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Oda Nobunaga Research Paper

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On June 23, 1534 a major daimyo by the name of Oda Nobunaga was born to an insignificant daimyo, Oda Nobuhide and Oda Kichihoshi, who had some land in Owari province, near present-day Nagoya. He also had thirteen siblings: eleven brothers and two sisters:
Oda Nobuhiro (died 1574)
Oda Nobuyuki (1536–1557)
Oda Nobukane (1548–1614)
Oda Nagamasu (1548–1622)
Oda Nobuharu (1549–1570)
Oda Nobutoki (died 1556)
Oda Nobuoki
Oda Hidetaka (died 1555)
Oda Hidenari
Oda Nobuteru
Oda Nagatoshi
Oichi (1547–1583)

In his earlier life. Due to Nobunaga’s strange behavior such as associating with commoners,peasants and the lowly, he was often doubted by his peers. He even gained the nickname of “Owari no Outsuke”, meaning “the fool of …show more content…
Takeda Shingen known to be on of the strongest forces in the anti-Oda alliance and was a competitor with the Oda-Tokugawa alliance.
In 1570 Oda declared war on the Asakura clan,which had an alliance with the Azai clan. Azai Nagamasa had betrayed his alliance with Oda. After three years of fighting, Oda successfully both beat and destroyed the Asakura and Azai clans, but before Oda could reach Nagamasa , he committed seppuku and sent Oichi back to Nobunaga. Oda Nobunaga made enemies with Takeda Shingen, whom, was one of the strongest forces in the anti-oda alliance and was one of the main competitor with the Oda-Tokugawa alliance . In 1580, Oda forced Ishiyama Hongan-ji to surrender, and in 1582, he managed to destroyed the Takeda clan. Its unknown rather Oda Nobunaga was assassinated by akechi Mitsuhide or if he committed seppuku on June 21, 1582. Oda had prepared the foundation for his successors to achieve the reunification of Japan under a new bakufu.Hideyoshi and Ieyasu were able to use Oda’s previous achievements to build a united Japan. Oda’s revolutionary created one of the most modernized military forces of that time. Oda Nobunaga developed, implemented, and expanded the use of long pikes, firearms, ironclad ships, and castle fortifications. Oda had adopted and set up facilities to manufacture

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