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Orthodontics Research Paper

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One of the problems with getting orthodontics is that you have to change your diet. Sticky foods and candies can cause damage that require an additional trip to the orthodontist to get the metalwork fixed. Other foods can get stuck in the metal and cause tooth decay. By avoiding certain foods and brushing your teeth immediately after eating, you can ensure that your braces last for as long as possible. If you have any type of orthodontics, you should avoid the following foods. Without proper care, you can end up damaging wires and popping brackets.

1. Always Avoid Gum

Gum is a naturally sticky substance. While its rubbery texture is a part of gum's appeal, it is not ideal for any type of metal. It can easily get stuck between the wires in your teeth. In the best case scenario, you will end up spending hours with your toothbrush to dislodge the gum. Gum can also pull out …show more content…
Skip Out on the Popcorn

Popcorn may be delicious, but the husks and hulls cause problems in your mouth. These hulls can get stuck in hard to reach spots, which contributes to tooth decay. If you are able to find a husk-less popcorn, you can eat popcorn occasionally. Otherwise, you need to avoid it as much as possible.

3. Corn on the Cob Is Not Designed for Your Mouth

Corn is a delicious, nutritious addition to your diet. Eating regular corn is perfectly fine, but corn on the cob is on the list of foods that you should not eat. When you bite into the cob, it can cause the brackets and wires to become loose and dislodge. At the very least, the corn will end up getting stuck in the metal and could contribute to tooth decay.

4. Cut Your Apples Up

Like corn on the cob, apples require you to take a large bite out of them. This poses a problem for anyone with orthodontic devices. Rather than risk dislodging the metal, you should avoid biting into an apple completely. If you want to enjoy your favorite fruit, try cutting it into smaller pieces before you indulge.

5. Skip Out on the

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