...Comparison of open source OS and closed source OS Ted Wallick University of Phoenix The definition of closed source Operating System(OS), is any OS made but it's code and functionality is private to the vendor that made it. The end user can neither look at it's core/kernel or change it in any way. If an end user needs a change made, a change request has to be sent to the vendor to get adjustments made. This is how most commercial software is developed. Microsoft Windows OS (PC and mobile), Apple OS X, IOS, and UNIX, are primary examples of closed OS. Closed OS has some Pros and Cons. Pros: * Vendors have complete control over hardware and functionality. * The vendor gets to set some standards with how software and hardware are developed to work with the OS. * Vendor controls Versions and updates * Vendor controls any security issues (personally I would not want this hot potato) * Vendor has some control over what 3rd party developers make * Easier for the OS vendor and 3rd party developers to make money. Cons: * Response to system exploits (things that allow hackers to do whatever) is slower than open source OS due to a limited amount of code monkeys that have intimate knowledge and access to the OS code base * Closed OSs cost end users money hand over fist. Major upgrades will cost money. Most 3rd party software will cost large amounts of money. This is only fair to the people that put great time, effort and money to develop the tools...
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...Introduction The most commonly known Operating Systems (OS) today are UNIX, Linux, MacOS, and Windows. These operating systems all behave in their own way and similar in others. This paper will discuss this comparison of how these operating systems utilize memory, process handling, file management, and security. Memory Management Each operating system is required to allocate a certain amount of memory for the operating system itself for the processes that are being used or executed. There are two places memory exists: physically on the motherboard of the computer and within the operating system itself. When the operating system dynamically divides the memory usage between these two areas, this is called memory management. Each operating system manages memory different from the others; however they all follow some basic rules of memory management. All of the operating system’s memory management in general follows these requirements: relocation, protection, sharing, logical organization, and physical organization (Stallings, 2015). Relocation of memory is the process that allows the operating system to move a process or file from physical memory to virtual memory and back again, depending on the need for that data. Virtual memory exists within the operating system which uses the hard drive to store temporary information and physical memory is located on the motherboard of the computer. While the process is in memory, protection of that area needs to be enabled to...
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...(E), Aurangabad,Maharashtra, India. Email:amarmudiraj@gmail.com Abstract This paper presents a comparative study of Booting Paradigm of Windows, Linux and Mac, the three popular operating systems. Booting process is the essential and first step perform by the OS after this process execution all other processes can get the chance to execute , so we may say that booting is the first process because of which all other OS processes can execute. This experimental study gives an overview on the similarity and difference in Booting Process. As every operating system have to initially do the booting and as every OS providing different feature of each others, the paper is highlighting those micro and essential similarities and differences having by the operating systems during the Booting Process. Keywords: Booting, Cold booting, Worm booting, Linux Booting, Windows Booting, Mac Booting. In Worm Booting the computer get restart without shutdown the system, in which the system application and memory just get cleared and then reloading the operating system in primary memory. With the above two booting types we also have some other flavor in the computer booting like Sleep, Hibernate. Power - ON Load Instruction from ROM Detect OS from HDD 1. Introduction Find Attached H/W Booting Process is the first step gets happened in the computer system when you switch on the computer. In computing, booting is the initial set of operations that a computer system performs when electrical power to...
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...are available in market like, QTP, Selenium, WATIR etc, to cover this up. Contrary to this very less work is available & very less has been thought about the Comparison phase wherein Test Results thus generated have to be compared to produce a summary report for QA Testers to analyze which they can further categorize into Expected & Unexpected Breaks & then reach out to Development for investigation & thus complete the end-to-end life cycle of Regression Testing. With advent of IT and shift of focus toward Financial Banks & Institutions, a need is felt to have some faster & feasible way to compare records with high volume. That is the starting point for this paper under which an Automation Framework for Comparison Phase of Regression Testing is built in Perl, that could easily cover records of any volume. Use of Industry Compliant Methodology, named Best Match, made the framework even more flexible for scenarios having duplicate records on either of the two parallel sides. Best practice Data Structures like Hash are being used in the implementation that have fasten up the parsing & key pattern filtering, hence lowering down the overall comparison & summary generation time. Use of programming language Perl has made the framework platform or operating system independent as the implementation code can easily be run on any OS, like Unix, Sun,...
Words: 303 - Pages: 2
...Sister Flowers / Someone’s Mother In this essay we will discuss the comparison and contrast of two stories, Sister Flowers and Someone’s Mother. One of the easiest comparisons is that both of these stories were written in the first person by the authors. In Sister Flowers the author tells a tale of the struggle she had dealing with a traumatic event. In the same way, Someone’s Mother tells of the struggle the author had in leaving an elderly woman lost and alone. Also, both stories show a person’s genuine concern to help someone in need. Sister Flowers deals with a woman helping a child to find her voice in life. Likewise, Someone’s Mother shares the story of a woman who helps a hitchhiker who has seemed to have lost her way. Though both stories showed similarities they also were different in many ways. One of the ways in which the two stories contrast is that both took place in different parts of the country and in different eras. Sister Flowers is set in Arkansas in around the 30’s; however, Someone’s Mother was further north in New York and took place in 2007. Another difference between the stories was they both had different agendas. Someone’s Mother was more of a story dealing with the characters compassion. In Sister Flowers you felt the story leaning more towards the inner struggle of the character. In conclusion, you can see that there are many similarities as well as differences in these stories. Both were thoroughly enjoyable and should be recommended for all to...
Words: 268 - Pages: 2
...the opportunity to search for the product they want through endless avenues. Online shopping has grown so large that many companies are not investing in buildings and mall space, rather in online websites and web advertising. Through this paper I will discuss the reasons why shopping online is a better alternative to traditional shopping. The first benefit of online shopping is the convenience. While others are out fighting traffic and waiting in lines, online shoppers are home relaxing. Online shoppers can go from store to store with a flick of a mouse, while traditional shoppers have to walk, drive or can’t get to the stores they want. Online shoppers also benefit when it comes to comparison shopping. Traditional shoppers have to put a lot of work into comparison shopping. They have to drive from place to place find items and price and go onto the next place. This can be exhausting and stressful. The online shopper can do this from his or her couch. Online shoppers can search the planet for the product they are looking for, while traditional shoppers are limited to a small area. When it comes to seeing, touching, and trying out a new product, there is no substitute for actually going to the mall and examining the item in person. You cannot always tell what the merchandise is really like by seeing a picture of it on the Web. The color may be somewhat different online than it appears in real life. The exact size and proper fit may be critical when...
Words: 606 - Pages: 3
...Over a certain period of time I will be studying a child under the age of 5. I will be visiting the child every 2 weeks for a couple of weeks to see how they physically develop. I will be looking at their gross and fine motor skills of the child. Every visit I will be doing something new like painting, playing catch or going to the park etc. I will look at her normal routines of her everyday life. I will take pictures and collect information from every visit so I can use it as evidence. Every visit I will be looking at their height, weight and teeth to see how they develop over the period of time. After I have done all the visits I will go over what I have done and evaluate what I have found out and compare them to an average child the same age as them and see if they are developing quicker or slower to an average child. The method I will be using to collect my information will include the internet to look at the norms, books and during the visits while I will be observing the child. In the visits I will make it fun by putting fun activites for the child to so I can work on their fine and gross motor skills to see how they are improving every visit. With the information I collect I will be evaluating after all my visits and seeing how the child has improved over a couple of months. I will aslo be comparing the child to the norms that I have found from the internet and...
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...things: two texts, two theories, two historical figures, two scientific processes, and so on. "Classic" compare-and-contrast papers, in which you weight A and B equally, may be about two similar things that have crucial differences (two pesticides with different effects on the environment) or two similar things that have crucial differences, yet turn out to have surprising commonalities (two politicians with vastly different world views who voice unexpectedly similar perspectives on sexual harassment). In the "lens" (or "keyhole") comparison, in which you weight A less heavily than B, you use A as a lens through which to view B. Just as looking through a pair of glasses changes the way you see an object, using A as a framework for understanding B changes the way you see B. Lens comparisons are useful for illuminating, critiquing, or challenging the stability of a thing that, before the analysis, seemed perfectly understood. Often, lens comparisons take time into account: earlier texts, events, or historical figures may illuminate later ones, and vice versa. Faced with a daunting list of seemingly unrelated similarities and differences, you may feel confused about how to construct a paper that isn't just a mechanical exercise in which you first state all the features that A and B have in common, and then state all the ways in which A and B are different. Predictably, the thesis of such a paper is usually an assertion that A and B are very similar yet not so similar after all...
Words: 1300 - Pages: 6
...are affected most by comparison shopping on mobile platforms? Explain. 1. All stages can be considered affected less or more. In my opinion, most affected stages are: Internal information gathering – eBay application provides consumer with basic information like brand name, color, price, size, location, shipping cost, etc. After comparing this information consumer supposedly will make a rough choice to get more info or refine search by certain criteria. Evaluation of alternatives – is the most affected and difficult stage for consumer. At this point all options needs to be compared: one seller can be more competitive pricewise but shipping will take longer time due to location of the product, another has a better feedback and accepts every known method of payment but has lower amount of days after product will be accepted back or do not accept returns, etc. Purchase of product also can be considered as affected stage. Before actual payment, some sellers can only ask for desired quantity and get consumer directly to the payment page but some can ask for available coupons or gift cards. However, I think this stage has very limited possibilities compared to full site version. 2. Based on the goal expressed by Steve Yancovich, which stage of the consumer decision-making process is eBay trying to influence? How are they doing so? 2. I think eBay trying to influence need recognition stage. Company created a mobile application with a lot of comparison options allowing users...
Words: 300 - Pages: 2
... Service Date Section: BSAct2A Group Group Members: * Atendido, Andrea * Cruz, Shaneen * Deximo, Layrose * Senas, Rubi I. Evaluation for the topic a. Strength The topics were suitable for their age and level which makes it easier for them to understand and comprehend. You can see their interest and eagerness to learn and answer our questions and quizzes. b. Problems Encountered All I can see is when the students start comparing their answers while on activity, these cases are unavoidable but we find ways to stop them from doing that like asking them if they are sure on their answers. c. Recommendations Be strictly involved with the students especially while taking their activity because comparison can lead to copying the answer of each other. II. Evaluation for the LA Students a. Strength They prepared a topic that fits to their age and made very comprehendible visuals. They taught the students their topics with clarity and certainty. b. Problems Encountered The students comprehend well but due to doubt they always compare their answers with each other or ask us for it when they can do it on their own. They are afraid to make mistakes and have the lowest score. c. Recommendations They should still asses the students while taking up the quizzes to avoid them comparing their answers. They should make sure that they evaluate the results of the students. III. Evaluation for the School / Community a....
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...Requirements ….……………………………………………….. 4 4. Theory ………………………………………………………………….. 5 5. Multisim Simulation Results …………………………..………………………. 5 6. Experimental Procedure ………………………………………………… 6 7. Analysis of Results ..……………..…………………………………….. 6 8. Troubleshooting ….……..…………………………………………….. 6 9. Conclusion ..……………………………..…………………………….. 6 List of Figures 1. Resistor Circuit Schematic .………………………………….. 5 2. Multisim Simulation Circuit ………………………………………….. 6 3. Simulation circuit ..…. ………………………………………….. 7 List of Tables 1. Theoretical Analysis Results ………………………………………….. 5 2. Simulation Results …………………………………………………….. 6 3. Experimental Results …….…………………………………………….. 7 4. Results Comparison …………………………………………………… 8 Project Objectives When putting resistors in series, we can use this experiment to prove Kirchoff’s Voltage Law and Ohm’s Law by comparing our theoretical values to the Experimental values. System Requirements Equipment and Material Equipment: Macbook Air with the Citrix receiver software DC Power Supply DMM (Digital Multimeter) Software: Multisim Version 13 Parts: 3 – 1.0 kΩ Resistor 1 – 2.2 kΩ Resistor 1 – 6.8 kΩ Resistor Breadboard and hookup wires Theory The circuit to be analyzed is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 Resistor Inductor Circuit Schematic Table 1 Resistor Inductor Theoretical Analysis Multisimulation Results Simulate using MultiSim V8. ...
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...scurry to catch up. As if to openly state it’s a relationship to Godard’s film, Bonnie and Clyde replicates the scene in Breathless where Michel and Patricia hide from the police in a movie theater, the onscreen dialogue offering ironic counterpoint to the characters’ situation. There’s even an odd reference near the film’s end, when the lens in Clyde’s sunglasses pops loose, just as Belmondo’s does in Breathless. But by comparing two lead characters from each movie you find major contrasts. On Characteristics alone you have some similarities: Both Clyde and Michel are trying to fulfill the dapper gangster look, by wearing suits and fedoras and fancy sunglasses. The comparisons go deeper than that as well, but more specifically the fact that they both rely on a strong female character for support is a major comparison. Although, with that, it brings to light one of the biggest contrasts: how different each of the lead male character’s relationship with the lead female character is. Michel is a more of a playboy and will lay with nearly anyone he can make a quick buck on. But with Patricia who he has slept with before, one starts to believe that he may actually felt a connection with her. Whereas when Clyde met Bonnie he immediately noticed her beauty and how she was a person who he must have around him. So, with both men finding a love interest, what could be so drastically different? Michel wants to be with patricia but above all he just really wants to sleep with her again...
Words: 404 - Pages: 2
...Compare Contrast Paper How is it that things so different can be so similar at the same time. Its really quite an amazing thing if you look at it. One of these amazing comparisons is the one between night and day. Such simple things constantly flying by use but rarely admired for what they hold. They have many clear differences but they are more alike than you might think. Day is beautiful full of the light and warmth from the sun. The world is full of brilliant bright colors that draw you attention.The sky above is an amazing blue bright and inviting. The day is warm inviting bright and busy with everything going on. It's noisy everyone has a place to be something always has to be done. The world moves quickly through the day. Night on...
Words: 350 - Pages: 2
...The Cost Variance tells us that how much we are over or under budget. The Cost Variance (CV) is a measure of the cost performance of the project. If the Cost Variance (CV) is positive, this means we are under budget. If the Cost Variance (CV) is negative, this means we over budget. In the earned value reporting system for projects, we are concerned with knowing how our project is doing with respect to the amount of money being spent and the accomplishments being achieved. The measure for this comparison is the cost variance. To compute the cost variance, we compare the work that was actually completed to the actual amount spent to accomplish it. This means that we will be comparing the budgeted cost of work performed, the BCWP, with the actual cost of work performed People always have trouble remembering these things. They get them mixed up and end up having a positive variance when they are really having a negative variance. It is good to remember that bad variances are always negative and good variances are always positive. If we consider that completed project tasks have an actual cost that is less than what was planned for, we could say that this is a good variance and it should have a positive value. If, on the other hand, we have spent more to accomplish our tasks than the plan allowed for, we could say that this is a bad condition and our variance will be a negative number. Of course "good" and "bad" must be qualified. Just because we have a positive cost...
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...thirties, as well as menopausal and post-menopausal women. Of course, American females take the information differently depending on age, life experiences, and where they are in their lives. Today we will examine the influence the media (TV, print, the Internet, and advertising) has on the American female's feelings toward her place in society, as well as her sexuality, self-esteem and body image, and physical health. The media is a pervasive and ever present entity in the lives of Americans. It has a strong influence on females and seems to bring meaning to their everyday lives. Social Comparison Theory posits that "people will (at some point in their lives) compare themselves and significant others to people and images whom they perceive to represent realistic goals to attain" (2005). We look to the media to help us explain the world around us. Without always knowing it, we make automatic comparisons of ourselves and situations in our lives after seeing images either on TV or in magazines. Then we are motivated to attain these goals and expectations the world has now put on...
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