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Old Men Dialectical Journal

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The year was 1777. Four girls disguised themselves as men to fight in the war for independence. “Come on you guys, we have to hurry,” said Reese. Reese was the sassy leader of the group. They were going to Valley Forge, the winter camp for the Continental Army.
“Who put you in charge?” questioned Bradley. Bradley argued with Reese at any chance she could. Jackson and Archie followed behind the bickering girls and stayed quiet.
“Why do they always do this?” whined Archie. Archie was very nice, but followed everything Reese told her to do.
“I don’t want to get caught. What if we get caught” replied Jackson. Jackson was very quiet and didn’t know how to talk to people. Archie ignored Jackson’s worries, since she is always paranoid. …show more content…
We just tried to blend in,” Bethany chimed in. The man looked about 25 and had on old, scruffy looking clothes. He had a beard that didn’t look like he has ever trimmed and a missing front tooth.
“I’ve noticed that with the younger soldiers, they just try to fit in. Anyway, I’m Richard but you can call me Ricky,” he answered. The cold air was getting in the cabin, so the girls shut the door and sat down. Ricky saw the girls shivering and offered some blankets.
“Thanks, do you mind if we sleep in here?” Archie blurted. It was very warm in the cabin and the girls were getting sleepy. Ricky set out some mats and blankets.
“The cabin is all yours, I usually just sleep here then adventure around so you won’t see me much,” replied Ricky. The girls all thanked him and went to sleep. After what seemed like hours, a noise woke them up.
“Whoosh,” went the snow as it covered the cabin. They all woke up are stared out the window.
“I…..I think we are snowed in,” stammered Jackson. Everyone got a worried look on their faces. Reese ran to the door and tried opening it.
“Help me open this, I can’t do this by myself,” cried Reese. Ricky ran to help her. Then Archie started helping. Bradley comforted Jackson because she was freaking

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