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Oil Spill Exploitation and Marine Pollution


Submitted By aminasali
Words 684
Pages 3
Amina Usman Sali
Chem. 410 (oil spill control)
Professor Linus Okoro
February 2 2012

Deep Sea oil spill cleanup Techniques: Its applicability Trade – offs and Advantages (summary review paper). Efforts have been made largely to clean up oil spill. These factors include knowing the type of oil, its density, water temperature, volume of the spill, waves, speed etc. Techniques like low tech approaches which involves containment and skimming and burning: and high tech such as varying of sophisticated dispersants e.g. giant separators have been remedies used for oil spill cleanup. Oil spill have destroyed a number of marine and terrestrial wildlife species. A terrestrial animal that depends on seafood dies of hunger due to the destruction of marine food by oil spill. Some marine animal that live and breathe in water dies off because of the contamination of water.
The first step to approach when handling oil spill cleanup is quick action. Once we find out there is a spill, speed and accuracy is important for cleanup process. Locating the source of oil spill, its size and thickness etc should follow. According to Larry Nies speed and accuracy can be achieved by using a method known as visual observation from the air, with still and photographing. This method is the cheapest but not the best, it has limitations like inability to see well due to atmospheric and sea conditions etc. A better method but expensive one is the use of airborne sensors. There are some short comes involved in detecting marine environment oil spill like the thickness of sensors etc.
Ways involved in recovery of oil spilled. (Physical recovery)
Containment and cleanup measures: Minimizing the oil spill spread in water bodies when oil is spilled is important. These will safe extra resources which could be out into clean other water bodies and also safe wild life and sea foods. With minimal oil

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