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Obesity Rising in America


Submitted By diazdm
Words 3800
Pages 16
Obesity Rising in America Florida State College of Jacksonville

People are becoming more obese in America. According to Ferraro and Kelley-Moore (2003), "The number of people in America considered obese has been steadily rising since the 1960s, up 12 % since then. Obesity is not to be confused with being overweight. Obesity is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) greater than or equal to 30 according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute guidelines (NHLBI)" (p.708). Ferraro and Kelley-Moore (2003) go on to claim that, “Obesity is an important mediating variable between socioeconomic status and health. Persons of lower socioeconomic status are more likely to be obese, and the effect of obesity reduces the independent association between socioeconomic status and health measures” (p.724). There are many arguments about what is causing obesity, poor diet, genetics and low socioeconomic status are just a few factors blamed for obesity. Adler and Stewart (2009) reinforce Ferraro and Kelley-Moore’s findings of the correlations between socioeconomic status and obesity, “Environment also plays a role in obesity. Poor communities lack health promoting resources; for example, poorer communities have fewer supermarkets, more fast-food restaurants, and fewer accessible and safe recreational opportunities” (p.49-50). In the next ten years obesity will be at its highest rates if it continues on this path. With healthcare costs rising and obesity putting people at high risk for serious health problems, human kind will experience great social change for the worse if serious changes are not made. Adler and Stewart (2009) go on to state that, “Over the last half century, the U.S. population’s life expectancy at birth steadily increased while the leading causes of death shifted from infectious

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