...by theorists over the past century can be seen, albeit refined and developed, in modern people management literature and practises 3 | Page today. Models such as Pfeffer’s set of best practises echo of Taylor’s “One Best Way” and scientific selection of people, and welfare theorists such as Robert Owen and Elton Mayo’s recognition of the need for, and benefits from, improved working conditions and motivation can be seen as the origins of organisational culture and motivation theory. Just as each theory reflected the influencing environment of its time, both internal and external, the political, social, economic and other changes of the past 20 or so years, has evolved people management to where human resources management (HRM) is today. Over this period, the global and local business environment has prospered and suffered, industry and organisations have grown and retrenched, and against these backdrops, ideas on what approach best yields superior employee/organisational performance has evolved, with HRM the widely supported approach in today’s business environment. The popularity of HRM rose from US theorists in the 1980’s such as Storey, whose “ideal type” of HRM pinpointed 27 differences (Appendixes 1) between the personnel management role, “essentially an administrative support function…perceived as being remote from business performance issues” (Storey, 2007, cited in Beardwell and Claydon, 2010, p. 21) to...
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...Introduction This study examines the linkages between Human Resource Management, Organisational Strategy and Organisational culture. With every single link exists between them we studied the relations and how that effects management and ultimately helps the Human resource managers through several of theorists and management theories to achieve their goal and benefit the organisation in order to bring profitability. Human Resource Management (HRM) In simple and short form Human resource management is the process of hiring and developing employees so that they can become more valuable to the organisation. HRM is also strategic and comprehensive approach to managing people and the workplace culture and environment. Effective HRM enables employees to contribute effectively and productively to the overall company direction and the accomplishment of the organisation’s goals and objectives. HRM is moving away from traditional personnel, administration, and transactional roles. Now HRM is expected to add value to the strategic utilization of employees and that employee programs impact the business in measurable ways. The new role of HRM involves strategic direction and culture. Developments in the field of HRM are well documented (see Sisson and Storey, 2000). The history of HRM goes back as far as the 1950s. This was succeeded by the ‘Behavioural science movement’ in the 1960s headed by Maslow, Argyris and Herzberg. These theorists argued for a better quality of working life...
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...ПРИНЦИПЫ И МЕТОДЫ РАЗРАБОТКИ И РЕАЛИЗАЦИИ ОРГАНИЗАЦИОННЫХ СТРАТЕГИЙ В данной лекции в фокусе внимания окажется стратегия. Грамотно разработанная стратегия является подспорьем для организации в процессе ее деятельности. К сожалению, с связи с усложняющимися связями внешней среды, а также быстрым изменением рынков, наличие стратегии не является 100% гарантией того, что компания сможет быстро адаптироваться к динамичным изменениям окружающей среды. Однако ее отсутствие негативно сказывается на возможностях дальнейшего развития компании. Здесь я бы хотела подчеркнуть, что стратегия необходима как небольшой, так и крупной компании. Особенно важно наличие стратегии у крупной компании, поскольку топ-менеджмент имеет очень ограниченный набор инструментов для корректировки общего курса, и необходим инструмент, который позволил бы направить усилия компании на всех уровнях в одном направлении. Эту задачу как раз и решает стратегия. Так зачем все-таки нужна стратегия? Стратегия дает организации три важных конкурентных преимущества: Во-первых, она определяет направление развитие компании, что придает действиям менеджеров необходимую согласованность и со направленность. Во-вторых, стратегия придает персоналу компании уверенность и ощущение твердой почвы под ногами в условиях увеличения неопределённости внешней среды. В-третьих, стратегия создает уникальность организации. Благодаря этому сотрудники находят дополнительный смысл в работе и испытывают гордость, что принадлежат к особой группе...
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...MODULE 6 – LEADING AND IMPLEMENTING STRATEGY Identify & discuss the key challenges that confront the strategy implementation process * It needs a supportive environment & has pressures of changing external environment. * Reasons for failure or under-achievement: * Transforming strategic thinking into action * Implementation treated as an add-on & a lower-level employee task. * Strategy achieved best when those in charge of implementation also involved in strategic analysis & formulation process from the start. * Managers who implement are usually too busy with everyday running of operations to become involved in planning process or may be excluded. * Failing the 3Cs of communication, commitment & coordination * Poor communication & lack of commitment & inability to manage change effectively. Poor or vague strategy. Lack of buy-in & ownership from key manager & employees. * Lack of coordination or alignment between an organisation’s strategy & its functional units, processes & systems. * Lack of a model, inadequate information sharing, unclear lines of responsibility & accountability, unsupportive power structure. * Paralysis by analysis * Too much focus on analysis & formulation, relaxing on way resources are allocated & way in which operational decisions are made. Leaders trained to formulate not implement. * Important...
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...Word Module Page Strategy definition 1 Strategy evolution 1 Carl von Clausewitz 1 Adam smith 1 insivible hand 1 Competitive strategy 1 19; 20 Mintzberg 1 day-to-day operations vs strategy 1 Operationnal effectiveness vs strategic positioning1 Productivity frontier 1 mission, company 1 vision company 1 Strategic planning process 1 Leadership vs management 1 management vs leadership 1 Leadership definition 1 ethics and leadership 1 leadership and ethics 1 Friedman, 1 neoclassical economy 1 Sociioeconomic view of ethics 1 Stratetgy approaches 1 Appraoches to strategy 1 Rational approach, strategy 1 Ansoff 1 Processual approach 1 Loigcal incrementalism 1 planning vs crafting 1 crafting vs planning 1 Rational approach vs processual 1 evolutionary approach 1 Systemic approach 1 Startegic thinking 1 Strategic thinks vs planning 1 Startegic planning vs thinking 1 thinking vs planning 1 planning vs thinking 1 Fit vs stretch 1 Stretch vs fit 1 Levels of strategy 1 strategy level 1 Corporate strategy 1 Business strategy 1 functional strategy 1 global context of business 1 globalisation drivers 1 Competitive forces 1 technological forces 1 social forces 1 political forces 1 Globalisation challenges 1 Competition 1 distribution 1 macro-economic 1 socio-economic 1 financial 1 legal 1 Physical 1 Political 1 sociocultural 1 labour 1 technological forces 1 Globalisation...
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...Assignment Brief BTEC Level 7 Extended Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership |Learner Name: |Learner Registration Number: | |Unit Number: Unit 12 – Strategic Planning |Unit Number/Code: H/602/2330 | |Credit Value: 15 credits |Guided Learning Hours: 45 | |Assessor/Tutor: Altaf Khoso |Internal Verifier: | |Assignment QA Approval Date: 13th September 2011 |Date Issued to Learner: | | | |Draft Submission Date: 16/08/2013 | |Final Submission Date: 16/08/2013 | | ...
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...they are the key makers that integrate organisational objectives, business plans, people and all other human resource systems in achieving its required goals. HRM is about deployment, engagement, development and training of employees to reach their full potentials. To measure their rate of improvement, we need the performance management systems to measure their performance. Without measuring these we cannot manage their progress. Philbeam and Corbridge (2002) believes that PMS helps organisations to develop performance culture where employers continuously observe different business processes in order to maximise their work superiority and often review their competencies to determine their personal development needs. Therefore any PMS must fully be integrated in the organisation’s objectives, its corporate strategies, culture and structure. On the other hand Bevan & Thompson (1992) defines PMS as a system that provides the departmental/business unit and individual performance targets that are drawn from the wider organisational objectives. PMS evolved from management by objective (MBO) which aims at improving profitability and growth by focusing on improving managerial effectiveness, moral and motivation. PMS is ‘a strategy which relates to every activity of the organisation set in the context of its human resource policies, culture, style and communications systems. The nature of the strategy depends on the organisational context and can vary from organisation to...
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...relations •Health and safety programs •Manage diversity What is strategy? 'Strategy defines the direction in which an organisation intends to move and establishes the framework for action through which it intends to get there.' The purpose of strategy is to maintain a position of advantage bycapitalising on the strengths of an organisation and minimising its weaknesses. To do this, an organisationmust identify and analyse the threats and opportunities present in its external and internal environments. What is strategic management? Strategic management is the process whereby managers establish an organisation's long-term direction, setspecific performance objectives, develop strategies to achieve these objectives in the light of all the relevantinternal and external circumstances and undertake to execute the chosen action plans. The aims of strategicmanagement are to help the organisation to achieve a competitive advantage and to ensure long-term successfor the organisation. Components of strategic management Strategic management involve Strategy formulation - selecting an organisation's mission, or purpose, andkey objectives; analysing the organisation's internal and external environments; and selecting appropriate business strategies, and Strategy implementation - designing an organisation's structure and control systemsand evaluating the selected strategy in achieving the organisation's key objectives. Organisational mission...
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...word limit is 2,000 words (plus or minus ten percent), including any appendix but excluding your table of references. You should indicate the number of words in your assignment on the cover. NOTE: The ability to communicate a cogent and coherent argument in a limited number of words is an academic skill required of students at level 6. Therefore anything you write beyond 2200 words will not be read. Late submission of course work will be dealt with under standard University regulations, which are available through the student portal. Assignment Question: Identify and analyse the factors that encourage internationalisation by organisations (50%). Organisations that seek to develop an international strategy have a range of strategies available. Evaluate each of these strategies (50%) What you need to do to get a good grade. 1. Read the question - You will notice that the essay has two parts to the question. Remember you must answer the entire question. The brackets offer some advice about the length of each section. 2. Understand what is being asked of you. There are three key words in the question these are 'Identify' and 'Analyse' in the first part of the question and 'Evaluate' in the second part of the question. Identify - find out, name, ascertain the factors or information that is under investigation. Analyse - break up into parts, examine in detail the elements or structure of the factors under investigation. Evaluate - give your judgment about the merit...
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...GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF ANY STRATEGY IS AN ILLUSION. DISCUSS 1.0 INTRODUCTION Every business organisation exists for the purpose of fulfilling certain goals and objectives as outlined by them. The fulfillment of these goals and objectives may bring benefits to the organisation and to various stakeholders such as shareholders, customers, the general public, the government, etc. In order to implement these goals and objectives in a systematic and orderly manner, management must evolve a game plan to do this. This game plan is known as strategy. According to the Oxford Pocket Dictionary, strategy is defined as “the art of war especially, the planning of movements of troops and ships into favourable positions, plan of action or policy in business” Scholes & Johnson (2001) also define strategy as “the direction and scope of an organisation over the long term; which achieves the advantage for the organisation through its configuration of resources within a changing environment, to meet the needs of the markets and to fulfill stakeholder expectations” Thompson & Strickland (1998) also generally define strategy as competitive moves of business approaches to produce successful performance. It is management’s game plan for: * running the business * strengthening the firm’s competitive position * Satisfying customers * Achieving good business performance * Position a company in its chosen market In effect, without strategy the shaping of an organisations...
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...(30 marks) 2. In what ways can organisations develop strategically useful performance management systems? What is the nature of the link to SHRM thinking? (30 marks) 3. Why is reward management potentially so problematic for SHRM? In what ways can organisations integrate reward management in to the HRM strategy? (30 marks) 4. The best approach to modern employment relations is through the use of partnerships and partnership agreements. Discuss this statement in relation to a country of your choice. 5. How can HR functions deliver strategic organizational change and what difficulties may they face in doing it? Use theories, models and organizational examples as appropriate to develop your answer. 6. Critically evaluate the use of competency based approaches in modern HR strategies. Explain in details how they may be used in recruitment and selection. Use organisational examples as appropriate to support our answer 7. Evaluate the main theoretical views of the nature of HRM strategy? 8. Critically evaluate ONE of the following a) In what ways can HR strategies provide the level of organisational flexibility required by modern organisations? OR b) Should reward strategies always include an element of performance related pay. Justify your answer in relation to both theory and practice 9. How would you present the case for an organization to adopt a strategic approach to the management of people? What would be the potential advantages and disadvantages that an organization...
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...Lindlar TIB—German naTIonal lIBrary of ScIence and TechnoloGy ›Varying realities?‹ —sWOt analysis Of a cOnsOrtially Operated digital preserVatiOn system »The belief that one’s own view of reality is the only reality is the most dangerous of all delusions.« paul WatzlaWick IntroductIon: The swot analysis is a strategic management model. It forms the basis of almost all attempts to formalize the process of strategy development. Examples for external factors in a swot analysis are technological developments, market trends, other institutions and politics. Examples for internal factors are financial resources, knowhow, staff and image. H E n ry M I n Tz B E rg The poster will exemplify how a swot analysis can be used in the context of a consortially operated digital preservation system using the example of goportis—Leibniz Library network for research Information, the strategic network of the three german national Libraries. SWot analySIS: O ppO rTu n i Ti es Th r eaTs sTr en gThs SO Strate g i eS • service model • (organisational/contractual) flexibility towards changes • knowledge exchange • collaboration in standard tasks (e.g. technology watch, community watch, format registry work) • re-use of practical experiences of partners in system (e.g. configurations, workflows, preservation planning) St Strateg i eS • observation of digital preservation community for evolving standards and best practises • external networking (e...
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...OBJECTIVES 5 EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 7 SOCIAL 7 TECHNOLOGICAL 8 POLITICAL 9 ENVIRONMENTAL 9 ECONOMIC 10 INTERNAL CAPABILITY ANALYSIS 11 VRIN 12 S.W.O.T ANALYSIS 14 PROPOSED STRATEGIES 16 STRATEGIC ALLIANCES 18 REQUIRED RESOURCES 20 CONCLUSION 23 REFERENCES 24 INTRODUCTION Located on Sydney’s unique Harbour, one of Australia’s most popular tourist destinations is the Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA). The MCA has been dedicated to displaying, collecting and interpreting contemporary art since it first opened its doors to the public in November 1991 (MCA, 2014). The beginning of the MCA was due to an Australian artist, John Power, who left his fortune to the University of Sydney when he passed away. The University of Sydney, on Power’s request, used this money to educate and inform Australians about contemporary art. This eventually led to the NSW Government donating the old Maritime Services Board premises to the cause. This location is where the MCA remains today. The following paper will analyse critical elements involved in the MCA’s strategic operations. Beginning with the mission, goals and objectives, followed by an external environmental analysis and an internal capability analysis. The majority of the paper will discuss proposed strategies and finally required resources. MISSION & VISION STATEMENTS Whilst not using the term ‘mission statement’, this statement successfully communicates what the MCA does, then delves deeper...
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...To : HR Director From : HR Manager Date : 19.06.2012 Subject : Human resource management strategy plan 1.1 The word strategy means a long term planning or aim to achieve the specific purpose. Human resource management is based in the efficent use of employees. The main purpose of human resource management is to use of skills and abilities of employee in such a way to achieve the desired result of operational objectives that are utmost aim of organisation. Strategic human resource management is an approach that defines how the organisation goals will be achieved through people by mean of HR strategies and integerated HR policies and practices. SHRM may also be defined as, "strategic HRM focuses on actions that differniate the firm from its competitors" ( Purcell, 1999). Hill and jones take a similar view they define strategy as " an action a company takes to attian superior performance". the SHRM means the decision of a business organisation about what to do and what not to do when learning, training developing and organizing human resource. for example samsung recent decision to make a samsung note featuring all the function very similar to computer and ipad.was a strategic decision according to current need of consumer. SHRM focus on peformance of whole organisation instead of individual performance. 1.2 One of the most essential part of organisation is its employees and is obligatory...
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...Motorola Inc. Motorola Inc. Describe the salient opportunities and threats that exist in Motorola’s external environment. Observing the history of Motorola the enchanting thing that we discover is that the biggest opportunity that they have is their brands are well placed in the market. Also understanding the fact that they have a very strong promotional strategy, by using different tools they tempt their customers towards an exciting era of innovation. The fact that Motorola has been involved in the venture of Telco TV services by Verizon and this has provided the advantage to be placed in the rapidly growing market. One of the analysts has also instructed that Motorola has such products that can allow it to easily enter the mature market where risk is extensively high then in comparison to its competitors. Motorola has also expanded its products worldwide and to different other foreign countries where it has started to penetrate itself into new markets. Thus this will allow them to enter in to a diverse area and thus will also help them to enhance their expertise. However, it’s not always good news Motorola is operating in a very dynamic market which makes it highly possible for increasing threats to occur. Thus, the biggest threat to Motorola is from Japan which is producing high quality products and flooding them abroad attached with it a cheap price. Also we cannot say that Motorola is the only firm with an advantage of wireless technology because we have other firms...
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