthy environment where cruelty and the absence of moral govern...
Words: 492 - Pages: 2
...disproportionately targets African-American students, students being alienated and never returning to school after being suspended or expelled are all byproducts of the zero tolerance policies adopted by their school district. School administrators have abandoned common sense due to their adherence to zero tolerance policies by applying the same discipline to students that are guilty of minor offenses and non-violent rules violations, or just poor judgment as they due to students that are repeat offenders that pose serious threats to the safety of the school. Under the Zero Tolerance policies African-American students are suspended at an approximate rate of 2.3 times that of Caucasian students nationally even when socio-economic factors are taken into consideration. These one-size fits all policies are also contributing to the elevated dropout rates related to repeated use of suspension and expulsion. The illusion that zero tolerance policies are making our schools safer has blinded school administrators to the fact that these draconian policies are contributing to the education problem in America. | Abstract . The Zero Tolerance policies that have been implemented in public school systems has eliminated common sense in determining disciplinary action, are racially biased, and are contributing to the growing population of high school dropouts. Strict adherence to so called Zero Tolerance policies has resulted in students being handcuffed, arrested and expelled from schools across...
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...chance admission to a charter school. Guggenheim lays the blame for the failing public education system at the feet of the various teachers unions, and makes a plea for the public in general to get involved in reforming the system. By analyzing Waiting for Superman through a sociological perspective, issues of inequality will be explained using the theoretical approach of the conflict perspective. Waiting for Superman begins with the director, David Guggenheim driving past the Los Angeles public schools as he takes his own children to a private school. Guggenheim starts to explain the problems with public education, in regards to how it is failing our society in general, and that the only way for the average family to escape it, is luck. The documentary follows five children, four are minorities from lower income families and one is white from an affluent area of California. All five face the same problem, a public education system that views them as numbers that feed the system. They are not considered for their individual talents or shortcomings. They are all doomed to follow a predestined track, developed by a bureaucracy that favors the welfare of the teachers over the students. Guggenheim presents to the audience charter schools, an alternative to public education. These schools are not controlled by the normal bureaucratic processes and teachers unions. They are free to hire and promote based on performance. The idea of tenure is left by the wayside. Tenure is...
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...Assignment 2: Number Sense Part One: Primary Source: Starr, Libertus, & Brannon (2013) Review the research article to answer the following questions: 1. The purpose of this research was to demonstrate a relationship between ANS acuity during infancy and math achievement later in childhood. 2. This research was conducted using a longitudinal study design of 6 month old infants and 3 and a half year old children. 3. Researchers define the approximate number system as a cognitive ability that allows us to infer an approximation of numbers without the need to count or rely on numerical symbols. 4. It was important for researchers to test ANS before formal education because learning the early math concepts such as the verbal counting system may make ANS acuity greater. 6 month old infants are not familiar with verbal or written...
Words: 480 - Pages: 2
...It provides only a sample of instructional strategies and examples. The goal of every teacher should be to guide students in understanding & making sense of the mathematics they are presented. Construction directions: Print on cardstock. Cut the tabs on each page starting with page 2. Cut the bottom off of this top cover to reveal the tabs for the subsequent pages. Staple or bind the top of all pages to complete your flip book. Compiled by Melisa Hancock (Send feedback to: melisa@ksu.edu) 1 Mathematical Practice Standards (MP) summary of each standard 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Mathematically proficient students interpret and make meaning of the problem looking for starting points. In Kindergarten, students begin to build the understanding that doing mathematics involves solving problems and discussing how they solved them. Students explain to themselves the meaning of a problem and look for ways to solve it. Younger students may use concrete objects or pictures to help them conceptualize and solve problems. They may check their thinking by asking themselves, ―Does this make sense?‖ or they may try another strategy. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Mathematically proficient students make sense of quantities and their relationships. Younger students begin to recognize that a number represents a specific quantity. Then, they connect the quantity to written symbols. Quantitative reasoning entails...
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