...on System Sciences - 2011 Online Health Social Networks and Patient Health Decision Behavior: A Research Agenda Cory Allen Heidelberger Dakota State University caheidelberger@pluto.dsu.edu Omar El-Gayar Dakota State University Omar.El-Gayar@dsu.edu Abstract Patients and health care practitioners alike are using the Internet and specifically online health social networks to gain access to knowledge and social support that they could not obtain as quickly or efficiently from their traditional face-to-face social networks. Given concerns about the quality of information available on the Internet and the differences between social interaction online and offline, it is important to determine whether this new phenomenon influences health decision behavior. We propose a framework for investigating the influence online health social networks may have on the health decisions that patients and their physicians make. We also propose a number of research questions that flow from this framework. 1. Background Online social networks have quickly become an important part of many Internet users’ lives. The phenomenon is sufficiently new that research remains to be done on how this form of interaction may affect individuals’ social relationships and behavior. Among questions worth exploring is the potential influence of online social networks dedicated to health issues on the health decision behavior of their users. Health social networks are those websites...
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...utilization due to consumer health information seeking? Majority of consumers in the world with the use of the internet and increase of digital technology has impacted the changes in health service utilization and health care delivery system. Consumers seeking health information online has affected services in healthcare utilization by the way they think, and feel of their needs regarding to medical information, doctor and patient relationship. They seek health information for themselves, friends, or family members about personal and health concerns. Consumers seek health information and communicate to health professionals and providers by using the web interface, phone, fax, email system, discussion boards, social networks, forums, and bulletin board. The anticipated shifts in service utilization due to consumer health information seeking are: lack of education level and literacy skills, mistrust to physicians, poverty, and economic lack of health coverage. According authors of an article called “ Striking Jump in Consumers Seeking Health Care Information” it stated “Consumers across all categories of age, education, income, race/ethnicity and health status increased their information seeking significantly, but education level remained the key factor in explaining how likely people are to seek health information” (Tu, Cohen, 2008). Another reason for the change in service utilization to consumer health information seeking is because of the high cost of health services and insurance...
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...Faculty Information-Seeking Behaviour in the Changing ICT Environment: A Study of Commerce Colleges in Mumbai Jayadev Kadli Librarian, Lala Lajpatrai College Mahalakshmi, Mumbai – 400 034, INDIA, B.D. Kumbar Professor Department of Studies in Library and Information Science Karnatak University Dharwad – 580 003 INDIA Introduction The kind of information required by the user, methods adopted in searching information, environment affected, time spent, problems faced and solutions made, the satisfaction/dissatisfaction arising from the information gathered and the relationship of the user with the system – all come under purview of a user study. A user study is the means for systematic examination of the characteristics of information behaviour of the users. Progress in information technology has offered today’s information seekers different opportunities to access the information resources in variety of formats, including commonly-available electronic information sources, such as CDROMs, databases, Web-OPACs, and the Internet. In some instances these are replacing the print-based information sources as the primary media for the storage and communication of recorded information. The increase in information available on the Web has affected information-seeking behavior, with many types of information in many different locations all available in one place.1 Information-seeking behaviour involves personal reasons for seeking information, the kinds of...
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...Addiction is one of the things that undermines traditional values. It puts the person’s health at risk and alters his behaviour dramatically. One of the most underestimated addiction in today’s society is online gaming. Online gaming addiction is the excessive use of computer and video games that interferes with so called normal life (Chan, 2006). Although taking risks and experimenting with a variety of activities is considered normal, those who are at high risk of being dependent of this addiction are more prone to engage in sensation-seeking behaviours (Mehroof and Griffiths, 2010). The transtheoretical model of behaviour change outlines the person’s precontemplation and contemplation stage of having this type of addiction. When a person is in the precontemplation, the first stage of the transtheoretical model of behaviour change, he does not consider his behaviour to be a problem. This is because he has not yet experience any negative consequence of his behaviour or it is a result of denial about the impacts of the behaviour. Segana et al. (2006) suggested that a person on this stage is often not interested in hearing about the negative consequences or advice to quit his addiction. The person usually considers his addictive behaviour as a pleasant experience at this point. An addict of online gaming at precontemplation stage is often in denial of his behaviour. He ignores comments from family and friends and spends more time on the computer to hide emotional loneliness...
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...reports. However, as I will illustrate below later, even these studies don't support the conclusions the authors claim. The original research into this disorder began with exploratory surveys, which cannot establish causal relationships between specific behaviors and their cause. While surveys can help establish descriptions of how people feel about themselves and their behaviors, they cannot draw conclusions about whether a specific technology, such as the Internet, has actually caused those behaviors. Those conclusions that are drawn are purely speculative and subjective made by the researchers themselves. Researchers have a name for this logical fallacy, ignoring a common cause. It's one of the oldest fallacies in science, and one still regularly perpetrated in psychological research today. Do some people have problems with spending too much time online? Sure they do. Some people also spend too much time reading, watching television, and working, and ignore family, friendships, and social activities. But do we have TV addiction disorder, book addiction, and work addiction being suggested as legitimate mental disorders in the same category as schizophrenia and depression? I think not. It's the tendency of some mental health professionals and researchers to want to label everything they see as potentially harmful with a new diagnostic category....
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...Online Therapy BSHS/352 February 3,2014 Online Therapy Therapy can be seen as a way for a client to work through an issue in their life. A client may find that they don't feel comfortable sitting in an office with a therapist discussing their issues or concerns but that they would rather obtain therapy by accessing the Internet and utilizing online therapy. With modern technology it makes it much easier to access different forms of online therapy. Online therapy has increased in recent years. Many individuals are looking for assistance from a therapist and have found that with online therapy they can do it from the convenience of their own home. A client takes into consideration the cost of the online therapy as well as their ability to get online and fit it into their busy schedule. When a client first looks into online therapy they will encounter many different online their fists available to meet their needs. It is the clients responsibility to research the online therapist as well as the services they have to offer client. You'll also need to research how the therapist will secure the information that they would be given to the therapist. It is also the clients responsibility to research the disadvantages and advantages of the online therapy that they will be receiving. Online therapies researched The first online therapy site and I've research was online their human factor Masha Godkin (Godkin 2013). She is based...
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...Good Luck With That. It has been almost a decade since Congress passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the wake of the Enron, Tyco and WorldCom scandals, seeking to put in place a variety of measures to protect investors and address standards of behavior. Over the years, once-controversial practices about disclosure and ethics have become generally accepted standards. But the social media explosion - from email and Facebook to blogs and Twitter – is making a hash of once-resolved issues and creating all kinds of new dilemmas. --Businesses have less and less control over how they communicate with the public, while 24-7 bloggers feel free to snipe away. --Job seekers find their private lives may no longer be private and employees worry that the boss is electronically looking over their shoulders. --Consumers can't be sure their account information remains safe and have no way to tell whether favorable on-line comments about products and businesses are legitimate. --Professionals of all sorts -- psychiatrists, attorneys, school teachers, reporters, and even NFL players – are learning to live with new, often controversial, social media rules. A customer's irate blog can undo months and years of corporate image work. A careless email can sabotage delicate contract talks or M&A negotiations. Failure to protect customer information can result in years of costly litigation. An old party-hearty photo may block a chance at a new job. Hitting “send” without thinking can torpedo an executive’s...
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...Media and Young Children’s Learning VOL. 18 / NO. 1 / SPRING 2008 39 Media and Young Children’s Learning Heather L. Kirkorian, Ellen A. Wartella, and Daniel R. Anderson Summary Electronic media, particularly television, have long been criticized for their potential impact on children. One area for concern is how early media exposure influences cognitive development and academic achievement. Heather Kirkorian, Ellen Wartella, and Daniel Anderson summarize the relevant research and provide suggestions for maximizing the positive effects of media and minimizing the negative effects. One focus of the authors is the seemingly unique effect of television on children under age two. Although research clearly demonstrates that well-designed, age-appropriate, educational television can be beneficial to children of preschool age, studies on infants and toddlers suggest that these young children may better understand and learn from real-life experiences than they do from video. Moreover, some research suggests that exposure to television during the first few years of life may be associated with poorer cognitive development. With respect to children over two, the authors emphasize the importance of content in mediating the effect of television on cognitive skills and academic achievement. Early exposure to age-appropriate programs designed around an educational curriculum is associated with cognitive and academic enhancement, whereas exposure to pure entertainment, and violent content in particular...
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...Educational Psychology Review, Vol. 17, No. 4, December 2005 ( C 2005) DOI: 10.1007/s10648-005-8138-1 A Review of the Research on Internet Addiction Chien Chou,1,4 Linda Condron,2 and John C. Belland3 Research indicates that maladaptive patterns of Internet use constitute behavioral addiction. This article explores the research on the social effects of Internet addiction. There are four major sections. The Introduction section overviews the field and introduces definitions, terminology, and assessments. The second section reviews research findings and focuses on several key factors related to Internet addiction, including Internet use and time, identifiable problems, gender differences, psychosocial variables, and computer attitudes. The third section considers the addictive potential of the Internet in terms of the Internet, its users, and the interaction of the two. The fourth section addresses current and projected treatments of Internet addiction, suggests future research agendas, and provides implications for educational psychologists. KEY WORDS: Internet addiction; Internet dependence; Internet abuse; pathological Internet use. INTRODUCTION The use of the Internet on school campuses and in society has increased dramatically in recent years. Whereas the academic use of the Internet is primarily intended for learning and research, the Internet has also become an important part of student life. However, from time to time, cases of overinvolvement with the Internet have...
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...Market Influences in Health Care – Social Media and Technology National American University Abstract How much does social media influence individual’s health care decisions? The effect of information that individuals receive through social media and technology is having a growing effect on their views towards health care. Mass media is in the business to convince individuals to have a certain thought or idea about health care. Social media and technology is identifying ways to connect with the audience, which is everyone. When individuals see an ad about a new medication or procedure, the viewer start to internalize the messages and signals at a conscious and subconscious levels. Everything an individual experiences through social media and technology can shape their thoughts, ideas and influence their choices and decisions. The different messages received through these different ways can shape the images of many areas within the health care systems. Social Media - Social media is at every turn from the moment you wake up; to the moment you go to bed. It has become a part of our daily life and there is no getting away from it! It is impossible to imagine a life without social media somewhere. It has become the standard to have a number of televisions, computers, tablets and smart phones in every home and see a smart phone in everyone’s hand when your are out and about. We must have access to the internet at all times and the faster the better...
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...The Effects of Online Communication versus Face-To-Face Communication Innovations and advances in the field of Information Communication Technology(ICT) have resulted into major revolutions and remarkable changes in communication and use of media may it be in organizations, work places or in general social interactions. It therefore becomes imperative to scrutinize and analyze the impact of this advancement in communication technology particularly in regards to the normal workplace settings, our social lives and how it affects communication patterns with and among employees, interpersonal relations and assess whether this technology has substituted and replaced the conventional face-to face means of communication. Lee & Leung et al. (2011) argue that communication is fundamental to people’s well- Just like other organism, human beings cannot continue to exist without interrelating with their surroundings. Receiving information from external sources is crucial to everyone’s survival and development. The society is made up of a collection of relationships which are based on communication. Our relations at our dwellings, workplace, and recreation have direct consequences on our state of well-being (Lee & Leung et al., 2011). Even though many theories have been advanced as to what are the strengths or limitations face-to-face versus online means of communication, so far there is no study analyzing and comparing the two (Baek & Wojcieszak et al., 2012). However, in their research...
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...Consumer behavior on retail and shopping Retail is that the sale of products and services from people or businesses to the end-user. Retailers are a part of Associate in nursing integrated system known as the availability chain. A distributor purchases product or merchandise in giant quantities from makers directly or through a wholesale, then sells smaller quantities to the patron for a profit. Marketing are often tired either fastened locations like stores or markets, door-to-door or by delivery. In the 2000’s, there was a sharp increase in retail sector and its product due to various factors as products where made easy and convenient way to get it and the deliver or distribution channel were made more effective. Trends which follow in consumer decisions over retail product 1. Back-to-basics consumer mentality 2. Advancement of mobile technology 3. Increase in two-way dialogue through social technologies 4. Consumers continuing to embrace brands that support the causes they care about 5. Women I influencing more purchase decisions These trends comprehend demographic, technological and philosophical shifts within the approach customer’s move with brands. An organization that addresses all thoughtfully ought to have a notable competitive advantage These trends are all developing quickly and might be expected to own a sway on your business for a few time to come back. The one factor we will really figure is continuous and speedy amendment. Retailers United...
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...Social Media & The Psychological Effects on Mental Health With the increase of Social Networking Sites (SNS's) dramatic increase in the past few years; there has been a growth in psychological research addressing the psychological impact of these online experiences. Consequently, there is a darker side to how social media can affect us. According to researchers, the more time spent on social media, the more likely you are to suffer from mental issues. This is especially true in children and teens; however prolonged and excessive use presents a danger to adults as well. Social Media Anxiety Disorder (SMAD) is a syndrome that relates to social anxiety and is presented when the participation of social media affects the mental and physical...
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...‘‘status updates.’’ We applied DSM criteria to 1-year status updates from each profile to determine prevalence of displayed depression symptoms and MDE criteria. Negative binomial regression analysis was used to model the association between depression disclosures and demographics or Facebook use characteristics. Results: Two hundred profiles were evaluated, and profile owners were 43.5% female with a mean age of 20 years. Overall, 25% of profiles displayed depressive symptoms and 2.5% met criteria for MDE. Profile owners were more likely to reference depression, if they averaged at least one online response from their friends to a status update disclosing depressive symptoms (exp(B) 5 2.1, Po.001), or if they used Facebook more frequently (Po.001). Conclusion: College students commonly display symptoms consistent with depression on Facebook. Our findings suggest that those who receive online reinforcement from their friends are more likely to discuss their depressive symptoms publicly on Facebook. Given the frequency of depression symptom displays...
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...European Journal of Business and Management ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online) Vol.6, No.5, 2014 www.iiste.org Risk Exposures, Vulnerability and Mitigation Methods among Road Transport Workers in Nigeria Festus M Epetimehin PhD Joseph Ayo Babalola University, Ikeji- Arakeji fessy51@yahoo.co.uk, fmepetimehin@jabu.edu.ng Abstract This study examines risk exposures among Road Transport Worker and their methods of mitigation. A simple random sampling technique was used to select respondents from Lagos State. Nigeria. In order to determine how different types of risk exposures contribute to number of accidents on the roads, Cramer’s V was used to analyze and test the formulated hypotheses at 0.05 significant levels. The result of the findings revealed that age, driving experience, treatment seeking behavior and speed limit have significant relationship with drivers’ risk exposures. The study also reveals that younger drivers are more exposed to accident than older drivers and the treatment seeking behavior used by the Road Transport workers exposed them as well as their families to financial danger. In line with these findings, it was recommended that Road Transport Workers, RTW should use a formalized means to mitigate their losses. Keywords: Risk, Vulnerability, Mitigation, Risk exposure, Accident, Insurance 1.0 Introduction Risk is an integral part of mankind. It is a permanent and important part of life. Everyone is exposed to various kind of risk including their...
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