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Admission Language Competency

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One of the steps for my admission into the Bachelor of Science in nursing was to pass the language competency. I studied decades ago, and all my education was in French. I can speak, understand and read English however writing is not my forte. Writing the dreaded essay in English for the admission language competency was the most important moment in my English literacy development because it made me realize the difference between talking and writing also that through my career I did not develop any writing skills and that furthermore to pursue my dream I would have to acquire this skill.
I was relieved when I heard that I would not have to write an essay as part of my admission process at Western Governors University. I did not expect to be required to write one at the English test on that Saturday morning. The last time I passed it, some twenty years ago, it was almost too easy; just some very basic questions with very short answers. To top it off, I had no interest or knowledge on the subject. I knew I needed to learn how to write essays and I was willing to learn. I was sweating, looking at the clock and I could not begin to …show more content…
I have always admired people that can write well. I always pay special attention when I write to make sure it is written properly, either at work or on the internet, especially with the social media such as Face book. Since I applied for this program, I take extra time to use fewer acronyms when the time permits. I expect that, as a leader in my field, I will be required to write many reports or informative emails and I want to set a good example. I also find myself at a lost sometimes when I try to express myself, the proper words do not come out easy or fast enough for my liking. If practice makes perfect, I will gladly practice writing throughout my

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