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Opportunity Smiles

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Many people grow up thinking they want to change the world I however grew up thinking I want to make a change to someone’s life. That is how I join Opportunity Smiles.

At school many times I have seen special needs kids out casted from society by other students. Despite the fact that they are just human beings like us no one dares to treat them equally or pay some attention to them. In 2012, three girls started Opportunity Smiles at Manvel High School. I did not know what the club was about but the name of the club attracted me to it so I made the choice to go and take a look. When I first entered the room I was greeted by very friendly people; however, they were different in a special way. Throughout the meeting I learned Opportunity Smiles …show more content…
I eventually decided to run for secretary during my junior year in high school because I wanted to organize more ideas into the club for the kids. As I started my role in Opportunity Smiles as a secretary, Shadow Creek Miracle League, another organization who also helps kids with special abilities, invited us for the second year to work with them. Our job participating with Shadow Creek Miracle League included being buddies for kids. As buddies we helped them play soccer or basketball. At first I did not know how to interact with them but after some time of interacting with them it became easier to get along with them. Every time I played with them a feeling of satisfaction and warmth spread all over me and the felling only grew stronger when I saw them smiling after making a goal or basket. Either way this motivated me to continue helping out special needs kids by providing a place where they could feel loved by society. Time later on we decided to hold a Banquet in the name of all the athletes so they could also feel the same environment as any other person who is an athlete and is celebrated. During the banquet we presented awards to the kids while having small events such as raffles and dancing. By the end of the banquet I once again felt the same warm feeling I had always felt helping all of the

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