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Outdoor Study Facilitate


Submitted By ednalegua
Words 1520
Pages 7

I would like to thank the students who participate in the questionnaires and interviews for their time, also my two friends Mr Leslie and Ms Sala for your contribution on this project.

This research is to find a solution to a problem at the Fiji National University, Nasinu Campus. The problem is that the university needs to improve its outdoor study facilities.
According to observation done on the campus, it was noticed that though there are study benches, it was (a) not enough to cater for the increase number of students at the university and (b) the current facilities provided is not conducive enough without a shelter over the benches to provide for during rain seasons.
Due to these factors most of the students used the shades under the palm trees to study and discuss., These signals the need for the university to urgently respond to the issues by providing more out door facilities and improve the current ones..

This research is to investigate the importance of having outdoor study facilities. The study was focusing on FNU Nasinu Campus.
The main purpose of this research is to inform the responsible authority to address the issue of outdoor study facilities and find a possible solution to ensure students are provided with proper outdoor study facilities around the campus. Also it will allow them to set up a budget to accommodate the expenses of this project. However this might not be an easy task but it requires our commitments for the achievements of this project.
This research was a great challenge for me as this is my first research project, secondly by reading the results of the research the university through its responsible authority will able to provide the students with good outdoor study facilities, however for the students it will be a great benefit to have these facilities available around the campus, which will help them boost their moral to study.

Initially the Nasinu campus was once a teachers college before it merged to university level recently, during those years the intakes of student are limited and the campus was not very big, like we have seen today, that would explain the limited outdoor study facilities available on campus.
The Nasinu campus has ten (10) firm benches, six (6) wooden benches and a foyer. The ten (10) firm benches are located around the campus. Two (2) of them are situated next to the security guard house under the shady trees. Another two (2) were behind the F block building beside the road that runs at the back. And the other two (2) were on the pathway behind the resource centre. One (1) is in front of the H block building and another three (3) is along the walk path on west side gate. The six (6) wooden benches are movable and are placed under the palm trees closed to the assembly point near the main highway road. The foyer is built beside the new lecture theatre opposite the cafeteria.
All the benches and foyer mentioned above does not have their own shelters.
Open space and outdoor seating is also an important part of good campus planning. It has been found to be an integral part of a campus’ image and to directly influence students, faculty, staff and visitors overall assessment of a campus’ sense of place (Marcus and Francis 1998, Turner 1987). Open spaces provide places for people to gather, study and relax and contribute to collaboration and even interdisciplinary interaction between researchers and faculty. They can also contribute to a person’s restorative experience and reduce stress (Kaplan et. al. 1998). For example, A study at
Washington State University found that the inclusion of movable chairs in campus public spaces “positively shift user perceptions of therapeutic landscape qualities overall, perhaps allowing users a more restorative experience in that space” (Martin2006).

In order to learn about the issue, several research methods were carried out.
3.1 Observation
The researcher observed the movement of student around the campus, when and how they usually used the outdoor study facilities, which are being using these facilities on what times of the day.
3.2 Questionnaires
A questionnaire was designed to obtain more information’s on how students feel about the current outdoor study facilities. 10 items of questionnaires were distributed to 80 students on the campus. The students were given 3 days to complete the questionnaires which were then collected. The return rate was 50%. A copy of the questionnaire is included in Appendix.
3.3 Interviews
The following students were interviewed for their viewpoints
August 2nd: 5 full time students
August 3rd: 5 part time students
The interview were designed but provided an opportunity for development beyond the questions. A sample of interview questions is included as Appendix

Primary - 10 item questionnaire
- 10 question for interview
Secondary - internet
In compiling of the research project, some difficulties has been encountered, firstly the students have hesitation to be interview due to privacy of their personal issues. Moreover the time frame is tight and the follow up of the interviews of respondent to the questionnaire therefor were not made.

4.1 types of outdoor study facilities available on campus? 4.2 RESULTS The following were found to be less than acceptable condition;
a) Benches b) The foyer
The poor quality of the outdoor study facilities is hampering the students to do their study on the outdoor facilities. The benches are not conducive enough for the student to use, on a raining season. The students won’t be able to use these facilities because they do not have proper shelters.
The foyer need bigger spaces to cater for the ever growing number of students enrolled rapidly every year. It will better off if the benches, tables with its shelter are provided, for the students to do their work on or have their lunch and catch up with friends.
Currently students sitting down on the floor of the foyer and try to do their work or discuss

4.2 how effective are the current outdoor study facilities? 4.2.1 RESULTS
The outdoor study facilities are not convenient enough to use on all types of weather.

The outdoor study facilities are not good enough for students to use because of its current statues. These facilities need to have a proper setting to cater for all types of weather. Furthermore it will be a health risk for students, if the facilities are not properly in placed.

The aim of outdoor study facilities is to create a multi-use community centrepiece unlike anything else on the nasinu campus. The outdoor study facilities will be more than just a set of benches; but rather it will be a shelter with tables and benches that provide for the students. By making this a multi-use space, students will be able to enjoy a wider variety of activities within the campus.

4.3 Need improvements 4.3.1Results
The outdoor study facilities need upgrading and improvement on current ones. The benches are old and worn.

4.3.2 Discussion
The current outdoor study facilities need to be improved. The benches really need to be upgraded by repainted, put up shelters and provide tables. The shelters could be umbrellas or leaf huts; however on the cost cutting measures, iron roofing would be the best to use for shelters. The foyer needs tables, chairs and shelters as well. Furthermore the outdoor study facilities will be a bonus to the students of this campus. They will like the fact that they are provided with such facilities, that they can comfortable use and enjoy the environment to do their work or discuss their work, assignment and projects. etc.

In summarising of research findings, the results of this study suggest some future directions for the planning, design and management of outdoor study facilities on campus. The provision of outdoor study facilities will be of a great benefit to the students of this university. Increased and improved outdoor study facilities will provide a conducive environment that will boost students esteem and make a difference in their academic performance.

The following recommendations are suggested that the University develop an open space initiative to improve and manage outdoor study facilities on campus. This could include developing an outdoor study facility strategy to expand the amount and quality of outdoor study facilities on the campus.

A plans of outdoor study facility improvements would require coordination with various administrative units including Grounds, Planning and Budget, Architects and Engineers to carried the initially plans. These new initiatives could consider the following guidelines in developing their approach to design and management of open spaces on campus. They can also be used in developing new projects.

1. Available at
(Accessed 8th August 20120)
2. Available at

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