...were a member of the board of directors during the time of the Ok Tedi operations, would you have been in favor of implementing a social accounting and reporting regime in the company? If I was a member of the board of directors during the time of Ok Tedi operations, I would have been in favor of implementing a social accounting and reporting regime in the company. As social accounting is always a beneficial method for a company to maximize their profit and organizational image. Social accounting allows to see where improvements can be made so that an organization can better achieve their aims and values. It provides a continuous record of how effectively organization has developed and changed. Social accounting and reporting would help the Ok Tedi Mining company by giving feedback on how things are going from the range of people involved in the organization. As the 97% workers at the company are PNG inhabitants, it would be easy to look over them fulfill their basic needs and values. Social accounting would also identify the areas where things are working well and where not. To improve organization’s policy and perception ,it is a very appreciable way. Social accounting would help Ok Tedi Mining to work accordance with legal way and social values. Company’s decision would be more just and equitable to less powerful stakeholders. The company would meet the social responsibility and get a good organizational image from the society. The company was sued by...
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...|Course: |Coursework: |Contribution: | |COMP1309 – Web Engineering |1 of 1 |50% of course | |Coordinator: |Term/Semester: |Date Due: | |Mr Dimitrios Frangiskatos |Feb – July 2014 (Term 2) |22nd April 2014 | |Plagiarism is presenting somebody else’s work as your own. It includes: copying information directly from the Web or| |books without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort; copying another | |student’s coursework; stealing or buying coursework from someone else and submitting it as your own work. Suspected| |plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt with according to the procedures set | |down by the University. | | | |All material copied or amended from any source (e.g. internet, books) must be placed in quotation marks and in | |italics, with a full reference to the source directly underneath the...
Words: 3206 - Pages: 13
...organizational performance. The financial statements are prepared properly and accurately to provide a picture of the real situation regarding the outcome or accomplishment that has been achieved by a company for a certain period, this is the state that is used to asses financial performance. Moreover, information on the financial performance of a company is very useful for various stakeholders, such as investors, creditors, government, bankers, management itself and other parties concerned. The module Assignment is made to complete the course assessment requirements set by the teaching team (Mrs. Catur and Mrs. Maria Carmelia) for financial management subjects in the Excellent class. It required us to make the task of module analyzes the company's financial statements as listed in the task module requirements listed in the book module. We used the data from Metrodata Electronics company for the years 2008 - 2012 as the target of our analysis for the Analysis of Financial Statements. Primary data in the analysis of financial statements is a secondary data consisting of balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement and statement of retained earnings. 1.2. OBJECTIVE * General purpose To fulfill our final assignment in financial management subject at this semester. * Particular purpose To improve our knowledge and to know the implementation of the theory we got in financial management subject in the real life. Also, Ability to evaluate the...
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...are going to learn how should we order food make sure that we won’t order all soup like ‘Bruce Lee’at that time. 3. Vocabulary go Dutch split common be good order dish receipt recommend reservation Check change total tips appetizer lobster 4. Phrases 1. Do you have a reservation? 2. I prefer a window seat! 3. May I start you off with some drinks or are you ready to order now? 4. Today’s special is salad 5. Can you recommend me some thing nice ? 6. Would you like to split the bill? 7. Dinners on me tonight! 8. Check please! 9. Is the tip included in the bill? 10.I will be back with your order shortly! 5. Dialogue A : Good evening ,sir ! Do you have a reservation? B : No ,not yet! A : OK !How many people come with? B : Three! A : OK ,this way please !Would you like to sit here? B : I prefer a window seat! A : OK ,sir !This way please! B : Thank you! A : You are welcome! A : Sir. May I start you off with some drinks or are you ready to order now? B : I’d like to order now! A : Here is the menu ! Today’s special is salad. What would you like to eat? B : You know ,it’s the first time I’ve come here !Can you recommend me some thing nice ? A : OK ,sir ! That would be my pleasure ! Would you like the seafood? B : Oh , yes! A : So the lobster is pretty fresh ! Just came in this morning. Would you like to try it? B : Sure, why not ! A :...
Words: 595 - Pages: 3
...Harris, Skyler Hart, Tony Smith, Professor Yerby ITEC 2320 24 Apr 2014 Assignment 13 Issue 1 You are typing the wrong logon password. Troubleshooter: “Zone 1 help desk, this is James speaking, how may I help you?” End User: “Hello, I’m unable to logon to my computer.” Troubleshooter: “Ok, well we certainly want to get you back online as quickly as we can. What is the exact error message you are being given?” End User: “Hold on, I just tried restarting it again and it’s still powering back up.” Troubleshooter: “No problem, just let me know when you’re ready.” End User: “Ok, here we are. Ok I type the same password that I’ve been typing for the last month in this box and hit Enter. Ok, and here it says: “Incorrect End User name or password.” Troubleshooter: “Alright, let’s see if we can get to the bottom of this. What username is displayed above the password box?” End User: “Uhmm, User name… oh, ok, it says Zone1Domain/JDoe.” Troubleshooter: “And is that you? First initial J, last name Doe?” End User: “Yes, sir, that’s me.” Troubleshooter: “Ok, do me a favor and look at your keyboard. Is the light on the right side above the “A” lit? In other words, is Caps Lock on?” End User: “Believe it or not, I actually already checked, and no, Caps Lock is not on.” Troubleshooter: “Ok, well your password may have been reset or your credentials could have dropped out of the system for some reason. I am going to go ahead and reset your password to pword159. Do me...
Words: 759 - Pages: 4
...ago: about fifth century with first settlements of British Islands. Now it`s the most popular language in the world: most of schools in each country give their pupils the subject, the big companies offer job only to english-speakers, in big cities there are all advertisements with translation to English and so on. Today every language has some word from English and also there some of them that became an international. Today more than 15% of the Earth`s population can speak English, so it`s not hard question from wich language the most popular word came. Of course you know this word, it`s "okay". When somebody asks you about your feelings you may say "i`m OK!", when somebody agree with something you may say "He`s okeys" and there`re a lot of examples more. How many times per day do we use word "okay"? 5? 10? Or even more? But do we know anything of it except of the meaning (or only one of them)? I made this project to show you how it`s deep, how many faces it has and just to teach you how to use it in a correct way. Also i want to tell you about it`s history or rather histories, because linguists now days don`t know which of them is true. All it started when my teacher had offered me and some of my schoolmates to take participation in contest about English language and after that i found some interesting information about word "okay". It was really informative to me to read some stories about it's formation so I`ve decided to search the Web to learn more: I read some articles...
Words: 2607 - Pages: 11
...script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the movie by Steven Spielberg starring Tom Hanks. This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of The Terminal. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest. Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts! [pic] [Tannoy] United Airlines announcing the arrival of Flight 9435 from Beijing. Customer service representative, report to Gate C42. [repeats announcement in Mandarin Chinese] [Tannoy] All visitors to the US should line up at booths one through . [customs official] Please have your l- forms filled out. - What's the purpose of your visit? - What is the purpose of your visit? What is the purpose of your visit? Business or pleasure? Just visiting. Shopping? Au plaisir. - Pleasure. - Business. How long will you be staying? Could I see your return ticket? - What's the purpose of your visit? - Business or pleasure? Enjoy your stay. Next. [Tannoy] Please have your passports, immigration forms, l- and customs declarations ready to hand to the inspector. - Stand by. He's fishing. - [man] Copy that. See this bunch of Mickey Mouse sweatshirts? That's the tour from China,connecting to Orlando. When was the...
Words: 9538 - Pages: 39
...HOW 12 Exercise 2 Verbs (1-6 Through 1-14) Directions: .Write the correct verb form (of the verb in parentheses) in the cell at the right. If a sentence is correct, write OK in the cell. |Example: The client (payed) his outstanding balance yesterday. |paid | |1. Susan (has) called all the patients to remind them of their appointments tomorrow. |Susan called all | |2. Dr. Warner also (teachs) courses at a nearby college. |teaches | |3. If home sales continue at the same rate, we will have sold all the homes in this construction phase even |ok | |before ground (is) broken. | | |4. This baggage claim area has (laid) idle for the past 24 hours. |lain | |5. Neither applicant (has) yet submitted his resume. |ok | |6. Do you know when the city council will (chose) a new chief of police? |choose | |7. During the past few months, representatives from both sides have (lain) the groundwork for the new labor |laid ...
Words: 989 - Pages: 4
...Marketing? This paper is submitted in the partial fulfilment of Marketing Management course By FRANCES GRACEY DADZIE March 2013 SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT TO DR. FRANCIS PIROH Explain The Differences Between A Standardized And Localized Strategy. Which Are The Advantages And The Disadvantages Of Each One? Explain The Differences Between A Corporation With An Ethnocentric, Polycentric, And Geocentric Orientations. How The Concept Of Competitive Advantage Can Be Applied In International Marketing? This paper is submitted in the partial fulfilment of Marketing Management course By FRANCES GRACEY DADZIE March 2013 Standardization marketing strategy is typically applied to discussion of global businesses and a means to market a solution with uniform consistency throughout the marketing mix. This is an opposite approach to a localized strategy, under which multinational companies differentiate their product and adapt it to fit the unique needs of countries.Localization as defined by the business dictionary is where by a business operates in a number of countries, adjusts its products and practices in each at a high relative cost, with a committed operating presence in each markets of other nations. Standardization on the other hand is where by a company produces same or standardizes all the products its produces to all nations. For example coca cola drink is a standardized product that is it is the same branding, colour, taste where ever you go. OK, even though...
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...Fatimah: Hello, good morning everyone, first of all thank you for attending our first meeting. Before we continue our meeting lets me introduce our production manager Miss Nurul Hidayah Baid, Miss Siti Aisyah Mohd Hamis as our advertising managers and Miss Ramayanti as our financial managers. today our meeting agenda that we will discuss is about material quality, advertising of product and about budgeting. Ok, without wasting our time, lets proceed to our meeting. so, does everyone have a copy about our meeting agenda? All: yes we do Fatima : good, ok let start to our first agenda which is about material quality that will presented by Miss Nurul Hidayah Baid. Daya : first of all, good morning to all member and our director. I would like to discuss about our product material because from my observation, our competitor begin to change their strategy to attract the consumer. So from my opinion, i think it's also better if our company develop new strategy. As a production manager, i think it is better if we upgrade our material quality that is suitable with the weather nowadays. Aisya : I second what Miss Hidayah propose about the material quality that is should be suitable with the weather because we live in Malaysia which is we have a hot and humid weather throughout the year. People will find it is uncomfortable if they wear a super thick clothes in hot weather. Fatimah : So, any suggestion about types of material that we should choose for our product...
Words: 884 - Pages: 4
...Purpose: The purpose of this matrix is to provide guidance to those personnel involved with receiving or accepting goods and materials on behalf of the Maricopa Community College District. Best business practices support that receiving be completed through a centralized function and location. Such guidance helps ensure that the following “Key Control Objectives” and “Process Attributes” are achieved. • Goods are purchased only with proper authorization. o Goods compared to purchase orders or other purchase authorization before acceptance. o Unmatched receivers investigated; Unauthorized items identified for return to vendor. o Receipts under blanket purchase orders monitored; Quantities exceeding authorized total returned to vendor. • Goods received are recorded correctly as to account, amount, and period. o Goods counted, inspected and compared to packing slips before acceptance. o Receiving reports issued by receiving/ inspection department in pre-numbered order. o Receiving documentation, purchase order, and invoice matched before recording liability. This matrix serves to provide guidelines in which the order of steps completed may vary depending on college and circumstances. Goods POs/LPOs – Non-Capital |Non-capital and delivered to Central Receiving |Inspect for proper addressing before acceptance...
Words: 1853 - Pages: 8
...another fad diet that promises quick results and easy weight loss that appears to be almost effortless. Although it is unclear how the diet plan originated, nevertheless, it is particularly popular because it permits the dieter to eat foods that are often restricted, even forbidden, in most fad diets. At first glance, it is easy to get excited about this diet and its many food choices, however, that quickly dissipates upon a closer analysis of the caloric restrictions that have to be followed. The typical plan consists of eating three low calorie meals a day with each having a slice of bread and a pat of butter (one teaspoon) during the meal. To keep it interesting, the bread can be interchanged with different varieties such as rye, bagels, multigrain, whole wheat, and tortillas just to name a few (Bailey, para 2). The diet plan is simple and easy to follow- without a complicated menu or sophisticated recipes to follow. However, it is basically molded around a crash diet concept – lasting only four days - with the success being dependent upon consuming a low calorie eating plan. According to the Fad Diet page, this diet is a “gimmick … crash diet … that gets you to eat bread with every meal” (Fad Diet, 2001). Breakfast, the most important meal of the day, appears to be the skimpiest of all, consisting of a mere slice of bread, a pat of butter, and a half of cup of orange juice. However, there...
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... Interviewer: Yes Me: Good evening Mam Interviewer: Are you Tensed? Candidate: A little bit mam. Interviewer: Ya, Introduce yourself Candidate: while i was introducing myself she asked something related to it. Interviewer: What are all your hobbies? Candidate: Singing songs but the problem is my friends get irritated when i start to sing. Interviewer: Laugh Louder Candidate: Continued about Traveling because i have mentioned it as one of my hobby Interviewer: Where are you from? Candidate: Told and explained the specialty of my city. Interviewer: OK do you have any jobs in hand? thestudentdaily.com Candidate: No mam Interviewer: Will you Relocate? Candidate: Yes Mam. Even if you throw me in anypart of India I will work Interviewer: It's too over that's Irritating Candidate: Sorry mam Interviewer: I am just joking, tell me what do you know about Accenture Candidate: Told Interviewer: About Your Family Background Candidate: Told Interviewer: Do you have any questions for us? Candidate: What’s the right shift symbol in accenture indicates mam? Interviewer: That means we are moving forwards. Ok do well in your technical interview i just give my feedback to merittrac member. Candidate: I confident that i will be selected as i thought i moved through next round Here 46/60 was short listed for Technical Round. The Next Round was Technical Round. Candidate: May i come in Sir? Interviewer:: Yes vignesh please Candidate: Good Evening Sir Interviewer:...
Words: 562 - Pages: 3
...Carmela de Boracay is a good place to visit. Would you like to see? Ashley: what do you think guys? Melody: Let’s go! (They took a cab to La Carmela de Boracay.) (At La Carmela de Boracay) Doorman: Good afternoon, Ma’am. Welcome to La Carmela de Boracay. Nicole: Good afternoon. (They go to the Front desk.) Front desk officer: Good afternoon, Ma’am. Welcome to La Carmela de Boracay. I’m Simone. How may I help you? Nicole: We would like to see what the available rooms? Receptionist: Let me check for a while, Ma’am. Nicole: Ok, Simone. (After a few minutes) Receptionist: Our available rooms for now Ma’am are the suite room and the quad room. Nicole: What’s in your suite room? Receptionist: Suite room has 2 rooms with 1 queen size bed and 1 double size bed in each room. It also has kitchen and living room. You can also enjoy the sea side view. The bathroom has bath tub. Nicole: How much is that? Receptionist: It costs P11, 500 per night and meal is not included. Nicole: What do you think guys? Kimberly: Simone, how about the quad room? How much is that? Receptionist: The quad room costs of P8, 700 per night and the meal is not included. It has 1 queen size bed and 1 double bed. And its city view. Melody: Guys, I think the suite room is much better. Though it’s expensive, I think it’s more comfortable and beside we can enjoy the sea side view. Ashley: I agree! Kim: Me too. Ashley: How about you, Nicole? Nicole: I agree! Ashley: Ok, then! Simone, we will...
Words: 1695 - Pages: 7
...technically good physique...and ignorant band of loyal followers. Now, Cady, if we want this to work, you are gonna have to keep hanging out with them like nothing is wrong. Can you do it? CADY HERON I can do it. JANIS IAN OK, let's rock this b****. CADY HERON Pretending like nothing was wrong turned out to be surprisingly easy. GRETCHEN WIENERS Regina wanted me to tell you that she was trying to hook you up with Aaron, but he was just interested in getting her back. And that's not Regina's fault. CADY HERON No, I know. GRETCHEN WIENERS OK, so you're not mad at Regina? CADY HERON God, no. GRETCHEN WIENERS Oh, OK, good. Because Regina wanted me to give you this. (hugs) REGINA GEORGE It's called the South Beach Fat Flush, and all you drink is cranberry juice for 72 hours. AARON SAMUELS This isn't even cranberry juice. It's cranberry juice cocktail. It's all sugar. REGINA GEORGE I wanna lose 3 pounds. AARON SAMUELS You're crazy. REGINA GEORGE Why do you wear your hair like that? You hair looks so sexy pushed back. Cady, will you please tell him his hair looks sexy pushed back. CADY HERON Regina was dangling Aaron in front of me on purpose. I knew how this would be settled in the animal world. But this was Girl World. Your hair looks sexy pushed back. And in Girl World, all the fighting had to be sneaky. REGINA GEORGE All this cranberry juice is making me break out. CADY HERON Wait. I have this really good skin stuff I'll bring you. REGINA GEORGE OK. CADY HERON...
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