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Overall Operations Analysis of a Garments Factory in Bangladesh


Submitted By ferdous1984
Words 2142
Pages 9
Bangladesh is still a developing country but the tremendous growth prospect that this country has shown and still showing on for some time now signals the bright future that Bangladesh possesses. There are some industries and sectors which have provided the country with the phenomenal start and necessary speed that is required for an annual 6-7% growth over the past few years. Readymade garments industry is one of those sectors. After the emergence of Bangladesh, radical change has come to our garments sector. At present there are about 3000 garments industries in the country and 75 percent of them are in Dhaka. This industry has employed fifty lacks of people and 85 percent of them are illiterate rural women. About 76 percent of our export earning comes from this sector. The tremendous success of readymade garments exports from Bangladesh over the last two decades has surpassed the most optimistic expectations. Today the apparel export sector is a multi-billion-dollar manufacturing and export industry in the country. The overall impact of the readymade garments exports is certainly one of the most significant social and economic developments in contemporary Bangladesh.
Azim Group of Bangladesh was one of the very pioneers of the garments sector in this country. The group itself was founded on 1975 although the readymade garments division of Azim Group started at 1982.That division was the third garments factory in Bangladesh and the first sweater and woven cloths manufacturer in Bangladesh. With an almost $200 million revenue per year and 100% export oriented business strategy, the readymade garments division has become a very profitable venture. Every successful venture depends on the operation it conducts to run the business and Azim Group is no different. The goal of this report would be to shed light upon the operations management of the company

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