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Overcoming Obstacles In College

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This upcoming year will bring many new and exciting experiences; however, it will also bring new responsibilities and obstacles to overcome. One major obstacle to overcome is the financial burden that college puts on students and their families. With milling science being a rarely offered degree, Kansas State University is the only college in the United States in which I can achieve this degree. Since Kansas State University has a higher cost of attendance than other public universities in Kansas, I will be in need of additional financial assistance. Coming from a split family combined with another sibling in college, it will be difficult for my mom to provide financial support throughout my college years. If I am a recipient of the O’Brate …show more content…
Being financially responsible includes both making money and correctly budgeting. For this summer, I have made plans to earn money by obtaining several jobs. I am in negotiations with my boss to manage the local donut shop. Currently, it is open once a week due to him taking a full-time position elsewhere, my plans are to increase the hours to be open five days a week. This will include being at work at 2 AM to prepare the dough, glaze, and icing. As well, I will prepare the coffee, burritos, and sausage rolls. Taking and filling orders along with customer service are other duties I will fulfill. After closing the donut shop, I will then continue my day at the local radio station, where I have had the privilege to participate in the school’s work-study program. As a result of learning what it takes to run a successful radio station and improving my public speaking skills, my work study boss offered me a part-time job during the summer. Some of the tasks that he might have me do are filing paperwork, programming and hosting radio shows, and selling advertising to businesses in the communities of the broadcasting area. In the evenings, I will work at the other restaurant in town. I have worked here for the past 4 years and will continue to do so over the summer. As a cook, I prepare entrees, appetizers, and specials. I will also begin training a new employee to replace me when I leave for

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