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Oxytocin And Closeness

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1. Bartz, J.A., Zaki, J., Ochsner, K.N., Bolger, N., Kolevzon, A., Ludwig, N., Lydon, J.E., 2010. Effects of Oxytocin on Recollections of Maternal Care and Closeness. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 107, 21371- 21375.

This experiment tests to determine whether oxytocin provides significant evidence of males’ emotions being affected towards their childhood memories in terms of their mother’s social closeness and maternal care. For this double-blind experiment, healthy males were first self-assessed by the Experience in Close Relationships scale (ECR) which determined whether the experimental candidates were inherently anxiously attached or non-anxiously attached to their mother. Next, the participants were distributed either …show more content…
De Dreu, C.K., Greer, L.L., Van Kleef, G.A., Shalvi, S., Handgraaf, M.J., 2011. Oxytocin promotes human ethnocentrism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. U.S.A. 108, 1262 – 1266.

This double-blind experiment is broken up into three parts to determine whether oxytocin provides significant evidence of promoting ethnocentrism in humans. Participants are either prescribed oxytocin or a placebo by impartial study personnel. Parts 1 and 2 used self-reported data via the Implicit Association Test (IAT) to determine whether or not oxytocin promoted positive connotations to their own social groups/races and negative connotations to other social groups/races. Results showed significant evidence that patients treated with oxytocin showed higher self-reported positive connotations to their own social groups but showed no significant evidence of increased negative connotations to other social groups. Part 3 states that humans are more likely to see other people as actual “humans” if they express more complex secondary emotions towards them, such as embarrassment and delight, rather than primary emotions such as joy and sadness; however, when tested by being exposed to films of their own race versus other races, there was no significant evidence that oxytocin decreased secondary emotions towards other races. In conclusion, oxytocin shows significant evidence of promoting positive connotations to ones own social group but does not provide significant evidence of promoting …show more content…
Declerck, C., Boone, C., Kiyonari, T., 2013. The Effect of Oxytocin on cooperation in a prisoner’s dilemma depends on the social context and a person’s social value orientation. Social Cognitive and Affective Neurosci. Vol. 9, Issue 6.

This experiment tests the hypothesis that both oxytocin and social experiences can increase trust in a person, and that oxytocin can increase trust in another even after being exposed to social blocks. Approximately 260 college students were randomly contacted via email for this double-blind experiment in which they were asked to play several games (with random partners) and earn real money for winning together as a team. The social block presented is that half of the students were allowed to communicate with their partners prior to the games and the other half were not allowed to communicate with their partners prior to the games. Intranasal oxytocin and placebos were administered at random in a double-blind manner to both groups. Results showed that students with prior contact with their partners (with or without oxytocin) and students without prior contact with their partners (only with oxytocin) showed more trust in their partners when playing to win real money together; however, the students that did not have prior contact with their partners and were not exposed to the oxytocin had less trust in their partners – concluding the initial hypothesis to be

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