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Nursing Theory: Compare/Contrast Two Theories


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Pages 10
Nursing Theory: Compare/contrast two theories


Nursing Theory: Compare/contrast two theoriesIntroduction
Theory has so far remained a strategic tool in advanced nursing practice. Firstly, nursing utilizes every feature of management science. Fortunately, the knowledge base of each and every management science takes theory into account. Theory includes methods, principles, and concepts. The principles are usually related, and can be observed and validated or verified when translated into the practice of management. Likewise, concepts are general notions, thoughts, and ideas that tend to form a basis of discussion or action. Therefore, theoretical principles guide clinical nurses to various fundamental nursing concepts and provide productive line of action in a given situation. As a result, nurses should note that taking a hermeneutic or phenomenological approach (strict natural science approach) to nursing is not only naive but also misleading in real-life-settings.
Alligood and Tomey, on the other hand, argues that prescriptive theories are often used as fundamental practice guidelines, which play a pivotal role in providing a wide range of practice situations in the nursing and nursing sector (2002). Apart from that, nursing can only become a real profession when it has both a theoretical and a scientific base. This follows the fact that nurses deal mainly with human behavior, thus, nursing is indeed a practice profession. Briefly speaking, nurse managers can achieve effective management by combining the theory of nursing with human relations,personnel management, labor relations, and industrial engineering (Smith & Parker, 2015). A successful integration or synthesis of the above disciplines promotes a great deal increased productivity, good labor relations, competitiveness, enhanced competency, and employee

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