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Delayed Special Education Classroom Placement Summary

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This is a summary about benefits and challenges of self-contained., inclusion and resource room placement settings for individuals with mild and moderate disabilities. We are going to go through patterns of learning, development, interests, cultural and a linguistic factor that affects decisions leading to placement, we are going to analyze strategies that will facilitate integration and inclusion to students with disabilities in to placement options.

Identifying Factors
We are living in an era where more students have access to free, appropriate education than any other time in history. (H.W. Wilson). Everything that we want to accomplish in special education classroom is all for the wellbeing of our students, however sometimes …show more content…
Jasper in the article:” Delayed Special Education placement for learning Disabilities among children of Immigrant”, confirms that children of immigrant would be at especially high risk for special education placement with learning disabilities. Why? Because immigrant children do not speak English as their native language, this is why children that come from other countries are moved to ESL classes. The institutional emphasis on early, rapid adoption of English only communication might therefore lead children of immigrants to demonstrate especially low rates of special education placement during early grades, when ESL instruction is most frequently administered. (Bruder 2010).
Approximately 26 percent of the school – age population of the United Sates spoke a language other than English at home in 2007, and this proportion is expected to grow in the coming years. (Shin and Kiminski 2010).
Placement decisions are made through the EIP members; it has to be a complete evaluation on academic achievement in reading and math. Another factor is mobility and the development the student has. For example: Autism, Orthopedic Impairments, Specific learning disabilities, speech or language impairment, all this disabilities have different needs, we have to accommodate our students in the best environment for them to learn at their own passed but maximizing their learning …show more content…
(Paul S. Collins).
Inclusion: students are placed in the regular education classroom for their entire educational program.
Mainstreaming: Students are placed into regular education classrooms for their academic and social education program, there still the option of going outside the regular classroom for help.
Blended: Students can receive special services both in the regular education classroom as well as in resource rooms using other pull-out modalities.
The goal through all this placement strategies is to create academic engagement and increase self-motivations in our students.

Knowing and studying the factors that affect placement and applying the best strategies for students with mild or moderated disabilities can help them to have a better learning experience. When students are placed correctly they will learn how to have better social skills, they will interact with students of their same age and they will learn better and in a significant way every

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