...1. Discuss your overall impression of the book As painful and tragic as the story of Lia is, this is a beautiful illustration of how culture can clash with American medicine. In the beginning, the reader can see, relate, and even side with the doctors at MCMC. You feel the Lee family is being ignorant and even selfish because they seem to be more interested in doing things their way instead of saving Lia’s life above all. However, later in the book the author is able to present the Lee’s point of view. How they and the Hmong community interpret certain things and the impact that their beliefs have on treating illnesses. Each side with the best of intentions in mind for Lia. Unfortunately, the cultural differences between the Lee’s and the doctors’ were stronger than those well intentions. 2. Identify and discuss three major themes evident in the book 2.1-The importance of cultural understanding and tolerance The most important and obvious theme of this story is the importance of understanding and accepting that there are many different cultures out there. Equally important is learning what these differences are so that both cultures can work together towards one common goal in a respectful manner. In Lia’s case the many misunderstandings due to religious differences and language barrier led to the Lee’s noncompliance of Lia’s medications. At the same time , the doctors’ unwillingness to even consider the Hmong’s beliefs or incorporate any of it in Lia’s...
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...Angles and demonds Introduction When I hear the words Angle and Demond the first thing I think of is good and bad, sinner and saint, heaven and hell. Personally, I believe an angel is a servant for god. I picture a angle to be a reflection of God and all human beings, with white wings and good sprits. A angels and a demonds are total oppsites of eachother that even speaking the word can either give you a sign of relief and comfort or a fearful uneasy feeling. Angels Theological Definition: William Smith stats “Angles are spiritual beings created by God to serve him, through created higher than man. Some angles have remained obedient to him and carry out his wishes, while others, fallen angles, disobeyed, fell from thier holy position and now stand in active opposition to the work and plan of god”. Biblical Foundation: The formation of angels begin whit the creator. Angles are a creation of God just like human being however, God created angles to have a higher power than humans. According to Bible Dictionary “many details about angles are omitted but it is important to keep in mind three important elements about the Biblical revalation of angles. The mention of angles is insclusive in scripture. In NASB translation these Celestial beings are refeerend to 196 times, 103 times in the old testament, and 93 times in the new testament. Further, these references are scattered threw out the Bible being found in at least...
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...Massefylde del 1 Faste stoffer – induktion Introduktion: Vi ønsker at finde sammenhængen mellem et stofs masse, dets rumfang og dets masse- fylde.Metoder:Vi ved ikke på forhånd, hvilken sammenhæng der er mellem masse og rumfang. Faktisk ved vi ikke engang, om der er en sammenhæng. Så derfor må vi bruge den induktive metode, og den går ud på: Induktiv metode: 1) Empiri2) Mønster3) TeoriTeori: En cylinder med radius ”r” og højde ”h”, har rumfanget V = pi * r2 * h Resultater/databehandling:Afvigelse fra tabelværdi = (ρ målt – ρ tabel)/ρ tabel * 100 Messing | | | | | | | | | Radius | r/cm | 0,3 | 0,4 | 0,5 | 0,6 | 0,7 | 0,75 | Højde: | Rumfang | V/cm^3 | 0,57 | 1,01 | 1,57 | 2,26 | 3,08 | 3,53 | 2 | Masse | m/g | 4,42 | 8,3 | 12,56 | 18,06 | 25,26 | 32,02 | | Formel for messing: m = 9,3938V - 1,1029Den målte værdi: ρmessing = 9,3938 Tabelværdi: ρmessing = 8,96 g/cm3Der er hermed sket en afvigelse af messing på: (9,3938–8,96) / (8,96) *100 = 4,84% Aluminium | | | | | | | | | Radius | r/cm | 0,3 | 0,4 | 0,5 | 0,6 | 0,7 | 0,75 | Højde: | Rumfang | V/cm^3 | 0,57 | 1,01 | 1,57 | 2,26 | 3,08 | 3,53 | 2 | Masse | m/g | 1,47 | 2,6 | 4,06 | 5,71 | 7,98 | 10,78 | ...
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...atomraketter gudsfrygt, fiduser, utugtige hæfter førstefødte og underskrifter goodvill, privatliv, sutsko og charme vinbjergsnegle og kunstige arme venner og fjender, sprit og spioner kønshormoner og kraftpræstationer bryster og højreb, fantastiske chancer verdensomspændende konkurrencer flotte gevinster: et år uden skat King Kong for en dag, Pompadour for en nat Jomfru Maria i sølvræv, i bad Udgangen, sir du – udgang til hvad? -De konkrete substantiver: Gul - De abstrakte substantiver: Grøn Analyse af digtet ’’Varehuset TOTAL’’ af Erik Knudsen: ’’Varehuset TOTAL’’ af Erik Knudsen er skrevet i 1958, lige efter 2. Verdenskrig. Erik Knudsen er socialist og han er stolt af det. Dette digt kan fortolkes som et direkte angreb på kapitalisme. Erik mente at kapitalisme er forvirring og kaos. Det fremkommer os til udtryk i digtet. Digtet indledes med ’’Synspunkter sæbe – her sælger vi godt’’ her bliver der beskrevet at ens synspunkter er til salg, og ville med andre ord sige at man ingen selvstændighed har. Erik mener klart at synspunkter og holdninger, er noget man danner sig personligt, og ikke køber sig til. Ordet ’’sæbe’’ kan fortolkes og have betydningen af at man skal ’’vaske hænder’’ rene for holdninger der ikke er ens personlige. ’’Gudsfrygt, fiduser, utugtige hæfter, venner og fjender, sprit og spioner’’ med disse ord prøver han at fortælle læseren hvad kapitalisme rent faktisk er – undertrykkende. Hele digtet er lavet/skrevet som en lang opremsning...
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...Liquor industry-In 2013… * India is the 3rd largest liquor market in the world. * One of the fastest growing markets in the world, on the back of demographics & economy. * The overall retail market size of liquor is ~$35 billion per annum. * Strong MNC presence with Diageo, Beam Global, Pernod Ricard, Heineken, SAB Miller, Carlsberg and more. * There are 3 broad categories – IMFL (Indian Manufactured Foreign Liquor which includes whiskey, rum, brandy, vodka & gin), Beer and Country Liquor (cheaper, spiced liquor). * Each of these segments has a volume of between 230-260 million cases per annum. Hence, the market is divided almost equally by volume. * Overall growth of the market is ~8% per annum, mainly driven by IMFL and beer, Country liquor is a slow growth market. * Beer has been consistently growing at over 15% per annum over the last few years. * However, the IMFL market is much larger in terms of value – by the sheer difference in price per bottle. Hence, the IMFL market would be over 65% by value and beer would be ~15% by value. * FDI – 100% FDI is permitted in the alcoholic beverages sector. * Taxation is high, Price is controlled – Excise duties, sales tax, VAT and various intermediary margins contribute bulk of the retail price. * In most states, the government tightly controls the retail price of liquor; a tender process is used to determine prices and volumes that will be bought by the distributors. * It...
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...Critical Analysis In Vitro Fertilization August 19, 2009 Marriages can offer new exciting experiences especially when couples want to start developing a family. For some couples pregnancy is simple and their family begins. For others it isn’t so easy, having children becomes a medical challenge and alternative solutions need to be sought out. One such solution for conception involves using the medical advancement of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) techniques. However, for many this raises a whole batch of ethical dilemmas. IVF brings up dilemmas such as the process itself, when does “life” begin, how many eggs to fertilize, and cryopreservation of embryos. It is an especially difficult decision for those of Christian beliefs as IVF is not widely received within the Christian community and not clearly addressed in the Bible. I first want to take a look at the process itself and what leads a couple, or individual, to this decision. Before we start, we need to define what infertility is. According to The Fertility Center (2009), infertility is the “inability for a couple to conceive after one year of normal intercourse with no contraception”. Facing infertility is not as uncommon as one might believe, according to the Center for Disease Control, “approximately 1.2 million women made infertility related appointments in 2002”. In simpler terms, one in six couples faces infertility related issues at some point during their childbearing...
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...Christians believe that your soul is taken to either heaven or hell (Gray), but Mormons believe your soul is taken to either paradise or spirit prison (Taysom). The Christians heaven is a “place of peace and communion with God,” (Gray). The Christian’s heaven is like the Mormon’s paradise. The Mormon’s paradise is a place with peace and rest (Taysom). Christianity’s hell is a place for those who did not seek forgiveness (Gray). In hell, people are in anguish in flames (English Standard Version, Luke 16:25). The Mormon’s sprit prison is a place where a person is tormented by guilt and denied rest (Taysom). Mission work can still be one while a Mormon is in sprit prison. This allows a Mormon to be able to get into heaven even though they did not get into paradise right after death...
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...My story begin summer of 1945: my father was a young soldier just freshly shipped in from New york state to join a crew of support personnel for the Tuskegee Airman. James B. Simpson and my mom met and married while he was in alabama. i was born on a hot sweltin june day, in those times babies were delivered by midwife's or older member of the family, in my case we were lucky enough my grandma maggie's, cousin was midwife Vester Webb who like to take a sip of her medicine. news travel faster than water over them hills, some neighbors from across the creek told my cousins Jimmy Lee, mary Alice, and mary Lee who was 9-10 years old, that my mothers had the baby which was me, they came running to name the baby Betty Jean... it an't happening Ha Ha. I had already been named. the first crisis was the midwife forgot the sterlizing drop in my eyes after a few days of crustation, a mad dash, on a rigdy old wagon with a swayback bowleg mule we made our way over gravel roads to the only doctor in elmore that would take colored patients, if mama hadn't got me there that day i would have been blind, to this day i have none fixable eye problems. well that wasn't my last problem. I grew up spending most summers with my grand mother maggie, and her sister aunt ada. aunt ada was a flapper that spent her young years in new york city, and from what i got from the story my greatgrandfather Shady Daniels was from a well to do family of the high yellow kind, all 10 of the daniel children was...
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...The Effect of Hand Sanitizer on the prevention of bread mold George Kotsiomitis and Paul Lee Mr. Menhinick SNC 2D1 May 22, 2015 Purpose/Question: * Do Hand Sanitizers Prevent the Growth of Bread Mold? Background Information: Through doing research on two main ideas revolving around our science fair topic we could have a knowledgeable hypothesis as well as other things to base our project on. The two main ideas are: what bread mold needs to grow and what ingredient is in hand sanitizer that prevents the growth of bread mold. Firstly, what are the ideal conditions for bread mold to grow in? Bread with no pesticides is the ideal and most common place for mold to grow in because it provides main nutrients such as flour and water that help the growth or mold. Once the mold gets on the bread these nutrients allow the bread to reproduce and spread. Furthermore, the temperature at which the bread is placed in is a major factor as well. Places where mold grows well is similar to those maintained in most homes. However in the summer seasons the growth of bread mold will be greater because of the rise in temperature. Moisture is the most ideal circumstance that bread mold needs to grow in. Mold requires water to survive and grow, bread mold has the advantage of usually being kept in a bag where the moisture does not evaporate. Therefore since bread naturally contains moistures it provides a suitable growing condition for mold. Secondly, what ingredient is in hand...
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...Underworld, Hell, Hades ECT (A comparison of the underworld from The Odyssey and The Aneid.) Where one goes after death is a mystery. No scientist has proof, no Christian has proof, no ONE has any proof. All this world has is guesses, and what we are told through religious texts; and from there is where people draw their own personal opinion. “I cannot conceive of a God who rewards and punishes his creatures, or has a will of the kind that we experience in ourselves. Neither can I nor would I want to conceive of an individual that survives his physical death; let feeble souls, from fear or absurd egoism, cherish such thoughts. I am satisfied with the mystery of the eternity of life and with the awareness and a glimpse of the marvelous structure of the existing world, together with the devoted striving to comprehend a portion, be it ever so tiny, of the Reason that manifests itself in nature.” (Einstein) However in ancient Greece and Rome the afterlife did not have the illusive idea of a heaven and hell, they simply had an underworld ruled by the brother of the great god Zeus; Hades, or in Latin Pluto. However the underworld was described differently and similarly in several different cases, in several different takes of the stories. For example, Edith Hamilton in part IV of her book Greek Mythology, describes the visits of Odysseus and Aeneas to the underworld. Although they do relate in some ways, in others they are completely different. The decent into the underworld...
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...a) Examine the claim that the mind/soul can survive the death of the body (18) The soul is a defining essence that runs through one or more lives said to be an eternal part of a person that makes them individual. The body is the physical part of a person, which is alive when they are alive. It is debated whether anything can survive the death of the body and many different religions have different beliefs on this matter. Christians believe that the soul is the part of God that remains with a person eternally therefore; the soul survives the death of the body and remains with the person forever. However Buddhists believe that once a personal dies they are re-entered into the cycle of samsara unless you attain enlightenment, your karma stays with you and is carried on in each life, not a soul or the same body. An embodied existence is a soft materialist view where the body is representation in a material form, something that is a whole; the mind cannot survive without the body. A disembodied existence is a dualistic view where life after death may be disembodied (separate from the body) the soul and body are separate. The soul is the spiritual, emotional part of a human being regarded as immortal or sometimes is believed to survive death and makes a person who they are and how they act. Each religion has a variety of beliefs on what they believe a soul to be. Dualism is the beliefs that refers to the mind and body as two separate things and that the soul survives...
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...Professor Marc McGrath American Literature 221 31 August 2014 "At Fault" by Kate Chopin is a great American novel and wonderful piece of American Literature, the novel takes place after the civil war and is set in the state of Louisiana. Like most would think, back in those days there were a lot of plantations and farming was big back then. Like in the novel, there is a plantation and there were some four thousands acres it rested on. There are many great characters in the novel by Kate Chopin, Thérèse Lafirme, owner of the Place-du-Bois plantation, David Hosmer, manager of the sawmill on the Place-du-Bois plantation, Fanny Larimore, Lorenzo Worthington, and Jack Dawson, just to name a few. With so many characters in the novel it wasn't easy to chose just one that truly had that uniquely American character. The character I did end up choosing from the novel by Kate Chopin in "At Fault" was the character of Thérèse Lafirme, owner of the Place-du-Bois plantation. If you begin to just read the very first paragraph from the novel, you see that Thérèse Lafirme has suffered a tragic event, the loss of her husband, Jérôme Lafirme, and the passing of him left her in possession and charge of the large plantation. Not the death of her husband but the fact that her and her husband and had such a large plantation was the American dream back then, and this showed that she was American. Even though Thérèse Lafirme was a Creole lady which meant she was in this case a woman that was...
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...Before entering a trance, the shaman has to summons the sprits that appear only to him as a couple. They could be animal spirits, nature spirits, or/and physician spirits. These crowds of spirits gather up in armors and riffle fires. As an act of hospitality, the spirits were given tea or pipes then they will be made a request in hearing the great problem. As a second step the Shaman and his troupe of spirits will enter the house of the patient in search of the missing spirit. Suddenly they find a hole in the house in which the missing spirit(s) had left. The missing spirit(s) was brought back and held from escaping by the sprits that came in for help, and it is the Sharman’s responsibility to conduct this effectively, and then the soul is brought back to the patient’s house and cleansing rituals was performed to make sure that the soul(s) would not escape again. As the final obligation, the shaman gathers the spirits again who now have removed their armors, and returns back to the world of the humans announcing, “Ali, here you are out of breath! You have made the tour of the sky...
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...Identity theft causes huge financial damage to consumers, lending institutions, retail establishments, and the country’s economy. (Hoofnagle, A.J. 2007) It is a form of stealing someone's identity or personal identifying information. Hackers will use the information to illegal access to another account, password, such as social security identification number (singpass), financial fraud and criminal activity. Identity theft may invade many occasions of our lives. According to a survey report on the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (2007, 11) shows that in 2005, about 8 million Americans are victims of identity theft suffer. * Spiritual Contamination Cyber crime not only steals someone’s personal information, but also contaminates someone’s sprit. With the development of the times, Internet has already become the most important component of work and daily life. We access internet everyday even the children and elderly people. Therefore, some illegal websites may have unhealthy contents which spread obscenity, eroticism, gambling, violence and terrorism or abetting the commission of crimes. These websites can bring spiritual contamination to people especially the young whose futures are closely linked with the future of our country. * Imprisonment It is evident that many countries suffered a sizeable economic loss as a result of cyber crime. In addition, the cyber crime is on the rise in recent years and offenders are getting younger. Therefore, they established the law to punish...
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...sure that, they recruit the right person. The person should have knowledge of culture of the company. For e.g., US companies, which are working in developing countries like china and India, needs, a person, who do have good knowledge of English. He should be ready to work in night shifts etc. The person should also need to have proper qualifications. Many times, it has been seen that, people has only bookish knowledge and no practical knowledge. Stability is also very important. Many people keep on changing jobs, which affect the performance of company. To form cross border team, company need to make sure that, only those people are included in the team, who are responsible and can handle the pressure. The team member should have team sprit; they should not concentrate only on personnel goals. The people, which are included in the team, need to have proper knowledge and expertise of...
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