...Interview of a 78 year Old Woman Name College Introduction HM is a 78 year old lady who lives in Cincinatti, Ohio. She was widowed at the age of 55 and has five children, 11 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. Of the 5 children, two are females. HM’s children all live outside of her state. They visit their mother occasionally, especially during the festive seasons of Easter and Christmas. H.M. Delights greatly in her grandchildren and great grandchildren. Although it is quite a challenge to keep up with their slang preference of language, their first lane choice of life and change in cultural values, she treasures their love for her. The old lady lives with one of her grandchildren who is married with one daughter. H.M is a devout Christian and still holds a strong belief in the faith. She still attends church every Wednesday and Sunday and although her voice is slowly losing its smooth tones, she relishes in joining the church choir during their weekly practices. Currently, she speaks of yearning for the moment to travel home (heaven) where she would see Jesus and reunite with her beloved husband. H.M’s Life and Role in Her Community The loss of independence that comes with age is one of the cultural factors that influence the lifestyle of H.M as with the rest of the aging people. Since developing acute arthritis, it has been impossible for H.M to run most of her personal errands. She therefore moved in with her elder grandchild who takes care of her together with his wife...
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...ONLINE HOSTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MINI PROJECT REPORT Submitted by RESHMI RADHAKRISHNAN RINSHA P.A ROOPASREE R In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of B.TECH DEGREE In COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING COCHIN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COCHIN-682022 APRIL 2014 DIVISION OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING COCHIN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COCHIN-682022 CERTIFICATE Certified that this is a bonafide record of the project work entitled “ONLINE HOSTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” done by the following students RESHMI RADHAKRISHNAN(12120072) RINSHA P.A(12120073) ROOPASREE R(12120099) Of the VIth semester, Computer Science and Engineering in the year 2014 in partial fulfillment of the requirements to the award of Degree Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering of Cochin University of Science and Technology. Mr.Pramod Pavithran Head of the Department Place:Thrikkakara Date:31/03/14 Mrs.Preetha S Project Guide ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Here we gladly present this project report on “ONLINE HOSTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” as part of the 6th semester B.TECH in Computer Science and Engineering. At this time of submitting this report we use this opportunity to mention those people who with us along the work. We take this occasion to thank God, almighty for blessing us with his grace and taking our endeavour to a successful culmination. We extend our sincere and heartfelt...
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...Content Intoduction 3 Why do customers complain? 3 Complaints are a goldmine of information 6 Why is Complaints Handling Important? 7 Intoduction A consumer complaint or customer complaint is “an expression of dissatisfaction on a consumer’s behalf to a responsible party”. It can also be described in a positive sense as a report from a consumer providing documentation about a problem with a product or service. In fact, some modern business consultants urge businesses to view customer complaints as a gift. Consumer complaints are usually informal complaints directly addressed to a company or public service provider, and most consumers manage to resolve problems with products and services in this way, but it sometimes requires persistence. If the grievance is not addressed in a way that satisfies the consumer, the consumer sometimes registers the complaint with a third party such as association of the rights of the consumers , a county government (if it has a “consumer protection” office) and etc. These and similar organizations in other countries accept for consumer complaints and assist people with customer service issues, as do government representatives like attorneys general. Consumers however rarely file complaints in the more formal legal sense, which consists of a formal legal process. Internet forums and the advent of social media have provided consumers with a new way to submit complaints. Consumer news and...
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...MBO TICKET M-BOOKING SYSTEM RIDZWAN BIN ABDOL RAHMAN UNNERSITI TEKNIKAL MALAYSIA MELAKA mcngaku ~nembcnal-kan ti'sis !J'Sh,7:'Sarja!ia;:Doh:tos F:tlsafi~h) ini disi~npr?n Pespust:ikaan di hlal;!umat dan Kot~~uoikasi : ! i '1'cl;nolo:i dc~?g;ins!-arat-syrat kcgunnan sspcsti : hcri k u: haklnilik I 'nil-cssi~i 71'elinik~iI h/l:tlu?-sia hlclaka. 1 . Tesis dari psojek adalal~ 3. Pcrpastal.;aan Fakulti Tchlnlogi hlaklun~atdnn Komuniknsi dihcnarkan mclnbuat snlinan u ~ ~ t u ~ i u a pcngajian saliqia. tk i~ Fg.l;ulti -1'cknnlogi Rlaklumat c!nn Kcm~~nikasi dil~cnaskanrncrul~ui~t -3. Pcrpurtakc~:~n .. salinan tesis itii sehagai bahan pestukaran atitara institus; pcsrtga.11a11 tinggi. 1. "* Sila taiidakan ( 1 ) SlTT_TT (Mcngnt~dungi ~iiahlumatgang berdarjuh hcscla~na~an k e p c i ~ ~ i i ~ >lala!~ S I L I ataLi y:t~ sepcrti >an? termaktub di clalam :\1;T:2 R:IFISI.A RAShll 1972) - / . - - ~. .PTT),\F: 'T'ERI1..1r) II-:1ND.-2I:?NCiA-\n!PENT [I-IS) \loinat tct~lp NO 3 17. .j31a11 K L ' s ~ ~ c : &- e-- (T.4ND.!Il':\N ;.AN PENYF I .!;\ ) C'ih Siti XTnstusa I7inti B;~l-ua~.~icti~i C4..ITi4T:2N: 7-tsis dimaksudkan scbagiii 1.aporan Akhir Prqiek Sariana Muds (PShij, J i b tcsis ini SliI.11- atnu TTIRIT,ZD. sila 1ampisk:tn susnt daripada pil-uth "'$ bcrkurlsa. * MBO TICKET M-BOOKING SYSTEM RIDZWAN BIN ABDOL RAHMAN This report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Computer Science (Software...
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...0 2.0 And so on… and follow the flow of the report. NAME OF THE INFORMATION SYTEM * Online booking ticket - ( Booking System) - This system assists you in managing a cinema. If also involves the booking and buying of tickets to watch a movie. - The cinema management information system is a system that will assist the cinema employees in all their respective day to day operations. The people to be using the system are employees when serving the customers, customers when booking online and view movies showing at their convenient times. System offered by the system. (function of the system) 1- View movies showing, their times and respective cinema room 2- Buy ticket 3- Book to watch a movie 4- Pay in cash or with card 5- Schedule movies OBJECTIVE OF THE SYSTEM (BOOKING SYSTEM) - The objective and scope of Online Movie Ticket Booking System is to record the details various activities of users. It will simplifies the task and reduce the paper work. During implementation every user will be given appropriate training to suit them specific needs. - The main objective of Online Movie Ticket Booking System is to enhance and upgrade the existing system by increasing it efficiency and effectiveness. The software improve the working methods by replacing the existing (annual or manual) system with the computer-based system. -To enhance online ticket booking system using mobile phone and WAP technology. Nowadays, are also many people use mobile handsets and...
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...Title : ONLINE HOSTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Supervisor Name: MR ERIC TWUMASI Aims & Objectives of the Project: The aim of this project is to: 1. To design an online hostel management system where each user’s activity is in a computerized way rather than the usual manual process which appears to be time consuming. 2. To upgrade the hostel booking system from manual hand book registration to an online registration. The objective of the entire activity is to automate the process of day to day activities of the hostel. For example: 1. Admission of a new customer, 2. Assign a room according to customer’s demand, 3. Checkout of a costumer and releasing the room 4. Packages available. 5. Feedbacks and to create a standard compliance website that will demonstrate the following qualities; 1. Proper organization. 2. Very informative. 3. User friendly. 4. Data Integrity 5. Students can store his or her information Literature Survey and overview of the project: Manual hostel management system is a very tedious process, this is because it involves work load and time comsumption. This new system is to create an easy way to manage the hostel details, room details, student records, mess expenditure, easy way of room allocation and hostel attendance. Thus a lot of repetition can be easily evaded which has reduced the data redundancy. (M Deepika, A. Chitra 2010) The proposed system for Online Hostel Management System is a computerized system that...
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...MBO TICKET M-BOOKING SYSTEM RIDZWAN BIN ABDOL RAHMAN UNNERSITI TEKNIKAL MALAYSIA MELAKA mcngaku ~nembcnal-kan ti'sis !J'Sh,7:'Sarja!ia;:Doh:tos F:tlsafi~h) ini disi~npr?n Pespust:ikaan di hlal;!umat dan Kot~~uoikasi : ! i '1'cl;nolo:i dc~?g;ins!-arat-syrat kcgunnan sspcsti : hcri k u: haklnilik I 'nil-cssi~i 71'elinik~iI h/l:tlu?-sia hlclaka. 1 . Tesis dari psojek adalal~ 3. Pcrpastal.;aan Fakulti Tchlnlogi hlaklun~atdnn Komuniknsi dihcnarkan mclnbuat snlinan u ~ ~ t u ~ i u a pcngajian saliqia. tk i~ Fg.l;ulti -1'cknnlogi Rlaklumat c!nn Kcm~~nikasi dil~cnaskanrncrul~ui~t -3. Pcrpurtakc~:~n .. salinan tesis itii sehagai bahan pestukaran atitara institus; pcsrtga.11a11 tinggi. 1. "* Sila taiidakan ( 1 ) SlTT_TT (Mcngnt~dungi ~iiahlumatgang berdarjuh hcscla~na~an k e p c i ~ ~ i i ~ >lala!~ S I L I ataLi y:t~ sepcrti >an? termaktub di clalam :\1;T:2 R:IFISI.A RAShll 1972) - / . - - ~. .PTT),\F: 'T'ERI1..1r) II-:1ND.-2I:?NCiA-\n!PENT [I-IS) \loinat tct~lp NO 3 17. .j31a11 K L ' s ~ ~ c : &- e-- (T.4ND.!Il':\N ;.AN PENYF I .!;\ ) C'ih Siti XTnstusa I7inti B;~l-ua~.~icti~i C4..ITi4T:2N: 7-tsis dimaksudkan scbagiii 1.aporan Akhir Prqiek Sariana Muds (PShij, J i b tcsis ini SliI.11- atnu TTIRIT,ZD. sila 1ampisk:tn susnt daripada pil-uth "'$ bcrkurlsa. * MBO TICKET M-BOOKING SYSTEM RIDZWAN BIN ABDOL RAHMAN This report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Computer Science (Software...
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...ONLINE HOUSE ALLOCATION SYSTEM FOR CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. (A CASE OF KENYA PORTS AUTHORITY) MWASENE ASHA SULEIMAN System project proposal submitted to School of Human Resources Development (SHRD) in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of a degree in Bachelor of Business Information Technology of The Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology JANUARY, 2016 DECLARATION. This application project proposal is my original work and has not been presented for a degree in any other University. MWASENE ASHA SULEIMAN (HD232-C005-0599-2012) ………………… …………………………… Signature Date This application project proposal has been submitted for examination with my approval as University Supervisor MR. SAM KYANG’ANDA ………… …….…………… Signature Date CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background. Technology has evolved to be used in various ways. One of this ways includes collection and retrieval of information. Through these characteristics...
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...[pic][pic] E-Commerce Management (Lecturer: Mr Damien Yam) Individual Assignment Assignment Question: Explain how the use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) and E-Commerce has produced competitive advantage to Hospitality Industry Done by: Jane Lim Chiew Ping Submitted on: 19th November 2009 Table of Contents Page 1.0 Introduction……………………………………….. ………03 2.0 E-Commerce Applications for Hospitality Organizations…05 3. Lodging……………………………………………….........06 4.0 Food Industry………………………………………………12 5.0 Meetings and Events………………….……………………14 6. Entertainment/Recreation………………………………….15 7. Airlines………………………………. ……………………16 8. Travel Agents……………………………………………....19 9. Cruise Lines ………………………………………………..21 10. Conclusion……………………………………………….. ..24 11. References………………………………………………….25 [pic] Introduction When most people think about hospitality industry, they have visions of hotels, airlines, cruise ships, restaurants, health spas, and the like, based on their personal experiences. All aspects of the industry are involved in business processes at the operations level. Business processes consist of transactions and interactions with guests or customers, employees and even other businesses. A transaction is an activity such as checking in to a hotel or placing an order in a restaurant. Interactions include the relationships that...
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...Related Literature Related Studies Chapter III METHOD AND PROCEDURES Research design Research Environment •Historical Notes • Location Research Respondents Research Procedures Research Instrument Statistical Treatment Chapter IV Thesis Title <Title> Document of the Current System Hardware Setup Software and Application Used Document of the Proposal System Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) Gantt chart Requirement Analysis Specification Data Flow Diagram System Flowchart Database Design Introduction Information Technology has brought different changes in the environment especially in the growth of advanced technology. Modern technology is used by many establishment either private or public in order to benefit the advantages that it brings to them. They use a computer as one of the devices to make work easier and faster. It is one of the aspects considered in order to gain accurate computation and easy manipulation of data and information in convenient way. This study reviews the development of approaches to reservations management in the hotel industry alongside models of the stages of development in information technology. An Online hotel reservation systems are increasing in importance and greatly facilitate cross border consumer activity. The Internet has enabled hotels to contract directly with a huge number of potential customers. It has also revitalized the role of agents and lead to a new type Of agent, the web agent or travel gate, selling...
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...and booking system be a horizontal or a vertical application? Explain your answer. 2. What software development and acquisition strategies should Sandy Shores consider? 3. Conduct an Internet search for online reservation systems, software, and services that Sandy Shores might consider. Describe your findings. 4. As a systems analyst, what would your role be in helping Sandy Shores develop a new system? Would the acquisition strategy affect your role? Why or why not? ITM 5400 Chapter 7 Homework Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwcampus.com/shop/itm-5400-chapter-7-homework/ 1. Would the new reservation and booking system be a horizontal or a vertical application? Explain your answer. 2. What software development and acquisition strategies should Sandy Shores consider? 3. Conduct an Internet search for online reservation systems, software, and services that Sandy Shores might consider. Describe your findings. 4. As a systems analyst, what would your role be in helping Sandy Shores develop a new system? Would the acquisition strategy affect your role? Why or why not? ITM 5400 Chapter 7 Homework Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwcampus.com/shop/itm-5400-chapter-7-homework/ 1. Would the new reservation and booking system be a horizontal or a vertical application? Explain your answer. 2. What software development and acquisition strategies should Sandy Shores consider? 3. Conduct an Internet search for online reservation...
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...ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET Please note that assignments will not be accepted after 8pm. Student ID: 11470577 Family name: Karki Given names: Nishan Subject name: System Analysis. Subject code: ITC211 Lecturer: PHILIPS KHAZINS Assignment No: 1 PENALTY ON LATE ASSIGNMENTS Penalty for late submission of assignment without obtaining lecturer’s approval for an extension will be 10% deduction per day, including weekends, of the maximum marks allocated for the assignment, ie 1 day late = 10% deduction, 2 days late = 20% deduction. PLAGIARISM The University treats plagiarism very seriously. Plagiarism is included under the Student Academic Misconduct Rule as published in the Rules and Regulations section of the academic handbook. I am aware of the University’s requirement for academic integrity (http://www.csu.edu.au/division.studserv/learning/_plagiarism/) and I declare that my assignment is my own work and conforms with these requirements. I certify that the attached assignment is solely my work, based on my personal study and research. I also certify that appropriate and full acknowledgement has been made of all sources used in the preparation of this assignment. Signature of student: _______________________ Assignment due date: ___________ Assessment Feedback Additional sheet attached ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________...
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...Online Ticketing Systems of Airlines Operators in Nigeria: History, Challenges and Prospects. March 2016. Name: Byron, Queen Omasirichi. Matric No: PG. 2015/00819 Option: Human Resources Management (M.Sc) Department: Management Faculty: Management Sciences Course Code: MGT 851 Course Title: Management Information Systems Lecturer: Dr. Justin .O. Gabriel ABSTRACT Unit: Port Harcourt Date September 2016 Author Pooja Gautam Degree Program Information Technology Name of thesis ONLINE AIRLINE TICKETING SYSTEM Instructor Kauko Kolehmainen Pages 44 Supervisor Kauko Kolehmainen The aim of this thesis was to explain the system of online ticketing used by airlines by explaining the mechanism and presenting a sample application. The thesis describes the evolution and working of airline reservation system. Various aspects related to online flight booking are explained in the thesis. The main focus of the thesis was developing a working application. A basic application similar to the models used by airlines companies today was developed with the use of various software and programs. Research in sources such as e-books, web articles, documentations and tutorial was completed for the development. The thesis describes how the online ticket booking works with the help of different diagrams...
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...2.0 ANALYSIS PHASE 3.1. Determining System Requirement The analysis phase is to define the problem for planning phase. The system requirements are studied, structured and examined in greater detail with thoroughly studies by the Heritage Hotel current system procedures. Since our system is approved by top management, our Information Systems Development Team has started to determine what system requirement that users expected. During requirement determination, we used several methods to gather current system information and system requirement for Hotel Reservation system. The methods are divided into two categories which is traditional methods and modern method. Traditional methods included interviewing, questionnaire, observation and documentation review. While, modern method includes Joint Application Design (JAD). 3.2. Data Gathering Techniques Analysis is a detailed study of the various operations performed by a system and their relationships within and outside of the system. Analysis was conducted to understand the proposed project, to ensure that it will support business requirements, and build a solid foundation for system development. During analysis phase, all the data will be collected whether in traditional method or modern method or both of them. The traditional approach is to organize and convert the data though system flowcharts, which future developments of the system and simplify communication with the user. 3.3.1. Traditional ...
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...Case Report: Huella(Zuji) Online Travel: Gaining Market Insight Into Hong Kong Consumers Background information Huella launched the website of HK in 2000, but the performance in HK is much lower than its other markets, and market share in HK by 2007 is 5%. Although with high internet usage, but the online travel industry had not picked up in HK. The purpose of the study is to find out the real reason, and define marketing strategy for future development of Huella on-line business in HK. Why are online travel agents so successful in North America? Via online booking system, the travelers could book tickets online. They could also chose another method of booking tickets which was basically Auction websites where again the customers could bid for tickets through the use of internet. In addition to this the customers could chose to directly get in touch with online portals established by the airlines through airline web engines and book tickets. Besides air travel booking, the travelers were also given the option to book hotels, cars and other services through the same portal. 24 hour availability brings big convenience, and traveler is able to make own arrangement online, fast speed of transactions and easy access, with discounted air-ticked offered online, all these factors made the North America travelers like to book online. In 2007, around 59% of air tickets sales were made online. Online travel agent industry in HK and its attractiveness Despite the high internet...
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