...“It’s probably not cancer.” My doctor uttered this statement two years ago with a nonchalance that startles me to this day. At the time, I had no idea that the mass recently found in my abdomen could even be cancer. Suddenly, something that I had not previously considered in regards to my own life became all too real. I quickly realized that no person -- regardless of age, gender, or socio-economic status—is exempt from experiencing true pain or fear. More than anything, this made me realize how lucky I am in every aspect of my life, and I became overwhelmed with empathy for those who were not so lucky. I tell you this story because I consider it the first stepping-stone of many in my journey to become a nurse. My desire to pursue nursing evolved...
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...thus far. Intertwined through my experiences of the past few years is the presence and influence of Mary Grace, a little girl I have cared for, loved and learned from. Through the time I spent with her I was helped to realize that this work fulfilled me in a way I had not felt before. I began to reconsider where I wanted my future to take me. I contemplated a career in nursing as I felt being a caregiver was the path for me. When I graduated high school with honors and was accepted early to James Madison University pre-nursing program, I thought I knew what the next four years would bring. However it didn’t take long for me to realize JMU wasn’t a good fit for me. I struggled with my academics because I was so unhappy and never really felt like I fit in with any of my classmates. Perhaps it was the change in environment from urban to rural. I was aware the first year away from home and close friends and my support system would take an adjustment but that comfort level never happened. Following a very unhappy freshman year I moved back home to began J. Sargeant Reynolds that fall, continuing with nursing. It was at this time that I began working with Mary Grace again. Her parents have been family friends for years and I knew Mary Grace had been diagnosed with Rett Syndrome, but not much about the syndrome itself. Retts is a developmental disorder seen almost exclusively in females. Mary Grace developed normally and hit all her milestones until she was a year old. That’s...
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...INTRODUCTION This essay is all about discharge care planning and will be discussed in two parts, the first part will highlight patient profile, assessment and discharge care planning with evidence based rationale using a framework based on Roper- Logan-Tierney (2000) model of nursing which involve giving nursing care holistically by using 12 activities of living (AL) and also incorporate nursing process to carry out care plan in this essay, which are maintaining a safe environment, communicating, breathing, eating and drinking, eliminating, personal cleansing and dressing, controlling body temperature, walking and playing, mobilising, sleeping expressing sexuality and dying. Also with the above mentioned framework, factors influencing the activities of living which include biological, psychological, socio-cultural, environmental and political economic will be considered. Also demonstration of how discharges are planned and problems identified will be discussed, which will involve members of the multidisciplinary team (MDT) and their roles in the patients care, education and support for family/carers. The second part will explore how recent health service legislation has influenced this care plan and its impact on caring of older people with long term condition. In this essay, issues on professional values according to Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Code of Professional Conduct (2008), which include consent, confidentiality, respect and dignity will be undertaking. For the...
Words: 297 - Pages: 2
...Term Papers, Essays and Research DocumentsThe Research Paper Factory"">JoinSearchBrowseSaved Papers"">Home Page » Other Topics Discharge Planning In: Other Topics Discharge Planning INTRODUCTIONThis essay is all about discharge care planning and will be discussed in two parts, the first part will highlight patient profile, assessment and discharge care planning with evidence based rationale using a framework based on Roper- Logan-Tierney (2000) model of nursing which involve giving nursing care holistically by using 12 activities of living (AL) and also incorporate nursing process to carry out care plan in this essay, which are maintaining a safe environment, communicating, breathing, eating and drinking, eliminating, personal cleansing and dressing, controlling body temperature, walking and playing, mobilising, sleeping expressing sexuality and dying. Also with the above mentioned framework, factors influencing the activities of living which include biological, psychological, socio-cultural, environmental and political economic will be considered. Also demonstration of how discharges are planned and problems identified will be discussed, which will involve members of the multidisciplinary team (MDT) and their roles in the patients care, education and support for family/carers. The second part will explore how recent health service legislation has influenced this care plan and its impact on caring of older people with long term condition. In this essay, issues on professional...
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...One of the steps for my admission into the Bachelor of Science in nursing was to pass the language competency. I studied decades ago, and all my education was in French. I can speak, understand and read English however writing is not my forte. Writing the dreaded essay in English for the admission language competency was the most important moment in my English literacy development because it made me realize the difference between talking and writing also that through my career I did not develop any writing skills and that furthermore to pursue my dream I would have to acquire this skill. I was relieved when I heard that I would not have to write an essay as part of my admission process at Western Governors University. I did not expect to be required to write one at the English test on that Saturday morning. The last time I passed it, some twenty years ago, it was almost too easy; just some very basic questions with very short answers. To top it off, I had no interest or knowledge on the subject. I knew I needed to learn how to write essays and I was willing to learn. I was sweating, looking at the clock and I could not begin to...
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...imagination. I am innately depraved, yet I am made perfect. I plan my day with the knowledge that “Everything is meaningless” (Ecclesiastes 1:2), but I must “make the most of every opportunity” (Colossians 4:5). I search for simple answers, but find only complex questions. Once, on my way to a wrestling tourname whether living in an abode which rotated near the speed of light would result in my being younger (utilizing the Theory of Relativity) and stronger (utilizing the properties of adaptation along with the definition of centripetal and gravitational force) that I failed to realize that I had left my wrestling shoes in my locker. My mother says that my decision to wrestle is indicative of the fact I don’t think. Through working in a nursing home, the most important lesson I’ve learned is that I have many lessons yet to learn. Thus the most valuable knowledge I possess reminds me how little knowledge I have. Often times people make the mistake of assuming that mutually exclusive qualities bear no relationship to one another. Not so! These dichotomies continuously redefine each other. In some cases one is totally dependent on the other’s existence. What is faith without doubt? Without one, the other does not exit. When juxtaposed, opposites create a dialectic utterly more profound and beautiful than its...
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...Assessment tools are useful for nursing care as they can act as a guideline while trying to assess patients. Finding the right assessment tool to match the nursing care going to be given is important. All assessment tools may not match the type of care going to be given. It is important to evaluate the assessment tool not only to match the care, but also to make sure the tool is thorough and useful. The three assessment tools discussed in this essay are an admission assessment by Pamela Craig, a nursing needs assessment tool by the Department of Health Social Services and Public Safety, and a physical assessment tool by F.A. Davis. The admission assessment by Pamela Craig was designed through evaluation of the previous admission assessment tool in which Pamela Craig redesigned it to fix the flaws of the old one. The tool begins with baseline vitals upon admission, with the inclusion of how the patient was brought to the facility and from where. The tool includes allergies, with a section specific to latex allergies. It includes who the information is obtained from, in case the information is not able to be obtained from the patient. There is a place for family history information, as well as history of past diagnoses for the patient. There is a section for nutrition that includes questions about weight loss, nausea and vomiting, enteral feeding, and changes in appetite. The physical assessment part of the assessment tool covers each system. There are boxes to check within each...
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...Rn to Bsn Admission Essay Ellen Dillard BSN Admission Essay After researching a variety of different programs I have found that the RN to BSN program at Michigan State University is the program in which will best help me to personally grow as a professional nurse. I have always been extremely dedicated to my goals and proved that as I earned my BS in Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science from Michigan State University in 2007. I then went on to receive my ADN from Schoolcraft College in 2011, which has led me to my position as a licensed RN at an acute rehab center. After working as a licensed RN for the past year I have discovered that I would like to strengthen my skillset in my field by going back to school yet again, this time to receive my BSN. During this past year I have realized my ability to lead, teach, and communicate well with others. I am confident with the skillset that I have developed while earning my ADN and feel that at this point in my career I would like to develop my skillset even further. As a professional in the ever changing field of nursing, I feel it imperative to continue my education so that I can provide the best care possible for my patients. Continuing to build upon my knowledge base of disease processes, nursing research, and also strengthening my critical thinking skills is essential in order for me become the best nurse I can be. The BSN program at Michigan State University will do just that. The flexibility and convenience...
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...INTRODUCTION This essay is all about discharge care planning and will be discussed in two parts, the first part will highlight patient profile, assessment and discharge care planning with evidence based rationale using a framework based on Roper- Logan-Tierney (2000) model of nursing which involve giving nursing care holistically by using 12 activities of living (AL) and also incorporate nursing process to carry out care plan in this essay, which are maintaining a safe environment, communicating, breathing, eating and drinking, eliminating, personal cleansing and dressing, controlling body temperature, walking and playing, mobilising, sleeping expressing sexuality and dying. Also with the above mentioned framework, factors influencing the activities of living which include biological, psychological, socio-cultural, environmental and political economic will be considered. Also demonstration of how discharges are planned and problems identified will be discussed, which will involve members of the multidisciplinary team (MDT) and their roles in the patients care, education and support for family/carers. The second part will explore how recent health service legislation has influenced this care plan and its impact on caring of older people with long term condition. In this essay, issues on professional values according to Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Code of Professional Conduct (2008), which include consent, confidentiality, respect and dignity will be undertaking. For the...
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...| Admission Essay to University of Miami Elizabeth Akande | | | My name is Elizabeth Akande and I am seeking for an admission into the Master’s degree program at University of Miami (UM) at the School of Nursing. I have always believed in giving back to the community and in sharing my competencies and skills with others. My desire to help people in the field of nursing has powered my decision to take up a graduate degree in Nursing. Overcoming the many challenges in my life has helped me to believe that I can reach any goal I have set for myself, and one of these lifelong goals is to become a nurse practitioner and to obtain my graduate diploma from a respectable institution. I have had my fair share of obstacles and trials, and if not for the generosity and kindness of others and of the Almighty God, I may not have gone this far in my journey. My life has been one great challenge, but the trials that I have faced did not discourage me from my goals. Taking care of my family, working full time, and looking after my two elderly parents may not be the picture of a perfect life, but I have managed to make the best use of my time and my resources, to give equal attention to the people I love as well as the career that I have chosen for myself. My father has had spinal stenosis for 16 years now and is currently living with me. My mother, who is now 73 years old, also...
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...Communication is a key skill for any health care professional, but for nurses, we ‘are in an occupation that has interpersonal communication at its core. Virtually all nursing work revolves around the need for nurses to be effective communicators, whether relating to colleagues or with service users. (Morrall 2001). This essay seeks to discuss an evidence based experience learnt in clinical practice. For the purpose of this essay the author has chosen communication skills, since it is the basis for which verbal, non verbal and written ideas are conferred among the nursing staff. Some key policies and evidence taken from (research evidence or from this essay) will be identified and discussed. It also seeks to conclude with a general analysis from the overall main findings of this essay. The National Midwifery Council (NMC) (2008) state that nurses must take part in appropriate learning and practice activities that maintain and develop their competence and performance. As a nurse in training, I had been given the opportunity to complete a four weeks placement in a rehabilitation unit. The services provided included the admission of patients requiring rehabilitation therapy and specialist nursing attention. I was elected by my mentor to sit in their weekly review meeting consisting of the Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) in order to facilitate my learning objectives. As a student my role was to observe how the MDT addressed, planned and implemented patient care. This was necessary...
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...shift in the Emergency Medicine Department (EMD). Using the Gibbs Reflection Cycle (Jasper, 2003) to guide me in this essay, I will be discussing about how my nursing managers practice transformational leadership in this reflection essay to motivate me to improve me as a better critical thinking registered nurse in EMD. Description This unfortunate incident happened in my work area, where patient with critical conditions receive treatment, Patient Acuity Category (PAC) 1. It was a busy shift and there were dozens of critical cases coming in...
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...Adjustment to Health Change or Crisis The following essay will describe the understanding that I have gained regarding a person who is adjusting to their health change. Throughout the essay I will be referring to the patient as John, and his wife as Sally, therefore adhering to the Nursing and Midwifery Council (2008) guidelines upholding confidentiality. John’s background will be summarised and key terminology being used throughout the essay clarified. I will underpin my essay with theory relevant to adjustment and coping, linking the theory to the interventions that were implemented while John was on the ward. Demonstration on how these interventions were effective and significance in supporting John with his adjustment will be shown, concluding with my own professional development. John is 68 years old; I met him while on placement. John was admitted to the ward after deterioration in his mental state at home. John has a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Dementia (AD) and has recently become confused and was becoming aggressive, both verbally and physically with his family and friends. According to Jacoby,Oppenheimer (2003) reported aggression towards carers from people with AD is high and is generally the reason for the person to have a hospital admission. Sally was finding it increasingly difficult to manage his needs and her own health was suffering. John was also unsafe to be left at home alone due to his tendency to wander and his inability to recognise his...
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...3000 word essay on patient with left sided stroke with one identified health need/problem: Dysphagia Student Name: Dashante` Burgess Green Cohort- Group 1 Module: NIP 1000 Word count: 3,010 A stroke is a life changing disease and sudden attack of weakness to one side of the body resulting from a interruption to the flow of blood going to the brain that can be a minor attack and resolved in a few days or major attack leaving the person with physical disabilities and cognitive deficit (McFerran 2008). Therefore, stroke can affect the quality of life of an individual from the lack of communication, mobility and independence and intern can cause one to become depressed. This essay is concerning the case of Mr. Alfred Smith who was admitted to hospital with muscle and facial weakness with asymmetry and no movement to the left side of his body. He was eventually diagnosed with left-sided stroke resulting in right-sided hemiplegia affecting his balance and mobility. With the many health problems associated with stroke this essay will focus more on the problem of dysphagia and the patient’s needs related to this particular problem. Dysphagia is a condition in which the action of swallowing is either difficult or where the swallowed material seems to be held in its passage (McFerren 2008). The assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation (A.P.I.E) of the patient on admission and discharge will be discussed in further and more precise detail throughout the essay while maintaining...
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...ADMISSION CARDIOTOCOGRAPHS In the United Kingdom (UK), there is well documented evidence that labour care is dominated by technology interventions (Davis-Floyd & Dumit 1998, Sinclair 2001). One of the most common interventions is the use of Cardiotocographs. The Cardiotocograph (CTG) is one form of fetal assessment that simultaneously records fetal heart rate (FHR), fetal movements and uterine contraction patterns (Nielson & Mistry 2000). Spencer (1992) also describes cardiotocography (CTG) as a composite record of fetal heart rate and uterine activity, which act as a diagnostic test of fetal condition whenever acute or chronic complications arise. Monitoring of fetal heart rate became a widespread practice during the 1970s and has remained an accepted technique for assessing fetal well being in labour until relatively recently (Gauge & Henderson 2005). However, MacLennan (1999) and Thacker et al (2001) argue that the widespread use of CTG in the clinical practice has not been supported by substantial evidence. The introduction of the Electronic Fetal Monitoring (EFM) ‘has been accompanied by confusion and difficulties with interpretation’ (Saling 1996) and ‘despite the fact that no clear evidence exists for its efficacy, especially in low-risk women’ (Murphy et al 1990) it has been integrated into maternity care, and uncertainty about its value remains (Neilson & Mistry 2000). Nevertheless, the aim of the introduction of CTG is to reduce the incidence of cerebral...
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