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Organizational Trends


Submitted By derdnik
Words 977
Pages 4
Organizational Trends

Nathaniel Benson, Felton Wells, Kevin Harring, William Kindred

February 17, 2011
Charles Parnell
Organizational Trends Team B entered discussion concerning organizational trends. Within the discussion the team came to a consensus about its thoughts toward organizational trends. In this paper we will describe the characteristics of high performance workplaces and organizations, discuss how high performance workplaces and organizations differ from traditional organizations in terms of operational effectiveness, workplace stress, and organizational dynamics. We will then compile strategies for managing workplace stress, and evaluate emerging trends in organizational behavior related to high performance workplaces and stress management techniques. Although each organization has its own way of doing things, trends in high performance workplaces and organizations differ from traditional organizations in terms of operational effectiveness, workplace stress, and organizational dynamics.
High Performance Workplace and Organization Characteristics Organizations consist of many characteristics of high performance. A few of these characteristics consist of work clarity, and a capability assessment. Work clarity consists of making sure every employee understands why the organization exists and what is important. The process makes it clear to all employees in the organization, what business the larger or parent organizations are in and how he or she can help to improve or increase performance. A capability assessment consists of making sure employees have a clear understanding of the abilities needed to obtain job completion. This includes people, technology, and other resources. This consists of each part of the organization participating in a process that identifies the people and technology required to support its

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