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Analyse The Importance Of Early Intervention In Children

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Child’s learning takes place in the framework of relationships. Families, early education practitioners, and early intervention agencies all network to influence successful outcomes for children who are especially frail in their growth and development due to developmental delays, health impairments, or disabilities. A child’s family plays a crucial role in their development. According to Bronfenbrenner “the participation of the family in early intervention service planning not only determines the level of success of the child but the level of confidence parents develop in their ability to advocate or provide services for their own child (Bronfenbrenner, 1979)”. Coordinated services which focus on the needs of the child and respect the strengths and needs of the family determine the overall quality of service delivery. There are different family characteristics which influences the ability for families to receive benefits for children with special needs. Some of the characteristics that effects early intervention includes family size, socioeconomic status, cultural background, geographic location, education, and physical and mental health. …show more content…
Families may not understand the implications of the child’s developmental delay or the potential for early intervention to improve his educational outcomes. Early childhood teachers may be the key to advocate for services necessary for children to be successful and provide the assurance to parents of the benefits and resources available through early intervention (Shapiro, 2011)” When children are identified early with special needs, they go through the process of evaluation, assessment, diagnosis and delivery of early intervention services will greatly improve their educational outcomes. (Shapiro,

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