Premium Essay

Odysseus: A True Hero

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In the Greek literature of mythology, we have examined Odysseus. Students and scholars alike debate weather Odysseus is a true hero, as read in The Odyssey. There is many supporting evidence to prove all sides of the debate and opinions held of Odysseus. It is of my opinion that Odysseus is a hero for his homeland, his family, the Greek people, and for us to learn from to this day.
To support my reasons for my topic I want to explore Odysseus in the physical strength he had to overcome extreme conditions that he faced on his journey. For example, during one part of his voyage, Odysseus came upon the Sirens. He knew that if he gave into the temptation of their song, he would be killed. Odysseus, had made wax for ear plugs for his crew to use …show more content…
After having some of the food, Odysseus and his crew waited for the owner of the cave. They found the owner to be a Cyclops named Polyphemus, a son of Poseidon. Polyphemus shut the cave with a large rock, trapping Odysseus and the crew inside. When asked his name, Odysseus told Polyphemus that his name was “No bo dy”. Polyphemus decided to eat some of Odysseus’s men. Odysseus appealed to Polyphemus on the basis of the laws of hospitality and humanity. I am impressed that he tried to save them by a logical plea for their lives based on those two laws and principles. Although Polyphemus did not recognize either and ate two of the men, Odysseus used his mental strength and mind to think of ways to appeal for their lives. I still consider his thinking to be that of a hero.
Another way Odysseus was a hero in my opinion, is because he was so brave during the Trojan conflict. Once again, he showed a mental capacity of logical thinking and mental clarity that he came up with the idea of the wooden horse with the Greek warriors inside it. With the help of Athena, they were able to convince the Trojans to take the horse into the city. The Greeks defeated the Trojans and brought the ten-year war to a conclusion. This shows an exemplary example of why Odysseus is a true hero in the Odyssey. He helped the Greeks by a brilliant …show more content…
In order to put it more simply, if Odysseus was not one of the greatest heroes, he would not be able to accomplish this voyage. Odysseus is shown by Homer as belonging to the very highest respectable heroes. Odysseus proves his mettle when faced with the opposition of the gods. Odysseus is shrewd, tough, clear-sighted, experienced, a man very well equipped to brave adversity. Just the fact that Odysseus accomplishes the trip to Hades and comes back on earth alive is something that proves Odysseus to be exceptionally heroic. I think Odysseus is a hero because he displays the most exemplary traits I feel encompass a true hero. He shows mental strength, physical strength, and spiritual strength. I

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