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Osi Model Presentation


Submitted By GQProductions42
Words 939
Pages 4
Patton Fuller
Community Hospital
Team A
BSA/376 - Systems Analysis and Design
Instructor: John Neels
April 15, 2013

Development of a patient management system 

More unified patient experience

Tracking patient check-in

Tracking patient appointments

Tracking patient surgery

Scope and Goal





Functions Needed for Project

Meeting management requirements

Compliance with standards
◦ Meeting company standards
◦ Meeting federal and state standards
◦ Meeting security standards

Stakeholder satisfaction

Supporting Measures for Success

Business goals

Compliance Requirements

Supporting Strategies



Tangible Measures for Success

 Operational
 Technical
 Economic

Summary of Project Feasibility

Measurement of how proposed system solves the problem

Management Commitment

Dependent on Human Resources

Operational Feasibility Analysis

A large part of determining resources that has to do with assessing technical feasibility 

Contact with Vendors

Internal Technical Capability

Technical Feasibility Analysis

Cost and benefits analysis

Frequently used method

Used to determine the benefits and savings Economic Feasibility Analysis

Project Description

Goals and Objectives

Project Performance

Project Assumptions

Project Constraints

Major Project Milestones

Business Process Summary

Business Process Summary

Process Objective Model


Proper and Conducive Project Plan

Assigning Tasks to Team Members

Proper Estimation of Project

Reviewing and doing rework when needed Descriptive

◦ Emergent Approach and Prescriptive Approach

◦ Does not consider that unexpected changes may occur

◦ The

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...LAB 3.2 3.1.2 Using Figure 3-1 define each layer of the OSI model in your own words and state what layer provides. Use your textbook or internet to support your answer. Physical – Device Data Link – Physical address Network – Path determination Transport – End to end connections Session – internet Presentation – typing data Application – games, downloads 3.2.2 Using Figure 3-2 as a basis, complete the diagram to show the intermediate encapsulation provided by each layer. Application Presentation Session | Data | Transport | Segment | Network | Packet | Data Link | Frame | Physical | Bit | 3.2.3 Briefly explain the deencapsulation steps in the communication from host B receiving a message from host A destined for an active application. First the receiving computer synchronizes with the digital signal by reading binary numbers. After synchronizing is complete and it gets the whole frame and passes it to the layer above it which is the Data Link layer. Second the Data Link layer will do a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) on the frame. Checking for errors and then strip off any information or header which was put on by the remote systems Data Link layer and pass the rest to the Network layer. Third the Network layer checks the IP address and if it matches the Network layer header is stripped off from the packet and passed to the Transport layer. Fourth the Transport layer processes the segment and...

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