...the only free, dedicated IB Business and Management resource available online. We encourage teachers to use the site as they develop their own approaches to incorporating ICT into their learning environments. The entire site links closely to the syllabus, following the same division into the six IB Business and Management topics: 1. Busines The IB Business and Management course covers broad and interesting issues and concepts. s Organis ation and The IB Business and Management course is ideal preparation for Business and Commerce at university, as well as encouraging the student to begin thinking about entrepreneurship now. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Environ ment Human Resour ce Man agemen t Accoun ts and Finance Marketi ng Operati ons Manage ment Busines s Strateg y + Internal Assessment and Extended Essay There is clear highlighting of Higher Level IB Business and Management material. The content is tailored to the requirements and assessment objectives of the IB syllabus, and is an invaluable Business and Management learning and teaching tool. The range of teaching and learning resources made available here is easily the most comprehensive range available online that has been specifically designed to cater for the Business and Management IB Diploma course. These teaching and learning resources include PowerPoints, video PowerPoints with clear explanations recorded of the more challenging topics, HL and SL summary notes, case studies, videos, articles,...
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...Table: Past Performance Past Performance 1999 2000 2001 Sal es $59,110 $64,300 $65,100 Gross Margi n $42,184 $49,113 $47,095 Gross Margi n % 71.37% 76.38% 72.34% Operati ng Expenses $40,960 $44,980 $46,300 Bal ance Sheet 1999 2000 2001 Current Assets Cash $1,000 $1,500 $1,500 Other Current Assets $0 $0 $0 T otal Current Assets $1,000 $1,500 $1,500 Long-term Assets Long-term Assets $25,000 $35,000 $40,000 Accumul ated Depreci ati on $0 $0 $0 T otal Long-term Assets $25,000 $35,000 $40,000 T otal Assets $26,000 $36,500 $41,500 Current Li abi l i ti es Accounts Payabl e $2,500 $3,500 $4,500 Current Borrowi ng $2,500 $14,000 $15,000 Other Current Li abi l i ti es (i nterest free) $0 $0 $0 T otal Current Li abi l i ti es $5,000 $17,500 $19,500 Long-term Li abi l i ti es $5,000 $14,000 $15,000 T otal Li abi l i ti es $10,000 $31,500 $34,500 Pai d-i n Capi tal $0 $0 $0 Retai ned Earni ngs $14,000 $0 $3,000 Earni ngs $2,000 $5,000 $4,000 T otal Capi tal $16,000 $5,000 $7,000 T otal Capi tal and Li abi l i ti es $26,000 $36,500 $41,500 Other Inputs Payment Days 0 0...
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...------------------------------------------------- Organizational Planning Worksheet Complete each section below. Be sure to cite your sources when necessary. 1. Fortune 500 Company name McDonald’s Corporation | 2. The company’s internal and external stakeholders Internal stakeholder’s | External stakeholder’s | Employees | Customers | Suppliers | Communities | Owners | Government/Media | Creditors | Trade Unions | Stockholders | Activist Groups | 3. Company’s mission and vision Company’s mission McDonald's mission is to be our customers' favorite place and way to eat with inspired people who delight each customer with unmatched quality, service, cleanliness and value every time. We invite you to be the part of this winning team and give yourself an opportunity to grow with the family of people striving to create smiles on the faces of millions of people every day. | Company’s vision McDonald’s vision is to be the world’s best quick service restaurant experience. Being the best means providing outstanding quality, service, cleanliness, and value, so that we make every customer in every restaurant smile. | 4. Company goals At least one company goal that can be accomplished through a strategic plan Souring 100% of coffee, palm oil, and fish that is verified to support sustainable production. | Increasing energy-efficiency in company-owned restaurants by 20% in seven of its top markets. | At...
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...EXCEL International Journal of Multidisciplinary Management Studies Vol.2 Issue 5, May 2012, ISSN 2249 8834 Online available at http://zenithresearch.org.in/ DIVERSIFICATION - STRATEGIES FOR MANAGING A BUSINESS P. KANNAN*; DR. R.SARAVANAN** *Head, Department of Management Studies, N.P.R. College of Engineering & Technology, Natham. *Research Scholar, Anna University of Technology Coimbatore, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. **Director, School of Management, Sri Krishna College of Technology, Kovaipudur, Coimbatore- 641042, Tamil Nadu, India. ABSTRACT When thinking about building a diversified portfolio, remember the old adage, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” Diversification is not only about the number of investments in your portfolio, it’s also about the relationships among those investments. Diversification becomes an attractive strategy when a company runs out of profitable growth opportunities in its core business. In a diversified company the strategy making challenge involves assessing multiple industry environments and coming up with a set of business strategies, in which it operates. Multinational diversification strategies feature a diversity of business and a diversity of national markets. Despite the complexity of having to devise and manage so many strategies, these strategies have considerable appeal and more competitive potential. The study focuses on the manner in which diversification strategy is applied for different sectors like IT, FMCG etc. It deals...
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...definiții cheie Ambalajul este dezvoltarea containerului unui produs, eticheta si design grafic. Etichetarea este un ingredient de ambalare, care este utilizat pentru a distinge un produs și pentru a transmite informații despre produse sau cerute în mod legal către clienți și distribuitori Aspecte-cheie Cerința de a comunica în mod eficient beneficiile produsului și diferențierea mărcilor include ambalarea și etichetarea unui produs, atât ambalaj primar și de transport maritim ( secundar) Ambalajul Ambalajul trebuie să fie funcționale, pentru utilizatorii finali și, de asemenea, pentru stockist sau distribuitor. Ambalarea trebuie să protejeze produsul facilitând în același timp utilizarea acestuia ușor și de stocare. Ambalaje are nevoie, de asemenea, pentru a sprijini branding și diferențierea produsului, în timp ce aderarea la cerințele legale și considerente etice. Din ce în ce, ambalajele trebuie să acorde o atenție la preocupările de mediu ale consumatorului ecologizarea și cu reglementările care vizează producerea și eliminarea deșeurilor. Inviolabile rezistente ambalajul este, de asemenea, de dorit. Ambalajul trebuie să reflecte nevoile și așteptările clienților vizați, diferenția produsul de rivalii și să adere la branding adoptat. Dezvoltarea de ambalare implică alegeri estetico structurale. Alte considerații includ: materiale de selecție, grafică de suprafață, tipografie, layout-ul de informații și ierarhii, Front- pack versus back-of-pack detaliaza, limba si jargonul...
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...Pengukuran Kinerja Mesin Produksi Dengan Metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness Pada Pt. Cahaya Biru Sakti Abadi PENGUKURAN KINERJA MESIN PRODUKSI DENGAN METODE OVERALL EQUIPMENT EFFECTIVENESS PADA PT. CAHAYA BIRU SAKTI ABADI Nofi Erni , Andri Fajar Maulana Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Esa Unggul, Jakarta Jln. Arjuna Utara Tol Tomang-Kebon Jeruk Jakarta nofi.erni@esaunggul.ac.id Abstrak PT. Cahaya Biru Sakti Abadi merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang industri manufaktur cairan penghapus tinta. Perusahaan pada saat ini menghadapi permasalahan tingkat reject produk yang tinggi, breakdown mesin yang tinggi, waktu setup mesin yang tidak standar, yang berdampak pada penurunan kualitas produk. Untuk mengetahui kinerja mesin dilakukan pengukuran dengan metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). Nilai pengukuran OEE didapat dari 3 faktor yaitu availability, performance, dan quality. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan availability, performance, quality untuk enam mesin utama yaitu Mesin blowing 1, Blowing 2, Arburg 3, dan Arburg 4, rasio yang belum ideal adalah performance ratio dan quality ratio. Jika digabung secara keseluruhan nilai ratio tersebut telah memenuhi nilai OEE yang ideal. Penyebab tidak idealnya kondisi mesin yang mengakibatkan losses performance, adalah waiting time berupa waktu mesin menganggur untuk menunggu peralatan beroperasi. Penyebab tidak idealnya quality ratio mesin disebabkan tingginya total defect part screw cap yang diproses...
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...Use Best Practices to Design Data Center Facilities Michael A. Bell Data centers seldom meet the operational and capacity requirements of their initial designs. The principal goals in data center design are flexibility and scalability, which involve site location, building selection, floor layout, electrical system design, mechanical design and modularity. Publication Date: 22 April 2005/ID Number: G00127434 Page 2 of 26 © 2005 Gartner, Inc. and/or its Affiliates. All Rights Reserved. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introdu ction ............................................................................................................... ................... 4 1.1 Density vs . Capacity ....................................................................................................... 5 1.2 Rack Layout................................................................................................................ .... 6 1.3 Rack Units ................................................................................................................. ..... 7 2.0 Design Criteria ............................................................................................................ ................. 8 2.1 Critical Bu ilding Systems ................................................................................................ 9 2.2 Planning and Designing................................................................................................ 10 ...
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...Journal of the Operati~ns Research Society of Japan Vol. 39, No. 3, September 1996 RELIABILITY OF A CIRCULAR CONNECTED-(r,s)-OUT-OF-(m,n): F LATTICE SYSTEM Hisashi Yamamoto Masami Miyakawa Tezkyo Unzverszty of Sczence and Technolog9 Unzverszty of Tokyo (Received November 11, 1994; Final August 25, 1995) A circular connected-(r>s)-out-of-(m,n):Flattice system has m n compoaen%s is consisted of n and and m circles. The system fails if and only if a connected (r,s)-matrix of components fail. Fixskly, this paper proposes a recursive algorithm for the reliability of $he system>which requires O(rnn2sm) computing time. In the statisticaIly independent identically distributed case7the c o m p u t i ~ ~ g is able to be reduced. time Secondly, the upper a ~ lower bounds for the system reliability are obtained for the circular connectedd (r,s)-out-of-(m,n):l? lattice system. FinalIy, it is proved that the reliability of the large system tmds to where p 1A and 7 are exp[-pArs] as n = , m Q - I 2 n -+ m if every component has failure probability ~ n - ' / / ~ , constant, ,LA, A > Ol 7 > r , ri rays Abstract I . INTRODUCTION The linear (circular) consecutive-k-out-of-n:F system has n llnewly (circularly) ordered components. Each compnent either functkms or fails. The systems fail if and only if k consecutive compnents fail (see Figure 1.1). Defining the rmdom variable Zi by if component i functions zi = if component i Fdils, for i = 1 2 , .*, n, the reliability of the...
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...Graham Peirson ... [et al.] Business Finance. 11th edition. North Ryde, N.S.W. : McGraw-Hill, 2012. ISBN 9780070997592 Chapter 15 pages 488-515 CHAPTER CONTENTS 15.1 Introduction 15.2 Types of lease contracts 15.3 Accounting and taxation treatment of leases 15.4 Setting lease rentals 15.5 Evaluation of finance leases 15.6 Evaluation of operating leases 15.7 Advantages and disadvantages of leasing 15.8 Chattel mortgages and hire-purchase Graham Peirson ... [et al.] Business Finance. 11th edition. North Ryde, N.S.W. : McGraw-Hill, 2012. ISBN 9780070997592 Chapter 15 pages 488-515 INTRODUCTION When most people think of leasing, they probably think of something like hiring a car for the weekend or leasing an apartment for 6 months. While such contracts are indeed leases, there is another form of lease, known as a finance lease, which uses the legal form of leasing in such a way that it becomes an alternative to borrowing funds to purchase new assets. In this chapter, we consider the various forms of leases and explain how a proposed lease may be evaluated. We also consider chattel mortgages and hire purchase, which, together with leasing, are known as 'equipment finance'. Leasing is distinguished from most other forms of finance by the fact that the financier (the lessor) is the legal owner of the leased asset. The asset user (the lessee) obtains the right to use the asset in return for periodic payments (lease...
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...Please read the Pride Industry case and answer the following questions 1. Define the case main problem / problems and articulate them 2. Define the SMT operation s and discuss its characteristics 3. Discuss what could be the appropriate operation s strategy for SMT 4. Based on your assessment, discuss whether the company should go ahead in SMT proposal 5. Define SMT process type and layout design. Discuss the appropriateness of SMT process type and layout in the light of the SMT operation s characteristics and strategy Steve Twitchell, the vice-president of sales operati ons for PRIDE Industries (PRIDE), was deep in thought, contemplating what had just transpired in a staff meeting where a proposal for a $2.6 million capital equipment expenditure had b een debated. If approved, the project would replace PRIDE’s aging electronics surface mount technology (SMT) machines with newer, faster and more capable machines. The capital expenditure was a large sum for PRIDE, a nonprofit social enterprise, and thus represented a significant investment. The proposal looked good on pa per, and Twitchell had a hunch that it was the only way to keep PRIDE’s current electronic manufactur ing services (EMS) custom ers happy, as well as capture new business. Still, the investment also repr esented a risk. What if the projected new business opportunities never materialized? Twitchell couldn’t he lp thinking about a recurring phrase mentioned in...
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...SAGE-Hindawi Access to Research Journal of Thyroid Research Volume 2011, Article ID 809341, 10 pages doi:10.4061/2011/809341 Review Article Hypothyroidism and Thyroid Substitution: Historical Aspects J. Lindholm and P. Laurberg Department of Endocrinology, Aarhus University Hospital, 9000 Aalborg, Denmark Correspondence should be addressed to J. Lindholm, j.lindholm@ofir.dk Received 15 January 2011; Accepted 17 March 2011 Academic Editor: Marian Ludgate Copyright © 2011 J. Lindholm and P. Laurberg. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The last part of the 19th century was a period of great achievements in medicine and endocrinology. The thyroid gland evolved from being considered a rudimentary structure to an organ related to specific diseases. The singular importance of iodine became acknowledged. Graves-Basedow’s disease was described. Surgical treatment evolved with extraordinary speed. Theodor Kocher observed that the clinical picture in patients after total thyroidectomy was similar to the one seen in cretinism. In 1850, the first case of hypothyroidism or myxedema was described. Less than 50 years later, effective treatment was introduced. Another 50 years later, autoimmune thyroiditis was ascertained as the most frequent cause of hypothyroidism (in areas with no iodine deficiency). This paper gives...
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...ESTBuilding Standards in Educational and Professional Testing National Testing Service Pakistan (Building Standards in Educational & Professional Testing) Email: correspondence@nts.org.pk Logon to: www.nts.org.pk for more information National Testing Service Pakistan Overseas Scholarship Scheme for PhD Studies Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing PATTERNS AND PRACTICE National Testing Service Pakistan Overseas Scholarship Scheme for PhD Studies Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing 2 Quantitative Ability The Quantitative section measures your basic mathematical skills, understanding of elementary mathematical concepts, and the ability to reason quantitatively and solve problems in a quantitative setting. There is a balance of questions requiring basic knowledge of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis. These are essential content areas usually studied at the high school level. The questions in the quantitative section can also be from • • • Di screte Quanti tative Questi on Quanti tative Compari son Questi on Data Interpretati on Questi on etc. The distribution in this guide is only to facilitate the candidates. This distribution is not a part of test template, so, a test may contain all the questions of one format or may have a random number of questions of different formats. This chapter is divided into 4 major sections. The first discusses the syllabus /contents in each section of...
Words: 18464 - Pages: 74
...Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing National Testing Service Pakistan (Building Standards in Educational & Professional Testing) Email: correspondence@nts.org.pk Logon to: www.nts.org.pk for more information National Testing Service Pakistan Overseas Scholarship Scheme for PhD Studies Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing PATTERNS AND PRACTICE National Testing Service Pakistan Overseas Scholarship Scheme for PhD Studies Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing 2 Quantitative Ability The Quantitative section measures your basic mathematical skills, understanding of elementary mathematical concepts, and the ability to reason quantitatively and solve problems in a quantitative setting. There is a balance of questions requiring basic knowledge of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis. These are essential content areas usually studied at the high school level. The questions in the quantitative section can also be from • • • Di screte Quanti tative Questi on Quanti tative Compari son Questi on Data Interpretati on Questi on etc. The distribution in this guide is only to facilitate the candidates. This distribution is not a part of test template, so, a test may contain all the questions of one format or may have a random number of questions of different formats. This chapter is divided into 4 major sections. The first discusses the syllabus /contents in each section of the...
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...Renata Lim naquine 10%, harmaceutical the modern ules, syrups, given in Char mited , Biomin pond companies o facilities Ren ointments, cr rt 1. dlife of our country nata manufact reams and inj y which succe tures medicin jections. Sale essfully passe nes in differen es contributio ed nt on 1.9 F In ter Count 2010 Finan Sourc Tabl (Tak Parti No. Tota Tota Net Prof Net p Bonu Sourc 4 HR Financial P rms of turno try. Among t was $5,823,3 ncial performa ce: Official e 1: Corpor ka .000) iculars of Shares al Assets al Liabilities sales [Gross P fit Before Tax profit After T us/Right ce: Internet R Practices in Performan ver Renata r he pharmaceu 362. Renata h ance of last fe rate Operati Profit] x Tax n Renata Lim nce ranks 27th am uticals compa as a growth o ew years is sh ional Result 2010 1,807,480 2,063,325 1,851,205 2,684,956 1,129,603 851,428 mited mong the list any it ranks n of more than 2 hown in chart ts 2009 1,445,98 1,643,10 1,409,72 2,088,28 823,020 603,524 20% ted company no 11th. Turno 20% over last 2. 2008 4 1,156,787 7 1,506,07 7 1,313,393 6 1,578,652 609,920 433,146 - of stock ex over of the co t couple of ye 7 1 3 2 xchange of th ompany durin ears. he ng 5 HR Practices in Renata Limited 1.10 Industry Overview Pharmaceutical Industry of Bangladesh To ensure peoples body fitness there is no other alternative of medicine. So we have to depend on ...
Words: 10757 - Pages: 44
...INTERNSHIP REPORT ON HR PRACTICES IN RENATA LIMITED HR PRACTICES IN RENATA LIMITED 23/05/2012 BRAC University PREPARED FOR, Ms. KOHINUR AKTER SENIOR LECTURER, BRAC BUSINESS SCHOOL COURSE ID: BUS-400 PREPARED BY, NAZMUS SAKIB STUDENT ID: 07304004 BRAC BUSINESS SCHOOL BRAC UNIVERSITY Letter of Transmittal May 23, 2012 Kohinur Akter Senior Lecturer BRAC Business School BRAC University Subject: Submission of Internship Report Dear Ms. Kohinur Akter, With due respect and immense pleasure I am submitting my internship report on “HR Practices in Renata Limited” that you have assigned me as an essential requirement of Internship program. It is really an enormous prospect for me to gather together vast information and grasp the subject matter in an appropriate way. I have found the study is quite attention-grabbing, beneficial & insightful. I tried my level best to prepare an effective & creditable report. The report will provide clear concept about the overall functions of “HR Practices in Renata Limited”, I welcome your entire query & criticism on the report is beneficial for me as it will give me the opportunity to learn more and enrich my knowledge. I hope you will consider the mistakes that may take place in the report in the spite of my best effort Yours Sincerely ______________________ Nazmus Sakib I Acknowledgement Preparation of this Report, I would like to acknowledge the encouragement, guidance and assistance given from a number of responsible...
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