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Submitted By desmond1340
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Origins of American Criminal Law
Desmond Barnes
Professor Poydasheff
Bus 100
Strayer University

Origins of American Criminal Law The 2nd Amendment is the right to bear arms. One of the most amendment since it was adopted in December of 1791. This amendment always people to keep and bear arms. The importance of this amendment is being felt even in modern day times with the recent shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. The debate on stricter gun laws was started when twenty-two children and six adults were shot and killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School, including the shooter’s mother. The argument of who should be able to have access to a gun and the type of gun erupted the nation. The Federal government has the power to enforce this amendment but the state has the right to make their own laws dealing with guns and who can have them. The state may put in place certain laws about gun regulations. The federal also has to the power to rule such unconstitutional. This way there is always a constant check and balance between the state and federal government.
The four goals of the criminal justice system are to stop people from committing crimes, protect society from people who can cause harm, to punish people who have committed crimes and to reform those people. These four goal keep our society in balance. Our police system enforces the law and tries to prevent people from committing crimes. If the crimes are committed still such people are put into jail to stop harm to other people in their society. In jail they are punish for the severity of their crime. While here they are reformed to be able to rejoin society if the crime they committed was not to severe. Police power is the basic right of governments to make laws for the benefit of the community. Only states have the right to make laws based on their police power. The lawmaking power of the

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