N OV E M B E R 2 013 Building a better income statement If neither companies nor investors find GAAP reported earnings useful, it’s clearly time for a new approach. Ajay Jagannath and Tim Koller A company’s annual income statement should be Eliminating that duplicated effort should be a transparent disclosure of its revenues and simple. A commonsense revision of GAAP-based expenses that investors can readily interpret. income statements would divide the report Most aren’t, largely because income and expenses into two parts: recurring operating income in the classified according to generally accepted first and nonoperating income or expenses accounting principles (GAAP) can be difficult to and nonrecurring items in the second. Such a interpret. In fact, many sophisticated investors structure would provide investors with a tell us they have to reengineer official statements clearer summary of income and expenses. It to derive something they’re comfortable would also be consistent with two core principles using as the starting point for their valuation and for financial-statement presentation proposed assessment of future performance. In response, by a joint project of the Financial Accounting many companies—including all of the 25 largest Standards Board (FASB) and the International US-based nonfinancial companies—are Accounting Standards Board (IASB) in 2010, increasingly reporting some form of non-GAAP which state that financial-statement information earnings, which they use to discuss their should be presented “in a manner that performance with investors. disaggregates information so that it is useful in 2 predicting an entity’s future cash flows” and “portrays a cohesive financial picture of an entity’s activities.”1 to customers less the costs of