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Nursing Philo


Submitted By tstewart0415
Words 374
Pages 2
Role of Doctor in Nursing Practice in Healthcare
Tara Stewart
University of Mobile
Concepts of Professional Nursing
Debra Chastang, MSN, RN-BC, CMSRN
June 3, 2016

Role of Doctor in Nursing Practice in Healthcare in Healthcare
Nurses play a large part in the healthcare workforce. With all the different roles and responsibilities that nurses are capable of handling in the healthcare world it is no wonder the role of the doctor in nursing practice is often misunderstood. The original goal of the DNP, as contained in the AACN position statement, was to prepare "experts in population-based practice," moving advanced practice education to the level of the practice doctorate (Grey, 2013, p. 462). Along with clinical roles the DNP allows for nurses to tackle positions in leadership that involve administration and public health. Post-master's programs emphasize content on administration, policy, and leadership so as to not repeat the clinical education provided in MSN programs. Also, there is consensus that the intent of DNP preparation is to expand the role of the advanced practice nurse (APN) to address population health, health policy, and leadership (Grey, 2013, p. 462). The role of the DNP prepared nurse appears to be clearly defined although not carried out in the workforce. With the majority of DNP educated nurse going into faculty and administration roles the question to if the original expectations of DNP programs are being met is raised.
The DNP prepares the nurses to take on specific roles in many different areas. The emphasis on quality improvement will promote nurse leaders' knowledgeable engagement in and encouragement of quality initiatives. The emphasis on collaborative team care will reinforce quality improvement at the interdisciplinary level (Dunbar-Jacob, p. 423). The role of the DNP educated nurse will be one that is much needed in the

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