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Occupational Therapy Reflective Essay

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Occupational Therapy is a stimulating career that allows you the opportunity to promote and maintain the health and well-being of our community. I enjoy being in an occupation that helps people. While at Peach Tree Acres I took time to closely observe a client using an assistive device for mobility such as a power wheelchair. The client used the power wheelchair independently for locomotion at the facility to engage in several activities in which one activity involved them getting their picture taking behind a poster board with special images on it. The client had had some difficulty adjusting their power chair just right in order to bend their head down in order to fit their head in the cut out part of the poster board to get their picture taking. …show more content…
I did notice that some clients were eager to eat a funnel cake while others just wanted to sit down at a table and eat popcorn or cotton candy. The clients I observed were able to feed themselves and the majority used their hands as a utensil to eat finger foods. Several clients actively seek engagement and others needed encouragement, an invitation, or permission to join the activity. Some clients who suffered with dementia had to be guided and reminded of the different activities and their purpose. In addition to, individuals at Peach Tree with traumatic brain injury (TBI) have changes to their personality, trouble with retention, confusion, or misjudgment. Despite the fact that, Peach Tree Acres was a different atmosphere I kept a smile on my face at all times and constantly stayed interacting with individuals. During this experienced I was very surprised how I was able to encourage and invite one particular client to join in on the activities due to that this individual usually does not participate in activities and shows little or no interest in doing

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