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Org Behavior


Submitted By Marketing101
Words 501
Pages 3
Guidance, discipline, inspiration, and influence. As these words are looked at, one might ask what these four words have to do with anything. The answer is leadership. In the book “Essentials of Organizational Behavior” by Stephen P. Robbins and Timothy A. Judge, leadership is classified as an “ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or set of goals”. Although it is apparent that a leader is needed in order to guide others, it is not to be confused with the term of management. It is management’s responsibility to execute proper order and monitor outcomes of different situations. Leaders set the examples for others. By setting examples for others, it allows motivation to take place. In the long run, this motivation will pay off and tasks will be completed so that goals are met. Leaders are there to extend a helping hand despite obstacles and to show they care. Additionally, a leader must be able to gain the trust of his or her followers. Simply put, with no trust, there is no relationship. In any organization, there must be an apparent leader who is taking charge and directing employees. Without a leader, there is a good chance that there could be a downfall in the organization.

At my employer, there are approximately fifteen people in my department. Due to budget cuts, there have been many discussions about the scheduling of staff and how we will be scheduled for work within the upcoming months. Of the fifteen people in my department, only five full-time employees have been a part of the meetings. These meetings have been secret and no one is supposed to know that they are taking place. I was informed of the meetings from two of my close co-workers. In the meeting, the five people voted on the new schedule change. They also discussed the days and hours that they wanted to work. Leaving part time and contingent employees with the shifts

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