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My First AP Class Analysis

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There are so many times in which I have failed and was able to persevere through it. A time in which I have failed was in the course of my first AP class in my second year of high school. During this time, I learned that these were the classes that mattered the most in high school, so I tried my hardest to get good grades during this year and junior year. However, this AP class sort of led me into the wrong direction. In the beginning of the school year, I started thinking that I was able to pass the AP exam in May, so I read a section every day leading up to our first test. When the first test came around, I got a really low grade which led to my grade on Schoolloop being in the forty and fifty percent range. After I saw this, I realized that …show more content…
It reveals that once a situation like this happens again I will know what I should and shouldn’t do. In relation to being able to persevere from failure, Pérez also states that “The ability to bounce back is a fundamental life skill students have to learn on their own.”. He includes that showing that you have failed during high school or in life to colleges shows that you are not like other applicants where they seem perfect to the eye’s of college admission counselors even though they have failed but are ashamed of it. A third thing that it shows is that I’m ready to fail in college. According to multiple sources, it states that failing will help you in real life. For example, if someone doesn’t learn how to continue from failure, they won’t be able to know what to do in the real world once they start failing. Although, if you compare them to a person who has failed many times, they would be capable of bouncing back from failure to survive the real world. In conclusion, my message is that we should all be able to bounce back from failure no matter what it is to grow, learn, overcome, and move on from

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