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Research Paper On Shamanism

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Shamanism of Asia: Nepal, Tibet and Thailand Shamanism is a practice in particular indigenous cultures where a person who possesses special powers and skills serves the general public by playing the role of mainly a healer. A shaman is a man or a women who has powers, skills and knowledge that the ordinary person doesn’t have which are gained through mind alterations such as isolation, sensory deprivation, physical torture, dancing, drumming, using hallucinogenic drugs…etc. The general public would turn to a shaman to be healed from a sickness, to control the weather, to foresee their future and to practice divinations in order to get answers to their life struggle, problems and factors that are out of their control similarly a Christian …show more content…
Before entering a trance, the shaman has to summons the sprits that appear only to him as a couple. They could be animal spirits, nature spirits, or/and physician spirits. These crowds of spirits gather up in armors and riffle fires. As an act of hospitality, the spirits were given tea or pipes then they will be made a request in hearing the great problem. As a second step the Shaman and his troupe of spirits will enter the house of the patient in search of the missing spirit. Suddenly they find a hole in the house in which the missing spirit(s) had left. The missing spirit(s) was brought back and held from escaping by the sprits that came in for help, and it is the Sharman’s responsibility to conduct this effectively, and then the soul is brought back to the patient’s house and cleansing rituals was performed to make sure that the soul(s) would not escape again. As the final obligation, the shaman gathers the spirits again who now have removed their armors, and returns back to the world of the humans announcing, “Ali, here you are out of breath! You have made the tour of the sky and of the earth. Here you are dripping with sweat!” (Clark- Chilson-Peter, 2003,

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