...Social work 200 Mid-term paper Professor Donnell Phillips 10/12/2015 This paper discusses the different fields of social work zoning in on Clinical/medical social work, the educational requirement, the different functions of a Clinical/medical social workers and a couple of challenges they face in their field. Many may ask why social work is important or why it is in existence, however with the alarming rate of dependency in todays’ society we have come to see that social work is an important piece needed for the society to function. With purposes such as being able to remediate social problems such as provide counseling, job training for a displaced worker, enhance social functioning such as creating programs for the youths in the community providing parent training programs and prevent social problems from developing we can see that social workers are able to keep our society together. Social workers are able to identify problems, provides resources and suggestions on how those problems can be solved; furthermore their versatility covers areas such as foster care, mental health, drug abuse, counseling, clinical/medical social workers and its likes. Amongst its many disciplines the discipline which intrigues me is the clinical/medical social worker, they help with the emotional, social and financial needs that come with health care issues. They often serve as advocates helping patients and families adjust with their illness and treatments. Most medical social workers...
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...Marlynda Bishop 9/25/15 Weekly Reflection “If social work practice is a house we build, then theory is its blueprint. Explicitly and implicitly, formally or informally, theory is ever present in our practice. Never the less, say the word “theory” to many social work practitioners and be prepared to hear its irrelevance outside the classroom” (Finn and Jacobson pg.164). What is Theory and what does it mean in relevance to my practice? In what situations do I choose theory over reality to solve a problem? After reading this chapter I have learned that theory is used for everything to make sense of your practice. There are many definitions of theory but what stuck out to me the most was Robbins approach of theory. His approach was that theory is created socially from birth. The thing that we learn from birth to adult hood shapes our reality and everyone’s reality is different so that’s where different cultures come in to play. Every culture has different customs, values and beliefs and they raise their families under those core concepts. By knowing that theory is what helps you make sense of your work and that it is socially constructed it helps me to make sense of what I need to do as a social worker and how I should operate. The problem that I believe I would have on my journey of learning the ins and outs of being a social worker is that professional aspect of it. I already have the skills of listening and helping with the resources that I know...
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...What is Clinical Social Work Practice? The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) defines clinical social work practice as “the professional application of social work theory and methods to the treatment and prevention of psychosocial dysfunction, disability, or impairment, including emotional and mental disorders” (NASW Standards, 1989). The Middle Peninsula Northern Neck Community Service Board’s (MPNN CSB) mission statement is to serve those who need us by employing “effective treatment, and assemble the necessary resources to ensure that our services are the best they can be” (MPNN CSB, 2006). Both the NASW and MPNN CSB focus on the dignity and worth of the client, a person-in-environment approach, and the constant evaluation of...
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...Explain the director duties under the company law? 3) a) Explain the Termination of Employment under the Employment Act 1955? b) Explain the termination of employment under the Contract of Service? c) Explain what is the meaning of Contract of Service and Contract for service? 4) (a) Briefly explain the implied terms under Section 14 until Section 17 under Sale of Goods Act. b) Explain the differences between limited company and partnership? INSTRUCTIONS 1. The assignment must be made originally (NO PLAGRISM). In the event of copy and paste works been detected then NO MARKS will be given to the group. 2. Answer 3 questions only. 3. The line spacing must be 1.5. 4. Must be in Times New Roman font size 12. 5. JUSTIFY your works. 6. Margins: 2.54cm top, bottom, left and right. 7. LATE SUBMISSION: 50% OF THE MARKS WILL BE DECDUCTED. No consensus! 8. Highlight your cases. 9. Each question should contain minimum 3 cases. Submission Date: 12/ July /2013...
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...good material and is very well made by our employees. The economy is low but I feel that no matter how the economy is companies will continue coming to us because we do as a company produce good products, After reviewing the reports I have come to the conclusion that our employee’s absenteeism is what is affecting the company and will continue to affect us in the future if it is not corrected immediately. I have been reviewing our employees and have seen an increase in all the employees. We need to make an immediate change and let all the employees know all the companies guidelines. You will need to provide me with a report of all employees at the end of the next quarter regarding absences. I feel that if our employees are happy at work then our employees will be more satisfied with their products. Our mission as a company is to keep our customers happy but we must take into consideration our employees and me as a CEO and you as a manager we must keep our employees happy and satisfied. I will be expecting your reports and will follow up with you regarding this matter. Sincerely, Celina...
Words: 344 - Pages: 2
...Hi Girl, you just caught my eye thought I should give it a try and get your name and your number go grab some lunch and eat some cucumbers WHY, DID I SAY THAT? I don’t know why. But you’re smilin’ and it’s something’ I like on your face, yeah it suits you Girl, we connect like we have bluetooth I don’t know why I’m drawn to you Could you be the other one so we’d equal two? And this is all based on a lucky chance that you would rather add then subtract You and I could be like Sonny and Cher honey and bears You and I could be like Aladdin and Jasmine lets make it happen La La’s Hey How’ve you been? I know that it’s been awhile. Are you tired ’cause you’ve been on my mind runnin’ thousand and thousands of miles Sorry, I know that line’s outta style but you you look so beautiful on that starry night loving the way the moonlight catches your eyes and your smile I’m captivated your beauty is timeless never outdated I don’t know why I’m drawn to you Could you be the other one so we’d equal two? and this is all based on a lucky chance that you would rather add then subtract You and I could be like Sonny and Cher Honey and bears you and i could be like Aladdin and Jasmine lets make it happen la la la Babe It’s been 5 years since that special day when I asked you on our first date I guess it’s safe to say You and I are better than Sonny and Cher Honey and bears You and I Are better than Aladdin and Jasmine We’ve made it happen lalalalalala ...
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...Los Angeles Introduction Los Angeles : plan général S'étendant grâce à son réseau tentaculaire de freeways, Los Angeles dévore tout sur son passage. Métropole riche et bouillonnante, elle est inégalitaire (plus de 22 % de la population vit en dessous du seuil de pauvreté) et travaillée de l'intérieur par une foule de problèmes sociaux et de conflits ethniques. C’est une agglomération sans centre véritable, sorte d'immense puzzle de quartiers vivant chacun de façon autonome, avec sa splendeur et sa misère. Los Angeles frappe par son horizontalité verdoyante : proximité du désert, abondance des arbres et des taillis. Hormis les tours de Downtown où les gens travaillent mais n'habitent pas, Los Angeles ressemble à une banlieue à perte de vue. Los Angeles, avec plus de dix millions d'habitants, est la deuxième ville américaine après New York. En moins d'un siècle, elle est devenue le berceau d'une culture capable de s'exporter dans le monde entier : tout a commencé avec l'usine à rêves d'Hollywood. Puis ont été inventés des objets et des modes de vie qui ont fait le tour du monde : le roller, le body-building, le jogging… Point d'aboutissement de la conquête de l'Ouest, point d'arrivée de la fameuse Route 66 qui commence à Chicago et s'achève à Santa Monica face au Pacifique, Los Angeles continue, en dépit de la pollution qui la gangrène et de la mise au ban de ses laissés-pour-compte, à porter le rêve américain...
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...KERTAS KERJA SETITIK DARAH PENYAMBUNG NYAWA 3 1.0 TUJUAN Kertas kerja ini dikemukakan untuk mendapatkan pertimbangan dan kelulusan daripada En. Muslimin bin Wallang, Pengetua Dewan Penginapan Pelajar SME Bank (DPP SME BANK), Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), bagi mengadakan program “SETITIK DARAH PENYAMBUNG NYAWA 3”. 2.0 LATAR BELAKANG Program “SETITIK DARAH PENYAMBUNG NYAWA 3” merupakan program berkonsepkan kebajikan yang dianjurkan oleh Biro Kemudahan dan Perkhidmatan. Program ini akan dijalankan pada 27 Mac 2012 (Selasa) bermula pada jam 9.00 pagi sehingga 5.00 petang. Kempen yang dijalankan ini dikhususkan kepada mahasiswa/i DPP SME BANK. 3.0 OBJEKTIF 3.1 Menggalakkan warga Dewan Penginapan Pelajar SME BANK untuk Derma Darah. 3.2 Meningkatkan kesedaran kepada warga DPP SME BANK tentang pentingnya derma darah. 3.3 Melahirkan masyarakat yang prihatin dan penyayang. 4.0 MATLAMAT Projek ini dapat memberi faedah kepada mahasiswa/i di mana dengan adanya projek seumpama ini mahasiswa/i dapat mewujudkan semangat kerjasama dan tolong-menolong dalam kalangan warga DPP SME BANK. Selain itu, projek ini dapat membantu insan-insan yang memerlukan darah, di samping derma darah juga dapat membantu penderma itu sendiri. 5.0 BUTIRAN PROGRAM 5.1 Nama Program : “ SETITIK DARAH PENYAMBUNG NYAWA 3” 5.2 Tarikh : 27 Mac 2012 (Selasa) 5.3 Masa : 9.00 pagi – 5.00 petang 5...
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...Dik: Q = 10 K1/2 L1/2 C = w + r 1000 = 30 L + 40 K 1000 – 30 L – 40 K = 0 Dit : L dan K……? Jumlah Output untuk menghasilkan nilai maximum..? Jawab: Fungsi Lagrange Z = 10 K1/2 L1/2 + λ (1000 – 30 L – 40 K) Z = 10 L1/2 K1/2 + 1000 λ – 30 λ L – 40 λ K Maka, dZ= 5 L1/2 K-1/2 – 40 λ ................................................ 1 dL Z = 10 K1/2 L1/2 + 1000 λ – 30 λ L – 40 λ K Maka, dZ = 5 K1/2 L-1/2 – 30 λ ................................................ 2 dK dZ = 5 L-1/2 K1/2 – 30 λ ................................................ 2 dK Z = 10 L1/2 K1/2 + 1000 λ – 30 λ L – 40 λ K Maka, dZ= 1000 – 30 L – 40 K .............................................. 3 d λ Persamaan 1 dan 2 5 L1/2 K-1/2 – 40 λ x 3 ...................1 5 L-1/2 K1/2 – 30 λ x 4 ...................2 15 L1/2 K-1/2 – 120 λ 20 L-1/2 K1/2 – 120 λ - 15 L1/2 K-1/2 = 20 L-1/2 K1/2 15 L1/2 = 20 K1/2 K1/2 L1/2 15 L1/2 L1/2 = 20 K1/2 K1/2 15 L = 20 K L = 20 K 15 L = 4 K 3 Substitusikan nilai L = 4 K ke Persamaan 1000 – 30 L – 40 K = 0 3 ...
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...Employee Satisfaction 1. How meaningful is your work? j k l m n Extremely meaningful j k l m n Very meaningful j k l m n Moderately meaningful j k l m n Slightly meaningful j k l m n Not at all meaningful 2. How well are you paid for the work you do? j k l m n Extremely well j k l m n Very well j k l m n Moderately well j k l m n Slightly well j k l m n Not at all well 3. How many opportunities do you have to get promoted where you work? j k l m n A great deal j k l m n A lot j k l m n A moderate amount j k l m n A few j k l m n None at all 4. Are you satisfied with your employee benefits, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with them, or dissatisfied with them? j k l m n Extremely satisfied j k l m n Moderately satisfied j k l m n Slightly satisfied j k l m n Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied j k l m n Slightly dissatisfied j k l m n Moderately dissatisfied j k l m n Extremely dissatisfied 5. Are you satisfied with your job, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with it, or dissatisfied with it? j k l m n Extremely satisfied j k l m n Moderately satisfied j k l m n Slightly satisfied j k l m n Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied j k l m n Slightly dissatisfied j k l ...
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...1 1.1 CARROT AND BABY CORN - COLD STORAGE Introduction The proposed project details about a cold storage facility to set up for carrots and baby corn. Nantes (variety of carrot) also known as English carrot requires high humidity and low temperature, thus special cold storage is proposed with controlled temperature and humidity conditions. Post harvest losses in the carrots is very high at 40-50 per cent during storage, hence to prevent these heavy losses it is very important to set up a high humidity cold store. 1.2 Objective The primary objective of the model report is to facilitate the entrepreneurs in understanding the importance of setting up cold storage for carrots and other vegetables, technology and financial parameters of various components for preparation and submission of project proposal to bank for sanction of long term loan. This model report will serve as guidance to the entrepreneurs on starting up such a new project and basic technical knowledge for setting up such a facility. 1.3 Raw Material Availability The maize is grown in MP with total production of 12.53 Mt (year 2004-05). The state stands at third position in the country with 12.39% of the India’s total production. 1.4 Market Opportunities The storage period of Nantes in the cold store lasts only for six to seven months i.e. March to August-September; hence for rest of the six months it is empty. However the proposed cold store because of adjustable systems of temperature and humidity control...
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...Household TOPICS FOR LEADERS CARRYING OUR CROSSES Gospel: Mt 10:34 – 11:1 Do not think that I have come to establish peace on earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. Each one will have as enemies, those of one’s own family. Whoever loves father or mother more than me, is not worthy of me. And whoever loves son or daughter more than me, is not worthy of me. And whoever does not take up his cross and follow me, is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life, for my sake, will find it. Whoever welcomes you, welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me, welcomes him who sent me. The one who welcomes a prophet, as a prophet, will receive the reward of a prophet; the one who welcomes a just man, because he is a just man, will receive the reward of a just man. And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones, because he is my disciple, I assure you, he will not go unrewarded.” When Jesus had finished giving his twelve disciples these instructions, he went on from there, to teach and to proclaim his message in their towns. Reflection: More things are piled up on the shoulders of those who choose to follow Jesus. It is as if pressures are calibrated to keep pace with our growing strengths. There seems to be no end in sight to all possible discomfort and pain one must be willing to take in...
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...Survival Guide Let’s Get Started On the first day of classes with Axia College, it is important to login and download the course materials and syllabus. I have found that by making folders under My Documents labeled first with the course name, and then inside have folders labeled each week 1-9 where I save the relevant materials for the weeks work. After downloading the files to the appropriate files, it is best to break up the syllabus. I like to copy and paste each week of the syllabus to a word document filed again under the corresponding week. This makes it easy to access what is needed for the week. It is also important to download the course calendar to keep a closer watch on when assignments are due. By looking at the course calendar at the beginning of each week you will be able to manage your assignments accordingly. After reading through the course syllabus and downloading course materials the next step is to check the main forum. The main forum is where your instructor posts information about what changes may be made for the week and also posts the weekly discussion questions for you to answer. In the main forum only the instructor will post topics. This is the area in which we as students post replies to the teacher and also our classmates. These posts are the only ones that apply to your weekly participation grade. It is very important...
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...Throughout my 8th grade writing career, I have changed a lot. I used to despise writing assignments, and I always procrastinate when I have to work at home. Now I find myself enjoying some of the writing tasks. I still think some papers are pointless, but I have started to enjoy prompts such as narrative writing. In fact, I have even started to write my own story for fun. As a writer, I’d say I use pretty good language. I can describe things well, I’m good at organization, but I can improve on all of these. I also need to work on concentrating so that I don’t have to work late. A writer always has room to grow. While one may be excellent in some parts of writing, they’re not the best at everything. For me, I’d say I’m good at descriptions,...
Words: 1014 - Pages: 5
...When I was in eighth grade I had a huge project in my American History Class. In this project I had to write a ten page paper about the decade of my choice, come up with a question from the decade I chose, find people from the era to help me answer my question, and create a display. This was one of the hardest and most time consuming projects I had ever done. It didn’t help that I was in a lot of other tough classes and in a lot of extracurricular activities. I didn’t know how I would be able to finish it but I eventually did. I was extremely proud of the project I completed and all the work I put into it. The project began in the fall of my eighth grade year and it was due at the end of the year. This project seemed overwhelming. The teacher...
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