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Submitted By tbrown5113
Words 381
Pages 2
Current Philosophy of Classroom Management Before this class I have current ideas of how a classroom should run. The following list follows my beliefs up to this point on these topics within a classroom.
How the teacher should act
A teacher should remain professional at all times.
A teacher should be warm and compassionate
A teacher should be dedicated.
A teacher should be hard-working.
A teacher should be someone who provides a mutual trust.
How students are expected to behave
A student should be involved with the class work.
A student needs to be willing to learn.
A student needs to communicate with teachers and classmates.
A student needs to be courteous.
A student should be able to obtain and give trust.
What the classroom might look and feel like:
A classroom should be warm and inviting.
A classroom should be bright and exciting.
A classroom should have posters and aids to promote learning.
A classroom should contain the necessities such as desks, chairs, boards, teaching aids, etc. to promote the best learning available.
How the teacher helps students conduct themselves properly
A student should be comfortable to talk with their teachers.
A student should receive positive feedback with teachers.
A student should feel successful due to a teacher's beliefs and attitudes toward the student.
A student should feel motivated with the work given by a teacher.
A student should be eager to learn due to the teachers provided learning environment.
What the teacher should do about misbehavior
A teacher should meet with the student to discuss the misbehavior.
A teacher should know when to punish a student (detention, in-school suspension, bad grades, etc.)
A teacher should know when to speak with the students parents.
A teacher should be able to know when to take away certain privileges from the students.
How students should be taught

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