...WELCOME KAILAS SREE CHANDRAN CLASS: S7 INDUSTRIAL 432 Guide: V REGIKUMAR OVERALL EQUIPMENT EFFECTIVENESS OEE MODERN APPROACH TO OVERALL EQUIPMENT EFFECTIVENESS OEE 2 3 4 5 6 Loss due to breakdown of equipment. Loss is more than 10 minutes. Biggest of SIX BIG LOSSES. Tooling Failures Unplanned Maintenance General Breakdowns Equipment Failure The time lost due to adjustments 7 in the equipment. Loss is less then 10 minutes. Setup/ Changeover Material Shortages Major Adjustments Small stops losses occur when equipment 8 stops for a short time as a result of a temporary problem. These includes stops that are under ten minutes. Component Jams Misfeeds Sensor Blocked Delivery Blocked Cleaning/ Checking Reduced speed refers to the 9 difference between Design speed and Actual Operating speed. Under Nameplate Capacity Under Design Capacity Due to Equipment Wear Due to Operator Inefficiency Some equipments require warm10 up time and certain adjustments to obtain optimum output. Startup rejection occurs during this startup time. Scrap Rework These losses occurs when products 11 produced are not conforming to the specifications. These are rejects during steady-state production. Scrap Rework 12 The amount of time the facility is open and 13 available for operation. One year consists of 365 days, one day consists of...
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...team-based effort to build quality into equipment and to improve overall equipment effectiveness • Total • all employees are involved • it aims to eliminate all accidents, defects and breakdowns • Productive • actions are performed while production goes on • troubles for production are minimized • Maintenance • keep in good condition • repair, clean, lubricate 1. TPM definition (2) • TPM combines the traditionally American practice of preventive maintenance with Total Quality Control and Total Employee Involvement, to create a culture where operators develop ownership of their equipment, and become full partners with Maintenance, Engineering and Management to assure equipment operates properly everyday. 2. Origins of TPM • Dr. Deming introduced statistical analysis and used the resulting data to control quality during manufacturing (TQM) • Some general concepts of TQM did not work well in the maintenance environment • The need to go further than preventive maintenance was quickly recognized by those companies who were committed to TQM • Maintenance became an integral part of TQM in the early 90’s 3. TPM principles • Increase Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) • Improve existing planned maintenance systems • The operator is the best condition monitor • Provide training to upgrade operations and maintenance skills • Involve everyone and utilize cross-functional teamwork Autonomous Maintenance Planned Maintenance Equipment and process improvement Early...
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...world’s leading producers of wet wipes and we are heavily involved with continuous improvement at our facility. We believe that continuous improvement activities are everyone’s responsibility and implementation must be taken seriously and supported by all levels of the organization. We believe that our customers are the reason that we exist and we must always provide them with a safe product or service. Kaizen events are held at least once a month with each supervisor expected to lead an event at least once a year. The main focus during our Kaizen events is waste (applicator, liquid, and packaging) reduction. We also target increased OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) by reducing change-over times, reducing clean times, creating standard work/best practices and through enforcing the utilization of set up sheets for all equipment. We encourage our operators to seek better ways of doing their job and to question current procedures and processes that may be outdated. Our company is successful because of our continuous improvement endeavors. We’re able to under bid our competitors because of our many cost savings initiatives that were brought about through lean and six sigma projects. We’ve recently acquired a contract with Amazon that has a huge potential to expand...
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...functions has increased due to its role in keeping and improving the availability, product quantity, safety requirements, as maintenance costs constitute an important part of the operating budget of manufacturing firms. The Company operated at less than full capacity, with low productivity, and the cost of producing products are high. Almost 25-30% of total production cost is attributed to maintenance activities in the factory. Hence the quality of maintenance significantly affects business profitability. There was a lot of variation in all manufacturing processes in the firm due lesser utilization of hardware resources and uneven investment in human resources due to lack of proper planning of each task significantly affecting the overall cost bore by the company. OEE before TPM Implementation First, we have to select the machines to study the TPM implementation. To start with TPM, a few machines have been...
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...Total Productive Maintenance Made by: Khaled Elsayed Hamed Supervised by: dr.Mousa Abstract Total productive maintenance (TPM) is a concept applied to improve the overall equipment efficiency (OEE) and the capabilities and skills of the workers in the plant. It is founded on eight pillars to support the concept And achieve three goals. Japan institute of plan maintenance (JIPM) is the leading body of TPM. The history of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) TPM has been developed from the original PM (preventive maintenance or productive maintenance) concept and methodology introduced from the USA. It has been further developed and implemented in many Japanese companies, and is now rapidly becoming a method applied worldwide. In 1971, Nippon Denso Co., Ltd. first introduced and successfully implemented TPM in Japan. They won the Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance (JIPM) PM Excellent Plant Award for their activities. This was the beginning of TPM in Japan. Since then, TPM has spread progressively throughout the world and established itself as a renowned cultural improvement programme The first example of TPM used in Europe to deliver world class performance was by Volvo in Ghent, Belgium, who won the PM prize for their work in the paint shop. This was quickly followed in the early 1990s by other European automotive companies trying to close the productivity and quality gap to their Japanese competitors. Since the JIPM TPM awards were founded, over 3000 organizations...
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...all business levels. Data Analysis There are many forms of data and indicators at Coty which a process engineer uses to assess the performance of the lines. These are: Downtime: Immediate data from the lines is recorded on a time sheet. This is a spreadsheet assigned to each day, where the line operator can manually enter any downtime on the line. Downtime is non-value added time in which goods are not produced, whilst the machine is running. OEE and Pareto: Although looking at the down time is a good method to measure and assess the different issues, delays and stops on the line, Coty uses a data driven methodology called OEE to measure the performance and production output of the lines. OEE is an acronym for Overall Equipment Effectiveness, and was created by Japanese automotive company Nippon Denso in the 1960s. and enables Coty to focus on continuous improvement and growth. As a Key Performance Indicator (KPI), OEE gives a repeatable and comparable value which allows an evaluation to be made of the true biggest losses on the line, as well as a single line’s contribution to the performance of the whole...
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...Pengukuran Kinerja Mesin Produksi Dengan Metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness Pada Pt. Cahaya Biru Sakti Abadi PENGUKURAN KINERJA MESIN PRODUKSI DENGAN METODE OVERALL EQUIPMENT EFFECTIVENESS PADA PT. CAHAYA BIRU SAKTI ABADI Nofi Erni , Andri Fajar Maulana Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Esa Unggul, Jakarta Jln. Arjuna Utara Tol Tomang-Kebon Jeruk Jakarta nofi.erni@esaunggul.ac.id Abstrak PT. Cahaya Biru Sakti Abadi merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang industri manufaktur cairan penghapus tinta. Perusahaan pada saat ini menghadapi permasalahan tingkat reject produk yang tinggi, breakdown mesin yang tinggi, waktu setup mesin yang tidak standar, yang berdampak pada penurunan kualitas produk. Untuk mengetahui kinerja mesin dilakukan pengukuran dengan metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). Nilai pengukuran OEE didapat dari 3 faktor yaitu availability, performance, dan quality. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan availability, performance, quality untuk enam mesin utama yaitu Mesin blowing 1, Blowing 2, Arburg 3, dan Arburg 4, rasio yang belum ideal adalah performance ratio dan quality ratio. Jika digabung secara keseluruhan nilai ratio tersebut telah memenuhi nilai OEE yang ideal. Penyebab tidak idealnya kondisi mesin yang mengakibatkan losses performance, adalah waiting time berupa waktu mesin menganggur untuk menunggu peralatan beroperasi. Penyebab tidak idealnya quality ratio mesin disebabkan tingginya total defect part screw cap yang diproses...
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...mitigate the excessive up-front costs, the new facility can be purchased and built, but the stocking with equipment can be staged so that the purchase of expensive equipment will be done as capacity...
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...The Restructure of GE Healthcare’s Service on Medical Equipment Introduction GE Healthcare is a global known publicity traded company that is headquartered in the United Kingdom. GE Healthcare is among the top companies worldwide providing high-end medical equipment and service to hospitals and clinics. The organization I based my OCI paper on is a small section of GE Healthcare that is in charge of providing and servicing high-end medical equipment to the Chicago land area. This area is called the Heartland LCT (Local Customer Team), and it expands as far south as Kankakee IL, and as far north as Waukegan IL. The zone also extends from downtown Chicago to DeKalb IL and all in between. The vast majority of modalities that the LCT services are in the imaging department. The main systems are Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computer Tomography (CT), Xray, Ultrasound, and Mammography. The LCT is broken up into teams so that each team services a specific modality in the wide area. Currently there are a total of about 65 field engineers that service these modalities. I am part of a group of 15 fiend engineers that service the MRI’s. I am in charge of several accounts that are located mainly in the west and north suburbs of Chicago. Although this has been a really effective way of servicing these systems in the past, lately we have been loosing some big accounts to the competition. One of the main reasons hospitals decide to go a different route is the way...
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...world. Communication between people has developed greatly over the past century. In the old days, communication was normally face-to-face. With new developments, worldwide videoconferencing can now take place. It doesn’t matter how the technology is used. Whether it’s a family talking to a loved one overseas, a couple in a long distance relationship or a businessman talking to a client; with the personal uses, business uses and the overall pros and cons of using the technology. It will be the new way of life. Communicating all over the world is virtually limitless. Transition: Having the ability to communicate with someone in a more lifelike manor is the major benefit to video conferencing but there are so many more for the average person. Main Point #1 Personal Benefits Benefits of Video Conferencing.com Timing On the Go, while running errands While at home, in comfort Last minute notice and need to explain something to a co-worker Long Distance Having face time with a loved one in Iraq or another home land Cost Effectiveness Saves money from traveling cross country or worldwide\ Transition: Even with all of the personal benefits, a company’s use of the technology is even more beneficial. Main Topic #2 Business Benefits Increase in Productivity Easier to share information on the go Can bring product to market quicker than the rest Business concept retraction Saves Money The reduction of travel can save a company’s revenue ...
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...Table of Contents Section 1. Introduction 1.1 Profile 1.2 Vision 1.3 Mission 1.4 Core Values Section 2. Organizational Profile 2.1 Core Bureaus 2.2 Services 2.3 Regional Operations 2.4 Management Responsibilities 2.5 Organizational Structure as whole and per department Section 3. Journey Milestone Section 4. Application and Scope 4.1 Application 4.2 Scope of the Quality Management System Section 5. The Quality Management System 5.1 QMS Mandate 5.2 Description of QMS 5.3 Process Model Section 6. Quality Policy Section 7. Measurement, Analysis and Improvement 7.1 General 7.2 Monitoring and Measurement 7.2.1 General 7.2.2 Customer Satisfaction 7.2.3 Internal Audit 7.2.4 Monitoring and Measurement of Processes 7.2.5 Monitoring and Measurement of Product 7.3 Control of Non-Conformin Products 7.4 Analysis of Data 7.5 Improvement 7.5.1 Continual Improvement 7.5.2 Corrective Action 7.5.3 Preventive Action Section 8. Procedures 8.1 Control of Documents, DPWH-QMSP-01 8.2 Internal Quality Audit, DPWH-QMSP-03 8.3 Corrective Action, DPWH-QMSP-05 8.4 Preventive Action, DPWH-QMSP-06 Section 9. Appendices I. INTRODUCTION PROFILE The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) is the state’s engineering and construction arm. As a public service agency, its primordial concern is to find the most effective and efficient ways to service its clientele- the Filipino people. The DPWH is one of the largest organizations in the executive branch in terms of size and budget. It is composed...
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...MARKET SCOPE Asset performance management Addressing the root cause A properly and adequately designed asset performance management framework can bring a cohesive approach to manage assets, monitor equipment health, and ensure the compliance of critical operational & business processes. Such a framework has to leverage the established asset management capabilities provided by the best-in-class systems. Courtesy: PCM Ltd n the 1980s, the world was awakened by two major disasters that signified the vitality of engineering assets and the importance to manage their performance. The first event was a lethal methyl isocyanate (MIC) leak in Bhopal on December 2, 1984, and the second the catastrophic Chernobyl nuclear disaster on April 26, 1986. Over 20,000 were killed, and half a million victims maimed, disabled or otherwise affected in the Bhopal gas tragedy. Criminal cases were filed against the then corporate Chairman. In the Chernobyl reactor, the accident happened because of a combination of basic engineering deficiencies in the reactor and faulty actions of the operators (as per UN Chernobyl Forum report, the safety systems had been switched off, and the reactor was being operated under improper, unstable conditions, a situation which allowed an uncontrollable power surge to occur). More than 20 years have passed since the tragedy occurred, and it is difficult to tell precisely the number of deaths – past and future – attributable to the Chernobyl accident. Since the...
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...environment that leads to increase job satisfaction, productivity, group unity, collaboration and performance. First let’s define work design. Wikipedia defines work design as the application of Socio-Technical Systems principles and techniques to humanization of work. In other words the goal of work design is to improve job satisfaction, job performance, and work quality, while reducing negative employee behavior like grievances, absenteeism, shirking, injury and arguments. "Find something you love to do, and you'll never work a day in your life" - Harvey MacKay I first looked at a study completed by Michelle M. Roberts and Yueng-Hsiang Huang Effect of a workplace design and training intervention on individual performance, group effectiveness and collaboration: The...
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...| | | | | | | | | | |Memorandum | |To: Prof. John Wright | |From: Group 8 | |Re: Challenges of managing an Airline | |Date: Sunday, April 5, 2014 ...
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...1. Analyze overall challenges of GEMS in 2002 a. Technological change: + Genomics and healthcare information technology such as Digital Imaging, Electronic Patient Records and Disease Management Systems make personalized medicine and personalized diagnostics possible. Moreover, healthcare practice move from cure to prevention. These changes require expertise in biomedical sciences rather than in engineering and physics; and also investment, collaboration with pharmaceutical companies which facilitate the creation of imaging equipment necessity to alter GEMS business model which is away from engineering heritage toward bio-chemistry and develop drug based on genetic code for specific individual, or small group rather than entire population. b. Demographic change: + Population were aging in advanced nation, implied fewer working-age people to pay for more intense care while the emerging middle-classes if Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America were increasingly aware of, and needed, better healthcare. This requires the shift in distribution of healthcare equipment in these countries (more for Asia, Eastern and Latin America) and the change in market segment of healthcare equipment. + Global information flows made healthcare disparities between developed and developing nations more stark and unacceptable. Thus, concentrating more on developing world needs great effort investment and customization. c. Fierce competition: + Siemens is leading in healthcare IT, which is a...
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