...|Date issued | Hand in deadline |Submitted on | |14.10.14 | 1.12.14 | | | | | |Assignment title |Body systems | |In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria. | |Criteria |To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the learner is able to: | |Task no. | | |reference | | | | | |P3 |Outline...
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...Date | 17/05/15 | Vocational Context | Task 1 - 3 (P1,P2,P3)You are working in a health clinic and have been asked to produce a poster to explain the functions of the main cell, tissue and body components to display in the clinic. Task 4 (P4,M1,D1)You are an advisor in your local sports centre and you have been asked to design and produce an information booklet to explain to clients how the body requires and utilises energy. This should include:Produce a written report on the body’s response to exercise. The report will be based on primary and secondary research. The report will include:Task 5 (P5,M2,D2) 1. An explanation of the concept of homeostasis and its role in exercise and healthy functioning of the body. 2. Measurements collected from practical work involving physical activity and your interpretation of them together with comments on the validity of the data collected.Task 6 (P6)Complete exercise programme and complete data form and graphs sheets | The Brief | Task 1 (P1)Using a large piece of paper, produce an annotated poster of a cell as it is seen under the microscope. You must include the following; * Organelles – nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondria, smooth and rough endoplasmic reticula * Golgi apparatus * LysosomesThe notes accompanying the labels should include the main activities carried out by the organelles. Cells: cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm; organelles – mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum (smooth and rough), Golgi apparatus, lysosomeTask...
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...2014 | | | | Assignment title 1 | Know the organisation of the human body | In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria. Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found. | 5a Criteria reference | To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the learner is able to: | | Task no. | | Evidence | P1 | Outline the functions of the main cell components. | | 1 | | Training Pack | P2 | Outline the structure of the main tissues of the body | | 1 | | Training Pack | P3 | Outline the gross structure of all the main body systems. | | 1 | | Training Pack | Learner declaration | I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.Learner signature: Date: | Assignment brief 1 Qualification | BTEC 90 Credit/Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care | Unit number and title | Unit 5 Anatomy and Physiology for Health and Social Care | Assessor name | Louise Dada, Angela Lewis-Wright and Alison Watson | Date issued | 10 November 2014 | Hand in deadline | 8 December 2014 | | Assignment title 1 | Know the organisation of the human body | Purpose of this assignment Know the organisation of the human body. | ScenarioYou are a newly qualified nurse who has been given the...
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...ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY P2, P3 4/27/2015 Khadra Ali | P1 – Outline the functions of the main cell components The human body is made up of millions of tiny cells that can only be seen under a microscope, cell also vary in shape and size. Cells are the basic structural of all living things. The human body is poised of trillions of cells. They give structure for the body, take in nutrients from food, convert those nutrients into energy, and carry out specialized functions. Cells also contain the body’s hereditary material and can make copies of them. Cells all have different sizes, shapes, and jobs to do. Each cell has a different function. The actual definition of cells is the smallest structural unit of the body that is capable of independent functioning, it consisting of one or more nuclei; it has a cytoplasm, and various organelles which are all surrounded by a cell membrane. There are four main parts to a cell; Plasma/Cell membrane, Cytoplasm, Nucleus and Cell Organelles. Plasma/Cell membrane: The plasma/cell membrane is a phospho-lipid-protein bi-layer; the lipids are small fatty molecules in two layers (bi-layer) with larger protein molecules inserted at intervals partly or completely through the bi-layer. The lipid molecules are phospholipids, the two lipid chains are insoluble in water and the phosphate head is water soluble. The fluid which surrounds the cells and the cytoplasm are watery environments next to the phosphate heads. Protein molecules create channels...
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...P1 – Outline the functions of the main cell components. 2. Nuclear membrane – this is a two-layered membrane surrounding the nucleus of a living cell 2. Nuclear membrane – this is a two-layered membrane surrounding the nucleus of a living cell 3. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum – it is important in making and storage of lipids or fats. It has attached ribosomes. 3. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum – it is important in making and storage of lipids or fats. It has attached ribosomes. 1. Mitochondrion – Every cell in the body have rod-shaped or spherical bodies. 1. Mitochondrion – Every cell in the body have rod-shaped or spherical bodies. 4. Cell membrane – known as a plasma membrane. It is a thin semi-permeable membrane that borders around the cytoplasm of a cell. 4. Cell membrane – known as a plasma membrane. It is a thin semi-permeable membrane that borders around the cytoplasm of a cell. 10. Lysosomes – they can be found in all parts of the cell cytoplasm and are small vesicles produces by part of the Golgi apparatus. 10. Lysosomes – they can be found in all parts of the cell cytoplasm and are small vesicles produces by part of the Golgi apparatus. 9. Golgi apparatus – this appears as a chain of flattened, fluid-filled sacs stacked together. 9. Golgi apparatus – this appears as a chain of flattened, fluid-filled sacs stacked together. 8. Rough endoplasmic reticulum – it is covered in tiny black bodies, known as ribosomes. 8. Rough endoplasmic reticulum – it...
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...Business Policy & Strategy Date: -------------- Final Project (WAC) University of Central Punjab Course Instructor: Farooq Omar Semester: ------------------ Section: -------- Group - Names: > Business Plan (type in trading name) (type in address) (address continued) (telephone number) (email address) -YOUR BUSINESSS LOGO - Prepared (date) Purpose of the business plan Explain why you are writing the plan: is it to secure finance, a management tool, or an operational guide for the business Start-up? If the plan is intended to support an application for finance, state the name of the bank or other financier to whom the application is being made, the amount of finance being applied for, the term of the loan and the security you’ll be providing the bank. State what the loan will be used for and how it will be repaid: eg from additional revenue generated as a result of borrowing the money. Also remember to date the plan and note the author. Summary Although it appears at the beginning of the plan, the summary is usually written last. It provides a broad overview of your business and what distinguishes your products or services from...
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...Introduction to Studying the Human Body This textbook will serve as an introduction to the inner workings of your body, providing information about both its structure and its function. Many of the students who use this book are preparing for careers in health-related fields—but regardless of your career choice, you will find the information within these pages relevant to your future. You do, after all, live in a human body! Being human, you most likely have a seemingly insatiable curiosity—and few subjects arouse so much curiosity as our own bodies. The study of anatomy and physiology will provide answers to many questions regarding the functioning of your body in both health and disease. Although we will be focusing on the human body, the principles we will learn apply to other living things as well. Our world contains an enormous diversity of living organisms that vary widely in appearance and lifestyle. One aim of biology—the science of life—is to discover the unity and the patterns that underlie this diversity, and thereby shed light on what we have in common with other living things. Animals can be classified according to their shared characteristics, and birds, fish, and humans are members of a group called the vertebrates, characterized by a segmented vertebral column. The shared characteristics and organizational patterns provide useful clues about how these animals have evolved over time. Many of the complex structures and functions of the human body discussed in this text have...
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...ACCOUNTING MODULE CODE: AC4002 CONTENTS Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..03 The Income Statement of King Charles Fittings ……………………………………………………………………… 03 The Statement of Financial Position of King Charles Fittings …………………………………………………..04 Analysis of financial position ………………………………………………………………………………………05 A short report of accounting ………………………………………………………………………………………………….06 Accounting concepts ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..08 The main accounting professional bodies ………………………………………………………………………………08 Comparison and contrast ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….09 Similarities and differences of the accounting professional bodies ………………………………………..09 References ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..10 INTRODUCTION This is a report of about accounting that will look at two financial statements of King Charles Fittings, income statement and the statement of the financial position, a short report and commentary of accounting bodies listing their similarities and differences . King Charles Fittings Income Statement for the year ended 31 December 2013 £ £ 000 000 Income (Sales) 1,350 Less: cost of sales Opening stock (at 1 January 2013) ...
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...Chapter 13 Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) & Reflex Activity Objectives 1. Define peripheral nervous system and list its components. 2. Define sensation and perception 3. Classify general sensory receptors by structure, stimulus detected, and body location. 4. Distinguish between receptor and generator potentials and sensory adaptation. 5. Compare and contrast the three main levels of neural integration. 6. Describe the four properties of a stimulus. 7. Distinguish between tonic and phasic receptors and the idea of adaptation. 8. Discuss pain (types, neurotransmitters, fast vs. slow pain, phantom & referred pain). 9. Define ganglion and indicate the general body location of ganglia. 10. Describe the general structure of a nerve. 11. Name the 12 pairs of cranial nerves; indicate the body region and structures innervated by each. 12. Describe the formation of a spinal nerve and the general distribution of its rami. 13. Define plexus. Name the major plexuses and describe the distribution and function of the peripheral nerves arising from each plexus. 14. Outline the three levels of the motor hierarchy. 16. Name the components of a reflex arc and distinguish between visceral and somatic reflexes. Chapter 12 (CNS) 19. Describe the gross and microscopic structure of the spinal cord. 20. List the major spinal cord tracts, and classify each as a motor or sensory tract. I Overview (Fig. 13.1) A...
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...possibly key customers and suppliers — to support you. This briefing explains: • What information to include. • How to present your financial forecasts. 1 Executive summary The executive summary outlines your business proposal. Although it is the last section to be written, it goes on the first page of the business plan. It will be read by people unfamiliar with your business, so avoid jargon. 1.1 The executive summary highlights the most important points and should sum up six areas. • Your product or service and its advantages. • Your opportunity in the market. • Your management team. • Your track record to date. • Financial projections. • Funding requirements and expected returns. 1.2 When deciding whether to back a start-up, bank managers and investors often make provisional judgements based on the executive summary. • The main body of the business plan (see 2–9) is then read to confirm the initial decision. The appendices at the back of the plan (see 10) carry detailed information to support the main text. 2 The business 2.1 Explain the background to your business idea, including: • The length of time you have been developing the business idea in its present form. • Work carried out to date. • Any related experience you have. • The proposed ownership structure of the business. 2.2 Explain, in plain English, what your product or service is. Make it clear how: • it will stand out as...
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...Global Education Systems Name: Institution: Global Education Systems Education system outlines how education is obtained from the trainers. The education systems differ from one country to another. This is mainly dictated by the region or other factors. From a general point education system is localized to the country according to its education policies (Terri, 2000). From a global perspective, education is compulsory for all children between the ages of three years and generally fifteen years. The education levels vary with the basic necessities of the country. For example, the education system in the USA is only compulsory between the age of 3 years and 14 years (Jan, 2009). Looking at the basic education system, it can be sub-divided into four basic sections each taking a different duration. The first part is the pre-school level. This level varies from country to country mostly running from two years to three years (Terri, 2000). This level is not compulsory in most countries but it is very essential since it creates the educational base for the child. In most countries, the teachers in this level are not employed by the government thus this poses a major challenge in the education sector. This also makes the level to be omitted when the education system states of the years spent in school. The classes undertaken in pre-school education are most on basic skills and memory training. The children are subjected to several speed test and storytelling sessions which helps...
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...anatomy and physiology of human body systems. Learners will be able to gain an overview of the organisation of the human body before looking at how body systems work together to provide energy for the body. Learners will have the opportunity to investigate how homeostatic mechanisms operate in the body. Unit introduction This unit introduces core knowledge of cellular structure and function, and the organisation of the body as a whole, and then builds on this to develop a more detailed knowledge of the fine anatomy and physiology of the systems involved in energy metabolism. Learners will examine the homeostatic mechanisms involved in regulating these systems to maintain health. Learners will be given the opportunity to undertake practical activities which will require them to take measurements of the cardio-vascular system, the respiratory system and of body temperature, using noninvasive techniques to investigate normal responses to routine variations in body functioning. This unit provides the core understanding of human physiology that underpins the study of the specialist physiology units within this programme. The unit also provides an overview of body functioning that is valuable for anyone working or intending to work in a field relating to health and social care. Learning outcomes On completion of this unit a learner should: 1. Know the organisation of the human body 2. Understand the functioning of the body systems associated with energy metabolism ...
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...ATLANTA TECHNICAL COLLEGE ACADEMIC AND LEARNING SUPPORT SERVICES Program of Study: General Education BIO 2114 Anatomy and Physiology II This course syllabus is designed to assure students high academic success. It provides relevant information, outlines the course objectives, performance objectives, varied teaching methods that will be used, evaluation criteria for the course and work ethics, warranty claims, available student support services, expected accomplishments, and specific timelines. INSTITUTIONAL MISSION: Atlanta Technical College, a unit of the Technical College System of Georgia, located in the city of Atlanta, is an accredited institution of higher education that provides affordable lifelong learning opportunities, associate degrees, diplomas, technical certificates of credit, customized business and industry training, continuing education and other learning services using state-of-the-art technology. The integration of academics and applied career preparation to enhance student learning is essential in meeting the workforce demands and economic development needs of the people, businesses, and communities of Fulton County. Course Title: Anatomy and Physiology II Course Code Number: BIO 2114 Prerequisites: BIO 2113 Contact Hours: 70 Includes: Class Hours: 4 D. Lab Hours: 3 Credit Hours: 5 Instructor's Name: Barry N. Bates Office Room Number: 2107 Office Phone Number: 404.225...
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...TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................. ii LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................... ii ABSTRACT............................................................................................................................ iii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 1 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. Introductory of the Title ........................................................................................... 1 Objective and Purpose ............................................................................................. 2 Problem Statement and Problem Solving ................................................................ 3 Limitation of the Project .......................................................................................... 4 CHAPTER 2: LITERITURE REVIEW ................................................................................... 5 2.1. 2.2. Research Theory, Ideology and Concept ................................................................. 5 Previous Research and Proposed Project Comparison........................................... 11 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................... 12 3.1.0 3.2.0. 3.2.1. 3.2.2. 3...
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...available on Pakistan’s educational sector and instead, analyze the broad strategic importance of education and the NEP at large. Furthermore, we would, through the course of this paper, dig to the roots of the main problems that have marred the NEP of Pakistan in the past. The representation of numbers will be used where it is most comprehensive, but it should be borne in mind that the strategic importance of education policy, and its effectiveness, takes precedence over the depiction of specific policies being followed at various levels in the education sector. Education, Strategy & the NEP: The vital role of education in the economic growth and social advancement of the society is undeniable. In fact, the relevance of education to the global competitiveness can be gauged from the fact that education forms two pillars (out of twelve) of the Global Competitive Index (GCI). Exhibit 1 shows an excerpt from the GCI report of 2007. The position of Pakistan on the education front relative to its major international competitors is indeed grim. What then, is the NEP targeting? Here, it will be useful to understand what the educational policy of a country actually stands for and where it evolves from. The broad objective of the educational policy is to ensure an education system that can impart quality education and enable realization of individual potential and contribution to the...
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