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Organizational Leadership


Submitted By gauravjuneja90
Words 3538
Pages 15
` | | | Faculty of Creative Industries and BusinessDepartment of Management and Marketing Master of Business (PGDipBus) |
APMG8117 Marketing Strategy
Assessment 3: B2B Marketing | | Semester: | Semester 1, 2016 | Date issued: | Session 1 | Due date and time: | 16th May, 2016, 5:00 PM | Delivery: | * NO late assignments accepted | Total marks: | | Weighting: | | Word limit | | | | Instructions: | Complete this cover sheet and attach it to your assignment. This is an individual assignment and must be your own work. Collusion, copying or plagiarism may result in disciplinary action We advise that you keep a copy of this assignment. | | | Student Name: | Gaurav Juneja | Student ID No: | 1464684 | Lecturer: | Prof. Asoka Gunaratne | Class time: | | Student declaration: | I confirm that: This is an original assessment and is entirely my own work. Where I have used ideas, tables, diagrams etc of other writers,
I have acknowledged the source in every case. This assignment has not previously been submitted as assessed work for any academic course. | Signature of student: | | Date of signature: | | | |

Table of Contents Topics | Page. No. | Executive Summary | 3 | Introduction to DHL Express | 4 | SWOT Analysis | 6, 7 | Analysis of Internal Environment | 8, 9 | Analysis of External Environment | 9 | SFAS | 10 | Identification of Problem or Opportunity | 10 | PESTEL Analysis | 11 | Identification of Strategic Options (TOWS Matrix) | 12 | Solution (Pros and Cos) | 12, 13 | Strategy Recommendations and Conclusion | 13, 14 | References | 15, 16 |

Executive Summary
The main aim of this report is to give an insight into DHL Express’s market audit, analysis and evaluation. Here, we will be mentioning upon the external and internal environment that prevail in the company and would

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