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Off Duty Conduct of Police Officers


Submitted By mydogmilo
Words 3592
Pages 15

Off-Duty Conduct of Police Officers
Dan Henderson

Police officers are held to a higher standard and pledge to follow the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics both on and off-duty. Some officers knowingly violate laws expecting preferential treatment if caught. This creates a double standard and fosters a lack of trust and respect by the general public. Police departments must hold officers accountable for off-duty incidents to maintain public trust and department integrity. Officers must hold each other accountable and not accept unethical or illegal behavior of any kind from a peer.

Off-Duty Behavior of Police Officers
Police officers in the United States are tasked with protecting the public from all enemies foreign and domestic. A police officer’s duties range from basic documentation of crimes that have occurred, to the active engagement, and battling of criminals to protect the citizens they serve. Police officers learn the Police Officer’s Code of Ethics while training in the police academy. They are expected to conduct themselves, both on duty and off with the Police Officer’s Code of Ethics in mind.
Public expectation of fair and equal treatment The public that police officers serve have an expectation of fair and equal treatment. The Constitution of the United States (Bill of Rights) provides guarantees to all people in the United States of America. Article the sixth (Amendment IV)
“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” (Madison, Bill of Rights of the United States of America,

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