...Reading,"The Sun Goes Down on Summer" by Steve Lawhead brought back feelings I have about summer ending, school starting again, and being the real me! During the summer I feel no worries. I get to relax and make memories. I usually hang out with my friends throughout the summer. I love summer and I'm sad it's going away. The summer coming to an end and school starting back means all the daily anxiety and stress comes back full blast. So much panic comes with school starting; all the relaxing and memory making is replace with studying and worrying. I constantly stress about homework, grades, sport, friends, and fitting in. One aspect I relate to a lot in the poem is,"I won't if I'll fit in." Each year is different, new teachers, new people,...
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...In William Gay’s story, “I Hate To See That Evening Sun Go Down”, Gay writes about a man named Abner Meecham. He is an older man who decides that he wants to spend his last days of life at home rather than in the old folks’ home he is put into. Abner arrives home to find some people in his home. A family called the Choats are moved in. The Choats are an old enemy of Abner. They tried to rent the house in the past, but Abner knew they would not be able to afford rent. Abner is old and senile so of course this is easily upsetting to him. He isn’t quite ready to give up where he has lived and what he has worked for all his life. He is dealing with an unfair situation because the Choats don’t want to leave. In Gay’s story “Sugarbaby”, Gay writes about Finis and Doneita Beasley who seem like the perfect couple in a small town. The couple has been together for about thirty years. It is mentioned in the story that “Finis was a hard worker yet and had always made them a good...
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...hundred midnights Down in a cypress swamp. Then God smiled, And the light broke, And the darkness rolled up on one side, And the light stood shining on the other, And God said, "That's good!" Then God reached out and took the light in His hands, And God rolled the light around in His hands Until He made the sun; And He set that sun a-blazing in the heavens. And the light that was left from making the sun God gathered it up in a shining ball And flung it against the darkness, Spangling the night with the moon and stars. Then down between The darkness and the light He hurled the world; And God said, "That's good!" Then God himself stepped down -- And the sun was on His right hand, And the moon was on His left; The stars were clustered about His head, And the earth was under His feet. And God walked, and where He trod His footsteps hollowed the valleys out And bulged the mountains up. Then He stopped and looked and saw That the earth was hot and barren. So God stepped over to the edge of the world And He spat out the seven seas; He batted His eyes, and the lightnings flashed; He clapped His hands, and the thunders rolled; And the waters above the earth came down, The cooling waters came down. Then the green grass sprouted, And the little red flowers blossomed, The pine tree pointed his finger to the sky, And the oak spread out his arms, The lakes cuddled down in the hollows of the ground, And the rivers ran down to the sea; And...
Words: 590 - Pages: 3
...Casandra Lopez Korenic-Astronomy Sun I will be writing about the Sun, and how it plays a part in our Solar System. Starting with what our Sun is composed of, being that it is not a planet. It is a star, since it has no solid surface. It’s made of gases, 7.8 percent of Helium and 92.1 percent of Hydrogen. Being that it is not a solid body, the equator of the Sun spins at a different rate than the poles of the Sun. The poles take about 11 more days to spin than the equator. Even though it is not a planet, it is orbited by 8 different planets, 5 dwarf planets, 10000 asteroids, and 100000-3 trillion comets and icy bodies. Now knowing a bit about what the Sun is composed of, we can talk about how the Sun affects our everyday life. Without the Sun, life on earth would not exist. If the Sun were to “disappear” one day, we would notice a temperature drop within a week. Our average surface temperatures would all drop to 0°F, and by the next year it would drop into -100°F. Our oceans’ top layers would freeze over, but it would take thousands of years without the sun for entire oceans to freeze solid. After millions of years of no Sun, our planet would reach a middle temperature of -400°F. Animals and plants would not survive this new ice age though; most plants would be dead within a few weeks without photosynthesis. Bigger trees would survive a several decades, but even with that bottom food chainers would die out quickly. This would knock down most of the food chain, expect for scavengers...
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...Marisa Cipolla Mrs. Fader Day 2 Block 1 January 29, 2013 All Summer in a Day 1) At the Beginning of the story how did the students feel? Find two details from the story the prove your thought. Explain. All of the children were extremely excited for the sun to come. They knew it only happened once every seven years. The last time almost everyone saw the sun was when they were two years old and don’t remember anything about it or what if felt like, or looked like. They believed the rain would stop and they could finally see the sun. 2) Explain how Margot’s experience of the sun is different from the experience of all of the other children on Venus. Find at least one specific detail to explain. Margot has a different experience with the sun, because she was born on Earth and brought to Venus later in her life, all the other kids had been born there. So Margot had seen the sun every day until she was around four years old. For Example, “...She remembered the sun and the way the sun was and the sky was when she was four in Ohio. And they, they had been on Venus all their lives, and they had only been two years old when the last sun came out...” She had been able to see and feel the sun for four years of her life while all the other kids only saw it and felt it for one hour seven years ago. She is the only one who knows and remembers what it looks and feels like. 3) What Point is made about Margot when the story says that rain had “washed the blue from her eyes”...
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...boring as hell That he needs to play a trick on the people One day he decide to play a not-so-fun trick on the people So he turns himself into a sun Rising with the sun at the same time So there are two suns in the sky that day People are all sweating balls over the deadly weather The humid weather haunts the people like no other They can’t work their ass off for money as they used to (not to mention the partying) They had no food and their stomachs are growling like crazy Can you imagine the life without food and crops That’s not the life worth living So they prayed to their so-called god The gods do not respond They scream and shout everyday on top of their lungs The sun continues to give people bad bad droughts With no food to fill their stomachs God knows how they lived Without water and food But they don’t know what to do Finally The so-called god heard their prayers And sends a man called Ceres Man, this Ceres, He is famous for shooting around and shit with his archery bow He does nothing but shoots around with his bow all day It’s no doubt that his shooting ability is good The sun continues to give people bad bad droughts With no food to fill their stomachs God knows how they lived Without water and food But they know what to do This Ceres, try to be cool and all Talks to the other sun Hoping to settle this...
Words: 717 - Pages: 3
...human world was down on the earth, on the ground where god could see from the place they were residing. Human race praised their gods for always being there, helping human in many situation. For example, when summer started to come, a Rain God would always be there to assist human needs of water by sending them rain, so human really honored and praised Him. But the most powerful god was the God of Light. God of Light gave its light to human being for their everyday life and he is very important for both of the world. God of Light had a son named Sun. Sun characteristic was very emotional, likely to be jealous, hot-tempered, but He was also warm-hearted, brave, willing to sacrifice and to consider about others. There was also another god who was important and pretty popular among gods in the sky, he is God of Beauty. God of Beauty had a daughter named Moon. Moon was very beautiful, elegant, but shy and inconsistent. It would take hard times to make up her mind. Both of these gods had been such a closed-friend since long time ago. One day, God of Light and God of Beauty met in a party. They brought along their own child. In that day, the party wasso big and chaotic, the moon was separated from her parents. She was so frightened because she was alone without no one she knew.Moreover, she was so shy to ask people around to help her find her parents. She was scared and lastly decided to sit in the corner, she cried because she didn’t know what to do. In that time, Sun was standing in...
Words: 2037 - Pages: 9
...Abstract Learning and researching about my culture background has given me the purpose of who I am and where I want to go in life. Everything to the Navajo is very sacred and interrelated. Being a Native American of the Navajo tribe, I have identified my clanship; I have a purpose on this beautiful spiritual journey on this corn pollen road. Spiritual Journey In our way of life, the Navajo way of living, we have to know where we come from and where we are going in life. The first time I had ever heard of the Hero Twins story was from a medicine man. Long ago, a woman named changing woman had given birth to twins. During the day, they would play outside of their Hogan, with their mother, changing woman, watching over them to make sure they were safe from the monsters. One day, one of the monsters wanted changing woman for himself because he thought she was childless and went to their home, changing woman quickly hid her twins. When the monster asked “whose footprints are these”? Changing woman lied saying she made them herself, as she made prints with her hand and fingers, saying she is very lonely and wanted to make it look like someone has been coming to visit. As the hero twins got older and wiser, they started asking their mother who their father was. Changing woman kept saying you have no father. Eventually, changing woman finally gave in and told them if you really want to know who your father is, you must travel east to find your father...
Words: 1646 - Pages: 7
...As we go about our daily lives and enjoy all the nice things we don’t however notice how some of those nice things might be hurting us. For example when you’re out enjoying a beautiful sunny Los Angeles day you don’t realize that the same thing that you are enjoying is also hurting you. The sun is one of the largest bodies that produce radiation. Since it is so big and so powerful it produces a wide range of radiation. We have seen the effects of that when there are solar flares. This is an explosion on the surface of the sun so big that you can fit earth in it. The flare produces a large amount of radiation and some of that reaches us. When that happens a lot of our satellites and electrical equipment goes hay wire because of the surge of energy. It is because of our electromagnetic field around the earth that those flares don’t come all the way down to the surface and hut us. The sun also produces ultra violet radiation, and any one that goes to the beach can attest to that. These are the rays that give you a sun tan and if you’re out too long a sun burn. That is why your mother always tells you to put on sun block every time you are out in the sun. Sun block has chemicals in it, like a lead apron for an x-ray, that absorb or block the radiation from causing you any harm. So, like a lion at the zoo, radiation is good to look at but you should never get too...
Words: 275 - Pages: 2
...clear. A fine cool breeze was blowing. As soon as we took our seats in the boat, it began to move on water. They were really thrilling movements in our life. We all were in high spirit. The' boat was moving gently. The river water was shining in the rays of the sun and was presenting a beautiful scene. It looked white like silver. There were many more boats of different shapes and sizes sailing in the river. There were men, women and children in those boats. The children were very excited and were shouting with joy. All of a sudden the cool breeze stopped blowing and we felt a bit hot. One of my cousins suggested enjoying cold drink which we had brought in our bag. Soon it was midday and we decided to take our lunch. Up to this time we were on the other side of the river. The boatmen tied the boat to the bank and guided us to a restaurant. We took our meals. We enjoyed tea too. Then we started our return journey. The return journey was little bit difficult because the boat was going against the current. Naturally the boatmen had to work hard at the oars. As the currents of the river were not in favour, the speed of the boat was not fast as it was in the beginning of the journey so it took much time and soon we saw that the sun was about to set. It was...
Words: 1050 - Pages: 5
...describe it, I’ll start with the weather the hot blazing sun spreads across the light blue sky, where the clouds light and fluffy as cotton candy. The golden sun reflects gently on my skin, as the light flowing breeze flows through my hair, tickles my skin like a feather. The beach, the first thing I come across was the white sandy beach as white as snow with a trickle of golden sun light reflecting from the radiant sun. The tide swiftly lapped the shore, the water a bright blue, the first thing I noticed the water was clean, clear Celeste blue beautiful bright colour I see my reflection it was crystal clear it stared right back at me, splash, splash I crashed into the water it was warm soft feeling, I screamed in delight, the water rushed all of my skin with a warm fresh feeling, as I came out, the water stung my eyes like a bee stuck my finger, the feeling of warmness jumped off my body like a grasshopper jumping through grass, all of a sudden there was a rush of coldness hit my skin , bang goose bumps hit my skin, I shivered, and shivered but when sun light hit my skin the coldness dance off my skin. My stomach rumbled and growled as loud as a loin’s growl as the aroma of flame-grilled meat drifts towards me. I could hear the sizzling on the open fire and the steak fat dribbling and hissing as it spills onto the grill, the smell of sizzling sausages on an open fire, the mouth-watering smell freshly cooked chicken. Sun set every night spread slowly across the sky into a tangy...
Words: 687 - Pages: 3
...her small hands through the soft yellow petals. Her gray eyes sparkled in the dying light as she looked up at me. “Why do they face the trees in the morning, and then bow to the mountains at night?” She twirled around, her light blue sun dress swaying in the breeze, “it’s just…They look so sad, like they’re lost, and cant’ get home.” A soft smile played at my lips, I bent down so my head came up to her shoulders. My little girl turned and looked at me, rubbing her nose and leaving a streak of pollen on its tip. “Would you like to hear a story?” I whispered, placing myself back on our blanket. She nodded, her eyes lighting up at the prospect of another myth. She sat down next to me, curling up and resting her head on my lap. I sighed, turning my eyes upward to the speckled red sky, the last light of day just beginning to hide behind the cloak of night. I closed my eyes, remembering the myth my grandmother had told me years ago; the soft chirping of a Pine siskin floats through the cool air as I begin the story, the Senowee tale of why the sunflower follows the sun. Why the Sunflower Follows the Sun “Once, long ago in a place much different than our home, there lived a burning flame. Her name was Asishkawatz, and she was the mother sun. Now, Asishkawatz had seven children, six of who had extraordinary gifts. Sal, the eldest, had the voice of an angel. When she sang, the entire world was still; not even the buzzing of a grasshopper would dare disturb her song. Tocho...
Words: 2414 - Pages: 10
...little kid I knew where I always dreamed of living. My dream home would be more than I could ever imagine. It would be on a bright and warm island. With the white sand all around me, bright from the glistening of the sun, to the feel of the breeze blowing up to the shore and the sound of the beautiful aqua blue waves. As I walk up to the house all I imagine to see is a big porch overlooking the island. I see a two story house with maybe 3 bedrooms or so, not too big. It should be rustic, in a light colored wood or a nice colored plaster, with big windows where I can sit on the windowsill and look out on the island. It will be bright with a light sense and feel to it. Sitting with crisp white rocking chairs so that every evening as the sun goes down I can lose myself in the calm sound of the waves. Where I can be evincible over anything and everything life throws at me. What will be light and cozy from the inside as if you were sitting in the sand, relaxing and not a care in the world about anything stressful. The living room will have huge windows overlooking the gorgeous blue water and will give the room a nice lightning in the day and when the evening comes there will be plenty of candles lit for the warmth feel in the room. With a built in couch all the way down the room so me and my little family could spend hours playing games. The kitchen is a very important room for me, I love to cook. I want a rustic countryside style kitchen with a island in the middle of the room. The...
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...After the first orbit (year), turn off the traces (show traces box) and watch another orbit (year) of the purple planet (body 2). Question One: Is blue moon (body 3) circling the yellow sun (body 1) or the purple planet (body 2)? Explain your answer. The blue moon is circling the purple planet, because it is constantly in that planets orbit. The purple planet though is circling the yellow sun making it seem almost like the blue planet is circling it as well. 4. Increase the mass of the sun (body 1) to 400 and allow the simulation to run for one complete orbit of the purple planet (body 2). 5. Decrease the mass of the sun (body 1) to 175 and allow the simulation to run for one complete orbit of the purple planet (body 2). (~90 seconds) Question Two: How do the orbits of the planets change when the mass of the sun is increased or decreased? Why? Explain your answer. Wen the mass is 400, the planets will circle the sun much closer, because it has a much stronger gravitational force due to its large mass compared to the smaller planets. When the mass is smaller, the radius that the planets circle is much bigger because there is less gravitational force on them, and they circle the sun at a much slower speed. Question Three: Why does the sun (body 1) follow a circular path? How does the path change as its mass changes? Why? Explain your answer....
Words: 1122 - Pages: 5
...unfold like flowers before Thee….Hail Thee as the sun above Melt the clouds of sin and sadness …..Drive the dark of doubt away……Giver of immortal gladness……Fill us with the light Fill us with the light.. Oh, fill us with the light of day. Joyful, Joyful Lord, we adore Thee….God of glory Lord of love…Hearts unfold like flowers before Thee…Hail Thee as the sun above Melt the clouds of sin, sin and sadness…Drive the dark of doubt away Drive it away….Giver of immortal gladness Fill us ….Fill us with the light of day…..Light of day! (Check the rhyme) Joyful, Joyful….Lord we adore Thee An' in my life….I put none before Thee…Cuz since I was a youngster…..I came to know…That you was the only way to go So I had to grow an' come to an understandin'….That I'm down with the King so now I'm demandin' That you tell me who you down with, see….Cuz all I know is that I'm down with G-O-D You down with G-O-D?....(Yeah, you know me) You down with G-O-D?....(Yeah, you know me) You down with G-O-D?...(Yeah, you know me) Who's down with G-O-D?...(Everybody) Come and join the chorus…The mighty, mighty chorus….Which the morning stars begun…The Father of love is reigning over us Right away….What have you done for Him lately? Ooh, ooh, ooh yeah….What have you done for Him lately? He watches over everything…..So we sing Joyful, Joyful….Lord, we adore Thee…God of glory Lord of love….Hearts unfold like flowers before Thee..Hail Thee as the sun above Melt the clouds of sin, sin and sadness…Drive...
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