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Oedipus The King Literary Analysis

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Kevin Huang
Ta 381
Michael Phillips
Oedipus the King During the course of reading for Oedipus the King, the tragic hero Oedipus tries to unravel the mystery but suffers from his actions because of ignorance. Like Oedipus, we all have this primitive fear of the unknown that drives us to search and discover what is out there in the realm of unknown. Seldom do we think about the consequences that follow our primitive drive, because we live in the moment with limited perspective (first person point of view). But what if Oedipus were given a chance to critique the law maker of his destiny (the gods)? Luckily as an audience for Oedipus the King, we get the chance to step outside of the limited perspective and truly questions the world …show more content…
This is distinction made lawful. By a similar token, an equitable law is a code that a lion's share propels a minority to take after and that it will take after itself. This is equality made lawful. Give me a chance to give another clarification. A law is treacherous in the event that it is incurred on a minority that, because of being denied the privilege to vote, had no part in instituting or conceiving the law. In the universe of Greek tragic plays, gods are often the maker of unwritten laws. For instance, a center idea in Oedipus the King is that misfortunes can happen to anyone and it’s unescapable. Human beings are relatively powerless before fate or the gods in Oedipus, thus suggest people to hold a cautious humbleness in …show more content…
He certainly has fears and doubts of the prophecy. Before the revelation of him being the cause of the plague, he gives out words to his fellow people that he will save them from the plague. Also being very well-known for his ability for solving riddles, he has a lot of pressure from trying to hold his reputation. The most important element is that during the time of chaos and crisis, people will disrespect him if he doesn’t do something. A perfect example would be Kreon’s desire to take over Oedipus’

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