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Oda Nobunaga Research Paper

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Oda Nobunaga
Oda Nobunaga was born in 1534 in the Owari province in Japan and died in 1582, Kyōto, and was a warrior and daimyō during the 16th century. He is known as one of the unifiers of Japan, as he defeated the Ashikaga Shogunate and unified central Japan. By 1582 Nobunaga had gained power over central Honshu but was attacked by one of his subordinates who rebelled. Having no way to live through or escape the attack, Nobunaga performed ritual suicide, known as seppuku. Oda Nobunaga was born to a feudal lord, known as a daimyō, in the 16th century. His father was a minor lord but still managed to earn a large amount of money as well as a decent military force. When his father died, Nobunaga inherited this power and wealth, soon becoming the most powerful daimyo in his province, gaining control over Owari. He also defeated the …show more content…
His soldiers were some of the first to fight using firearms, replacing archers riding on horseback. His soldiers were also trained differently to the traditional Japanese warrior, focusing more on mass attacks from a distance than hand to hand combat. He boosted the economy by introducing free markets and opening up once private and exclusive guilds. Through his banning of monopolies the economy was no longer reliant on daimyōs who earned most of the money, instead it encouraged more business and commerce. As well as this, he improved infrastructure by building bridges and widening roads, all steps he took to unify the country by helping the transportation of soldiers, war supplies as well as commerce. Nobunaga was very interested in European culture and was one of the first Japanese officials to wear European clothing. He collected art and armour, as well as supporting the Jesuit missionaries and their Christian influence. This converted many Japanese people to Christianity, as well as promoting the western influences in

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