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Biomaterials 28 (2007) 2908–2914

2D mapping of texture and lattice parameters of dental enamel
Maisoon Al-Jawada,Ã, Axel Steuwerb, Susan H. Kilcoynec, Roger C. Shorea, Robert Cywinskid, David J. Wooda a Leeds Dental Institute, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9LU, UK FaME38 at the ILL-ESRF, 6 rue J Horowitz, 38042 Grenoble, France c Institute for Materials Research, University of Salford, Salford, M5 4WT, UK d School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK b

Received 19 December 2006; accepted 16 February 2007 Available online 25 February 2007

Abstract We have used synchrotron X-ray diffraction to study the texture and the change in lattice parameter as a function of position in a cross section of human dental enamel. Our study is the first to map changes in preferred orientation and lattice parameter as a function of position within enamel across a whole tooth section with such high resolution. Synchrotron X-ray diffraction with a micro-focused beam spot was used to collect two-dimensional (2D) diffraction images at 150 mm spatial resolution over the entire tooth crown. Contour maps of the texture and lattice parameter distribution of the hydroxyapatite phase were produced from Rietveld refinement of diffraction patterns generated by azimuthally sectioning and integrating the 2D images. The 002 Debye ring showed the largest variation in intensity. This variation is indicative of preferred orientation. Areas of high crystallite alignment on the tooth cusps match the expected biting surfaces. Additionally we found a large variation in lattice parameter when travelling from the enamel surface to the enameldentine junction. We believe this to be due to a change in the chemical composition within the tooth. The results provide a new insight on the texture and lattice parameter profiles within enamel. r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Enamel; Hydroxyapatite; Apatite structure; Synchrotron X-ray diffraction; Texture; Preferred orientation

1. Introduction Dental enamel is the most highly mineralised and hardest biological tissue. It is comprised of approximately 96% mineral, 3% water, and 1% organic matter (noncollagenous protein) by weight [1]. The mineral is nonstoichiometric calcium hydroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4)6OH2) with carbonate, fluoride, sodium, and magnesium ions frequently found within the structure. These hydroxyapatite (HA) crystallites are laid down as nanorods with crosssectional dimensions of 50 nm  25 nm and up to 1 mm long [2]. Clusters of these nanorods, known as prisms, contain around 1000 crystallites. They are approximately 5 mm in diameter and may be up to several millimetres long, and the majority are arranged with their long axes at approximately 901 to the enamel-dentine junction (EDJ).
ÃCorresponding author. Tel.: +441133438331.

E-mail address: (M. Al-Jawad). 0142-9612/$ - see front matter r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2007.02.019

The orientation of prisms in enamel has been studied in the past using electron microscopy. Although this is a valuable tool for finding the prism shape and size in a particular plane of enamel, it is a qualitative technique and does not give detailed, quantitative information on the degree of alignment in different parts of a tooth. Previous work using X-ray diffraction on human dental enamel has established the space group and lattice parameters as P63/m ˚ ˚ (hexagonal) and a ¼ 9.441(2) A and c ¼ 6.878(1) A respectively [3–5]. However, these values were obtained from measurements of powdered enamel collected from several teeth, and as a result any information on the spatial variation of the lattice parameters and texture relating to the growth of the HA crystallites was lost. It has been reported from grazing-incidence synchrotron X-ray diffraction experiments that there is a higher degree of crystallite alignment in surface enamel compared to enamel close to the EDJ [6]. However, only linear slices from EDJ to surface were probed in these experiments. In an earlier

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study Hirota examined the tilting of the enamel-prism orientation in a human canine using laboratory twodimensional (2D) X-ray diffraction [7], however only 12 points within the tooth were measured and therefore the information obtained about the prism orientation cannot be for the whole tooth. In this paper we aim to show for the first time how synchrotron X-ray diffraction can be used to determine the basic crystallographic parameters of the HA phase across a whole intact tooth section, allowing us to explore composition and texture on the sub-millimetre length-scale. Characterising the orientation distribution of the anisotropic apatite crystallites of dental enamel aids the fundamental understanding of the natural growth and formation of dental enamel, and provides insights into how synthetic enamel-like materials may be developed.
2. Materials and methods 2.1. Specimen preparation
The sample used in this study was a section of an adult mandibular second premolar (LR5). The tooth was collected with informed consent from a patient undergoing routine orthodontic extraction at the Leeds Dental Institute. The extracted tooth had its pulp removed and was sterilised by autoclaving prior to storage at 4 1C in a thymol solution to prevent bacterial growth. A precision diamond blade cutter was used to cut the tooth into 500 mm thick longitudinal sections perpendicular to the buccal and lingual surfaces. The sections were then polished by hand to remove any surface roughness. A photograph of the section used for this study is given in Fig. 1. The four arrows mark the tracks plotted in Fig. 10.

lattice parameters distribution maps. The 2y angle-range for this experiment was 2y ¼ 5–301—for comparison this corresponds to a 2yrange of 9–581 on a conventional lab-based X-ray diffraction apparatus ˚ with CuKa radiation of wavelength l ¼ 1.54 A. For our experimental setup, the main diffraction peak of the HA phase (2 1 1) was located in the centre of our 2y range at 16.771. Vacuum tube slits were used to focus the X-ray beam to a diameter of 150 mm on the sample. A 500 mm thick tooth section was mounted in transmission geometry onto a travelling sample platform such that the tooth could be scanned in two orthogonal directions perpendicular to the beam. A charge-coupled device (CCD) 2D detector with 2048  2048 pixel resolution was mounted behind the sample and perpendicular to the incident beam for the collection of 2D diffraction images. The cross-hairs of a telescope were positioned in line with the beam centre in order to align the beam position on the tooth. A schematic of the experimental setup with an example 2D diffraction image is shown in Fig. 2. A single diffraction image had an exposure time of 5 s and therefore a 150 mm-resolution map of the tooth on a grid of 10 mm  7 mm could be collected in approximately 8 h by moving the sample relative to the beam in an x and y direction.

2.3. Data analysis
2D diffraction images were pre-processed with the ESRF software Fit2D [9]. Each image was sectioned into 51 slices [10] and these integrated slices were then used to create Intensity versus 2y patterns for Rietveld refinement [11], i.e. 72 diffraction patterns per 2D image. Conventionally only one Bragg reflection in the diffraction pattern is used in texture analysis therefore any slight changes in sample volume as a function of position would affect the sample absorption and could affect the texture coefficient obtained. However, using the Rietveld method minimises the effect of variations in sample volume since all reflections are used to obtain the fit. In addition, in our study, we used a scaling factor in the refinement procedure and found that changes in the scale factor were small as a function of position within the tooth, indicating that variations in section thickness were negligible. A total of 1095 diffraction patterns were refined and therefore an in-house automated batching procedure was written and used to input the patterns into the GSAS Rietveld refinement software [12]. The instrument parameters such as X-ray wavelength, sample to detector distance, and peak-shape profile were determined using a LaB6 standard sample. These parameters were then kept fixed for refinements of the data. The scale parameter and background parameters (four terms) were refined first. The lattice parameters and crystallite size (Lorentzian particle broadening term) were refined next, starting from the values for HA taken from Young [3]. Finally the texture was refined using a spherical harmonics function [13] and the preferred orientation values for the 002 reflection were extracted from this. The values of preferred orientation ranged from 0 (randomly oriented) to 3.5 (strongly textured). The quality of the refinement was determined by least squares methods where the goodness of fit increased as w2 approached unity whereby: w2 ¼ R2 wp R2 e ,

2.2. Synchrotron X-ray diffraction
The measurements were taken on the XMaS beamline [8] at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) using an X-ray ˚ wavelength of l ¼ 0.82 A (equivalent to X-ray energies of 15 keV) and a sample to detector distance of 163.09 mm. The 2y angle-range for our experiment was limited by our experimental setup and the sample to detector distance. We compromised on the very high-angle HA reflections in order to position the 2D detector closer to the sample and therefore greatly reduced our counting times. This allowed us to collect more diffraction patterns per tooth and obtain higher resolution texture and

where Rwp is the weighted R-factor and Re the expected R-factor.

Fig. 1. Photograph of 500 mm thick tooth section from a human adult lower right premolar. The arrows mark the tracks through the tooth plotted in Fig. 10.

Fig. 2. Experimental setup at the XMaS beamline, ESRF, with an example 2D diffraction image.

2910 M. Al-Jawad et al. / Biomaterials 28 (2007) 2908–2914

3. Results 3.1. Preferred orientation in enamel Preferred orientation has both a magnitude and a direction. Through our analyses of the X-ray diffraction data we have been able to quantify both these parameters. In order to obtain an overview of the preferred orientation in a tooth section the 2D X-ray scans were arranged to form a composite map of CCD images of the tooth, as shown in Fig. 3. Each small square in the image is one 2D diffraction pattern. The centres of adjacent diffraction patterns are 150 mm apart. The shape of the tooth can clearly be seen from this composite image. The darker patterns in the middle of the tooth are from dentine and the lighter patterns covering these are from the enamel. At the surface the enamel is thinner, therefore there is a halo of darker images along the edge of the tooth where there is partial air scattering. This can also be seen in the fissure where there is a gap between the two cusps. Additionally, it can be seen that below the fissure there is a circular region of enamel which is darker than the surrounding patterns. It is likely that this is caused by a fissure caries lesion which has partially demineralised the enamel in that area. In Figs. 4a–d four individual diffraction scans from different parts of the tooth are shown. Figs. 4a, c and d illustrate the change in texture direction in the 002 plane at different positions within the enamel. Variations in intensity around diffraction rings are indicative of texture in the tooth enamel. The strongest texture (the most extreme variation in intensity) was found in the 002 reflection (2y ¼ 13.71)—labelled in Fig. 4a. A line through zero degree has also been marked in Fig. 4a. Fig. 4b shows the diffraction pattern from dentine. Here the peaks are much broader indicating that the crystallites are smaller. There is also much less variation in intensity around the

Fig. 4. (a), (c) and (d) Illustrate the change in texture direction at difference positions within the enamel. (b) Shows the poorly crystalline nature of dentine.

Debye rings indicating that the dentine is much less textured than the enamel. The intensity pattern around the Debye ring of the 002 reflection was used to evaluate the texture direction. The intensity was integrated over 3601 in a narrow band containing the 002 reflection and plotted versus the azimuthal angle. Fig. 5 shows a typical example of the resulting curve for one diffraction scan where there are two pronounced peaks separated by approximately 1801. By fitting these peaks to a Gaussian peak shape, the deviation angle, f, of the crystallite axis relative to vertical was determined. By applying this procedure to each of the diffraction images, a map of the local orientation of the texture in the 002 direction in the enamel is obtained. Fig. 6 shows a map of the orientation angles overlaid onto the composite image of the tooth. In Fig. 6, for clarity, only every fourth value of f has been drawn. It can be seen from this that the texture direction in the 002 reflection is approximately perpendicular to, and follows the contour of the EDJ. From our knowledge of the structure of dental enamel it would appear that the preferred orientation in the 002 direction approximately follows the direction of the enamel prism arrangement. 3.2. Rietveld refinement The extent of preferred orientation in the tooth section has been quantified using Rietveld refinement. An example of a typical 1D Intensity versus 2y diffraction pattern together with the calculated pattern is shown in Fig. 7. The

Fig. 3. Composite of 2714 diffraction images arranged spatially to show the outline of the tooth specimen.

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Fig. 5. Typical intensity versus Azimuthal angle curve for the 002 reflection showing the pronounced texture in this sample. The left hand peak has been fitted to a Gaussian.

open circles are the observed data points, and the solid line is the calculated diffraction pattern. Below the pattern is a plot of the difference (observed–calculated), and beneath are the tick marks for the 2y peak positions for the calculated diffraction pattern of HA. The difference plot shows that the agreement between observed and calculated data is generally very good with a typical value for w2 of $1.5. The final parameters obtained from this refinement are given in Table 1. Similar refinements were carried out on all diffraction patterns. A contour map showing the change in magnitude of preferred orientation in the 002 diffraction peak has been plotted in Fig. 8. The 002 preferred orientation parameters have been extracted for the ‘zero degree’ slice of each 2D diffraction image (see Fig. 4a). Areas with higher values of preferred orientation parameter are more strongly textured i.e. the crystallites are more aligned to the ‘zero degree’ direction in these areas. Areas with low texture coefficient have less well-aligned crystallites. 3.3. Change in lattice parameters Both the a- and c-lattice parameters of HA were refined in each diffraction pattern and after carrying out Rietveld refinements of 1095 data sets it was noticed that neither the a- nor c-lattice parameters were constant as a function of position. Note that the variation was not due to X-ray wavelength drift as a function of time, but was clearly dependent on the position within the tooth. Trends in the lattice-parameter changes have been plotted in Fig. 9 relative to the average lattice parameters. The relative percentage change in the a-lattice parameter (Ra) across the tooth section was calculated using:   an À a0 Ra ¼ Â 100%, a0 where an is the refined lattice parameter for diffraction pattern n, and a0 is the overall average lattice parameter. The same type of equation was used for defining the c-lattice parameter variation, Rc. Both Ra and Rc have been

Fig. 6. Texture direction of the 002 reflection of hydroxyapatite crystallites in enamel, calculated using 2D diffraction images.

Fig. 7. Typical diffraction pattern including the raw data (circles), the calculated diffraction pattern (solid line), the difference, and the tick marks for the 2y peak positions for the calculated diffraction pattern of hydroxyapatite.

2912 M. Al-Jawad et al. / Biomaterials 28 (2007) 2908–2914 Table 1 Refined structural parameters for typical diffraction pattern of dental enamel (HA) Phase hydroxyapatite Space group ˚ a (A) ˚ c (A) a, b, g ˚ V (A3) Y(particle) 002(SH) w2 P63/m (#176) 9.4660(9) 6.9018(3) a ¼ b ¼ 901, g ¼ 1201 535.49(8) 7.83(9) 1.9(1) 1.5

Y(particle) is the coefficient for Lorentzian particle size broadening, and 002(SH) is the 002 spherical harmonic preferred orientation term.

Fig. 8. Texture distribution map generated from the calculated texture coefficient via Rietveld refinement.

plotted as contour plots in Figs. 9a and b. It can be seen from these figures that the a- and c-lattice parameters vary between À0.6% and +0.3% of their average values. In all cases the uncertainty in the lattice parameters did not exceed 1 Â 10À3, and the values for the average lattice ˚ ˚ parameters were a0 ¼ 9.5165(6) A and c0 ¼ 6.9394(2) A. These plots clearly reveal that there is a systematic variation of the lattice parameters as a function of position within the enamel. Figs. 10a–d shows plots of Ra and Rc as a function of distance from the surface for the four tracks through the enamel indicated in Fig. 1. In all regions, Ra (filled symbols) decreases with increasing distance from the tooth surface, especially around the cusps. In Figs. 10b and c there is second peak in the Ra curve at around 600 mm from the surface indicating a region of enamel which has a higher a-lattice parameter than the surrounding enamel. This region can be seen clearly in the contour plot in Fig. 9a. Along each track, the c-lattice parameter curves (open symbols) are much flatter. This indicates that Rc is less dependent on the distance from the enamel surface than Ra. In both the a- and c-lattice parameter values, there is also a difference between the lingual and the buccal sides of the tooth.

Fig. 9. (a) a-lattice parameter and (b) c-lattice parameter contour maps showing the change in lattice parameter value at different positions around the tooth.

4. Discussion It has been seen previously that there is a higher degree of crystallite alignment in surface enamel compared to enamel close to the EDJ [6]. However, in that work, only linear slices from EDJ to surface were probed. The results from our study show that the texture distribution is much more complex than previously thought. We can see

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Fig. 10. Four tracks through the tooth section going from enamel surface to EDJ showing the change in lattice parameter as a function of distance from the enamel surface. The tracks are indicated in Fig. 1.

in Fig. 8 that HA crystallites are most aligned in the cuspal regions: on both sides of the buccal cusp and on the inner side of the lingual cusp HA crystallites are highly aligned. Conversely, along the sides of the tooth away from the cusps generally the crystallites are less ordered. It is interesting to note that the areas of high crystallite alignment match the expected occlusal surfaces of a lower second premolar [14]. This may be an evolutionary development of enamel so that the regions of enamel which are exposed to the largest load are the strongest. It is interesting to note that a strong correlation between functionality and texture in human bone has been reported by Bacon [15] where he observed that the living conditions (either on a steep hillside, or on the flat) of two Neolithic tribes radically affected the HA crystallite growth and alignment on the lower front edge of the tibia. Although dental enamel cannot regenerate itself as bone can, it is likely that through evolution the degree of crystallite alignment in different regions of a tooth has been optimised for the function of the tooth. Changes in lattice parameter can be indicative of changes in enamel crystal chemistry as well as changes in the stress/ strain-state of a material. Separating these two possible effects or even using the lattice parameters to determine compositional changes in biological apatites is not straightforward as changes in crystal chemistry can be the result of several ionic substitutions, such as Na, Mg, Cl or F, as well as variations in the carbonate content and the Ca/P ratio. However, the magnitude of the changes seen across our tooth suggest that the changes in lattice parameters plotted in Figs. 9 and 10 arise predominantly from changes in the chemical composition of the enamel in different regions of the tooth. Chemical analysis of the distribution of fluoride, carbonate and magnesium in enamel has been carried out previously by Robinson et al. By dissecting tooth sections into pieces weighing

20–50 mg, the amount of fluoridated apatite was determined by etching the tooth sections and analysing the fluoride concentration in the post-etched buffer solution [16], the concentration of carbonate was determined by dissolving each piece in acid and measuring the volume of CO2 emitted [17], and concentration of magnesium was found using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer [18]. They found that fluoride concentrations decreased in going from the enamel surface to the EDJ, while carbonate and magnesium concentrations increased (from 2% to 4–6%, and from 0.2% to 0.5% respectively) across the same distance [19]. In dentine, changes in the a-lattice parameter of up to 0.5% have been reported in going from the EDJ into the centre of the dentine [20]. This trend has been explained principally as a result of the increased substitution of CO2À for PO3À associated with the more immature 3 4 dentine crystallites. Our results are of a comparable order of magnitude and we believe them to be the result of compositional change. Comparing Figs. 9a and b it can be seen that there is more variation in the a-lattice parameter than in c. This trend has also been seen in dentine [20] where the a-lattice parameter decreased by 0.5% with increasing distance from the EDJ into the dentine, whereas the c-lattice parameter only decreased by 0.1% over the same distance. In addition to a decrease in lattice parameters going from the surface enamel to the EDJ, there is a difference in the lattice parameters on the buccal and lingual sides of the tooth indicating a change in crystal chemistry on the different sides of the tooth. This could either be due to the different functions of the two sides of the tooth or due to their slightly different oral environments, or a combination of both. Cuy et al. have generated 2D distribution maps for the hardness (H) and Young’s modulus (E) of enamel using nanoindendation [21]. In the molars they investigated, they found that the cuspal regions had higher hardness and Young’s modulus. They report values ranging from H46 GPa to Ho3 GPa and E4115 GPa and Eo70 Gpa, respectively, going from the enamel surface to the EDJ. The contour maps they generated of H and E show similar features to our lattice-parameter distribution maps, indicating that the crystallographic and mechanical properties of enamel are closely linked, therefore an understanding of both is necessary in order to fully understand the function of enamel in different parts of a tooth. 5. Conclusions Using spatially resolved synchrotron X-ray diffraction we have quantified the changes in texture and lattice parameters in dental enamel as a function of position within the tooth. With this technique, in a few hours of data collection, we have generated 2D distribution maps of both texture and lattice-parameter changes in enamel with 150 mm resolution. This has given detailed quantitative information on the degree of crystallite alignment in

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different regions of tooth enamel not previously reported. It has also shown that the lattice parameters maps, related to changes in crystal chemistry, are more complicated that previously thought indicating that understanding heterogeneities within a single tooth is as important as realising the differences between teeth. We have shown that characterising the crystallographic properties of dental enamel is crucial in order to design optimised dental restorative materials. Finally, we have shown through this work that synchrotron X-ray diffraction is a powerful technique in the study of the crystallography and microstructure of dental enamel and it could be equally successful in the study of other biological hard tissues, in the study of synthetic biomaterials, and in the study of biosynthetic complexes. Acknowledgments This work was performed on the EPSRC-funded CRG beamline (XMaS BM28) at the ESRF. We are grateful to L. Bouchenoire and J. Wright (ESRF) for their invaluable assistance and to S. Beaufoy for additional administrative support. Also, we would like to thank the FaME38 facility for providing the VAMAS approved precise sample mounting system. Thanks to C. Sullivan at Leeds Dental Institute for producing the photograph in Fig. 1. This research was funded by the UK Medical Research Council. References
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...Association of German Research Centres (HGF). With its approximately 800 employees it undertakes, in collaboration with universities and industry, research and development in the areas of coastal research, materials research, regenerative medicine, and structure research with neutrons and synchrotron radiation. The Centre for Biomaterial Development of the Institute of Polymer Research of the GKSS in Teltow offers a PhD Student Position - Code-No. 2009/PB 10 in the fields of Polymer Science and Pharmaceutical Technology for activities in a DFG funded project on new applications of shape-memory polymers. The position will be for three years. You will investigate new capabilities of shape-memory polymers as drug carriers in the field of Pharmaceutical Technology. You will be responsible for the benchwork including polymer synthesis and comprehensive polymer characterization as well as analysis of the properties such as the thermomechanical behaviour of polymer-based drug carriers. Moreover, depending on your personal interest, there will be the opportunity to extent your personal expertise and to participate in the preparation of drug carriers or the biomaterial characterization in cell studies after training by experts in the respective fields. Furthermore, you will actively participate in the publication of the results and the preparation of patent applications. You have a strong background in both polymer and organic chemistry with a Diploma or Master in chemistry with a focus...

Words: 492 - Pages: 2

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...November 21, 2015, Reference Fisher, L. E., Hook, A. L., Ashraf, W., Yousef, A., Barrett, D. A., Scurr, D. J., … Bayston, R. (2015). Biomaterial modification of urinary catheters with antimicrobials to give long-term broadspectrum antibiofilm activity. Journal of Controlled Release, 202, 57-64. doi:10.1016/j.jconrel.2015.01.037.Epub Retrieved November 15,2015, from Since urinary catheter infections are so prevalent in hospitalized patients; short-term bladder drainage or long-term management of bladder dysfunction can posed serious infections. The purpose of this research is to see, if applying Biomaterial modification to urinary catheters such as anti-microbial agents will prevent foley catheters related infections. The aim is to try to keep the indwelling catheter as long as possible without the development of catheter related infection.(Fisher,2015). The questions to keep in mind are that is it effective to apply the Biomaterial agent in reducing catheter related infection? What is the objective of patients who has an indwelling catheter with anti-microbial agent? Applicability The variables used in this study are silicone catheters. The independent variable used to run this test are pathogens such as Esherichia Coli, Proteus Mirabis, and Klebsiella Pneumaniae and anti-microbial agents are 0.2% Rifampin, 1% Triclosan, and 1% Sparloxacin.(Fisher et al,2015) In this study, there were no actual people samples, but the specimens of...

Words: 1119 - Pages: 5

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...meaning they can transfer an active bacteria to another without knowing it or being sick themselves. The number of cases of Vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus has excessively increased in recent years. This being especially applicable to people with inserted pacemakers and other implanted biomaterials. Obtaining successful antibiotics for this extremely aggressive organism has been further more troublesome by the international spread of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains. The new development of vancomycin- resistance among this bacteria is not alarming considering the metabolic adaptability of the Staphylococci aureus and the chronic overuse of antimicrobial drugs. Although at this present time vancomycin is...

Words: 328 - Pages: 2

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Ischaemic Heart Disease Analysis

...One way to treat the disease is to replace the worn or damaged tissue with a new functional tissue or organ. Tissue engineering has evolved from the field of biomaterials development. The basic idea of tissue engineering is the combination of cells (patients cells or donor cells), a scaffold (a synthetic biological template), and biologically active compounds such as growth factors, adhesion factors and mechanical stimulation which act as signals. These three components are combined to produce an engineered tissue that is a functional structure that can restore, maintain or improve damaged tissues or entire organs. When stem cells and biomaterials are combined living cardiovascular devices can be generated. [6] A source of cells may be cardiovascular endothelial cells and myofibroblasts which can be found in autlologous vein and artery cells and umbilical cord cells. These cell sources may be acquired in vivo. Endothelial progenitor cells can theoretically be captured from the blood stream by being taken from the blood by recognition sites on the biomaterial structure. The scaffold is a structure which can be made of natural or artificial materials on which the tissue is grown to mimic a biological process outside the body for research and investigation or to replace a damage or worn tissue inside the body. The scaffold must mimic the structural...

Words: 1356 - Pages: 6

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Bme Paper Osteoblast Maturation

...ORIGINAL ARTICLE Osteoblast Maturation and New Bone Formation in Response to Titanium Implant Surface Features Are Reduced With Age Rene Olivares-Navarrete, 1 * Andrew L Raines, 1,2 * Sharon L Hyzy, 1 Jung Hwa Park, 1 Daphne L Hutton, 1 David L Cochran , 3 Barbara D Boyan , 1 and Zvi Schwartz 1,3 1 Parker H. Petit Institute for Bioengineering and Bioscience, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA St. Joseph’s Translational Research Institute, Atlanta, GA, USA 3 University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, USA 2 ABSTRACT The surface properties of materials contribute to host cellular response and play a significant role in determining the overall success or failure of an implanted biomaterial. Rough titanium (Ti) surface microtopography and high surface free energy have been shown to enhance osteoblast maturation in vitro and increase bone formation in vivo. Whereas the surface properties of Ti are known to affect osteoblast response, host bone quality also plays a significant role in determining successful osseointegration. One factor affecting host bone quality is patient age. We examined both in vitro and in vivo whether response to Ti surface features was affected by animal age. Calvarial osteoblasts isolated from 1-, 3-, and 11-month-old rats all displayed a reduction in cell number and increases in alkaline phosphatase–specific activity and osteocalcin in response to increasing Ti surface microtopography and surface...

Words: 8554 - Pages: 35

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Disadvantages Of Nanotechnology

...Nanotechnology is introduced in 1980’s by which it is possible to build things at nano scale by controlling molecules at atomic level. In later years technology has accepted and improved and found its use in various fields including electronics, organic chemistry, biomaterials, medicine etc. Nanomedicine uses this nano scale particles for the benefit of mankind (Medina et al., 2007). Using these nano particles therapeutically has made a significant improvement in the field of medicine that is used in diagnosis, therapy and as biomaterials in imaging (Surendiran et al., 2009). Their medical application includes nanomaterials, nanoelectronic biosensors and the future molecular nanotechnology (Wagner et al., 2006, Freitas 2005). Nanotechnology has comforted us with treating the disease with absolute specificity and understanding the pathogenesis of the disease. Major drawbacks of most drugs or techniques in medicinal field are its adverse side effects due to its less specificity and efficacy. As the size of nanoparticles is almost similar in range with biological molecules and structures it is always useful in both in vivo and in vitro medical applications and research with higher specificity and...

Words: 722 - Pages: 3

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Hip Replacement Research Paper

...Hip replacement is a kind of surgical procedure in which the damaged portion of the hip joint are removed and replaced with a new artificial parts made of biomaterials. These artificial parts which are used to treat damaged hip are called the prosthesis. Generally, the hip replacement surgery is done to improve the function of damaged hip joint, increase mobility and to relieve pain caused due to damaged hip. [1] Depending on the condition of the patients, hip replacement surgery can be hemi or half replacement or total replacement. There are various reasons behind conducting these surgeries which includes injury or fracture to the hip, wearing down of the joints over time or osteoarthritis and may be due to age-related joint disease which...

Words: 1997 - Pages: 8

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Coronary Artery Stent Structure

...Li, N., & Gu, Y. (2005). Parametric Design Analysis and Shpe Optimization of Coronary Artery Stent Structure. World Congresses of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. Rio de Janeiro,Brazil. Lim, I. A. (2004). Biocompatibility of Stent Materials. 11. Maher, E., Creane, A., Sultan, S., Hynes, N., & Lally, C. (2009). Tensile and Compressive Properties of Fresh Human Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaques. Journal of Biomechanics , 7 (32). Marrey, R. V., Burgermeister, R., Grishaber, R. B., & Ritchie, R. O. (2006). Fatigue and Life Prediction for Cobalt-Chromium Stents: A Fracture Mechanics Analysis. Biomaterial , 27, 1988-200. Mase, G. E. (1970). Schaum's Outlines: Continuum Mechanics. New York: McGraw-Hill. Masia, C. (2008). Constitiutive...

Words: 695 - Pages: 3

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...Although sophisticated medical technology is already available in health systems in developed countries, further advances are constantly being made. As a result of the addition of medical nanotechnology to existing knowledge of molecular and cellular biology, it seems likely that new, more personalised, more accurate and more rapid diagnostic techniques will be devised in the future, as well as new treatments that are also more personalised and promote regeneration of the organism. Clearly, as areas of research such as biomaterials or tissue engineering are developed for use in regenerative medicine, the range of opportunities will increase dramatically. Josep Anton Planell, the director of the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), which was formed by the UB, the UPC and the Generalitat (Government of Catalonia) and has its headquarters in Barcelona Science Park, considers that “in the future, it will be possible to design intelligent biomaterials that, when placed where damaged tissue needs to be regenerated, will be able to stimulate the stem cells to do what we want them to do”. However, more knowledge is needed to perfect the process. He states, “We are beginning to understand which biochemical, biophysical or mechanical signals activate cells to regenerate tissue. To be able to intervene, therefore, we first need to be able to quantify and assess the signals that generate the cell response and form a language.” These processes occur at the molecular level or...

Words: 1133 - Pages: 5

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Nanotechnology Paper

...and most of all less expensive but more precise. The world of nanotechnology is so broad, and touches on almost every topic of science. Nanotech is one of our biggest pushes into the future of our everyday living. There are hundreds of billions of research being conducted all around the world every day; in fact products seem to be changing as much as a daily routine nowadays. The research seems to be limitless on what we are able to do using nanotech, for instance when looking at the most common things we use such as: automobiles, computers, cell phones, televisions they seem to change instantly. Nanotechnology has the potential to change every part of our lives. Nanotechnology affects all materials: ceramics, metals, polymers, and biomaterials. New materials are the foundation of major technological advances. In the coming decade nanotechnology will have an enormous impact. Future advances could change our approaches to manufacturing, electronics, IT and communications technology making previous technology redundant and leading to applications which could not have been developed or even thought about, without this new approach. Scientists are experimenting with nanomaterials that grow or assemble themselves. In the nanotechnology world, you start with atoms and build things up, giving you incredible control. This study will aid in our food, water, air, gas and list goes on and on. Works Cited

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