...Infancy and Early Childhood Development Terrence O. Roberts PSY/375 March 30, 2015 11:59 pm Linda O'Connor Infancy and Early Childhood Development One’s early childhood and infancy are some of the most advanced periods of their lives. This development is beneficial to the child’s productive abilities in life. These developmental stages form a foundation for the child’s future learning and well-being. Elements that effect a child during their infancy and early childhood can hinder a child’s development. Particular elements such as one’s family as well as their parenting styles. Some parent’s style of raising children are more effective than other parents’ methods. There are also certain programs that have been developed to influence cognitive development. Family’s effect on Development One’s family and their influences affect them during infancy and early childhood more than any other period in their lives. If a child’s family is attentive, sensitive and responsive the child tends to develop better. Family’s show this during the child’s infancy and early childhood in manners such as a gentle reassuring touch, overheard conversation, and facial expressions which improves the speech of young children (Berger, 2011). Families are the first teachers for infants and young children. It’s this relationship between young children and their families that determine how they development. “Early relationships help infants developing...
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...TASK 1 ESSAY PLAN Introduction Definition of Play and play types Play theories Infant development Play in a home setting and parent’s influence Adult support in play Play at an Early years Foundation setting Role of practitioners Montessori practice and principles, uniting work and play Influence on physical, social, cognitive and emotional development Conclusion TASK 2 INTRODUCTION Play is a crucial element in children’s learning and development, especially in their formative years from birth to six years of age. Play doesn’t have a set definition as such as it is so complex and there are many different play types and play theories I will cover briefly in this essay. My main aim is to explore and discuss how play affects children from infancy to and through the early years foundation setting. I will focus on how parents influence and support play and the very important role practitioners have once children start nursery. This essay will also draw on key Montessori principles and practices where work and play are unified and show how much play contributes and is vital to children’s physical, social, cognitive and emotional development. In conclusion I hope it becomes clear how play is an absolute key factor in learning and preparing children for tackling more demanding tasks in the future. TASK 3 QUOTES According to Macleod-Brudenell and Kay (2008, p207) “play underpins all development and learning for children young and old”. A child naturally wants...
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...have done talks about family influences on delinquency. However in many cases I think that family is really being used to talk about parenting. In an article about family structure 1 I found discussion of single family households and their likelihood for creating delinquents. But when I look harder I find that it is the parenting or the challenges that single parents face that leads to the delinquency. So in this paper I will try and show that it doesn’t matter what kind of family structure you have it is the parenting you have within that structure that influences child delinquency rates. The textbook references work done by Bruce Wolford and LaDonna Koebel that indicates that chronic underachievers in school are among the most likely to be delinquent. There are lots of additional studies that show how poor academic performance relates to delinquency. What is harder to address is the parent’s role in these academic failures. Involved parents can significantly improve a child’s performance in school. Even parents that didn’t do well in school can help their children succeed by paying attention to school work, providing structured time to do homework and study, and by staying in communication with the teachers or school. Parents that did well in school have an even greater opportunity to support their children because they provide addition instruction in areas where a child may be struggling. Parents have a direct ability to influence their child’s...
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...also be discussed. Also how these children cultural development are shaped by the diverse group of people they encounter in school and the roles their parents play in their lives. According to Diller (2011), culture is viewed as a lens through which life is perceived (Diller, 2011, p. 5). A child’s first lesson in culture usually comes from the teachings of their parents. Swick (1986) points out that it is in the performance of various roles that parents introduce children to the basics of their culture (Swick, 1986, p. 72). Children also get to learn about culture through watching their parent’s behavior in various situations. Parents are usually the first people who a child can learn about their culture from and once they start school, their teachers also take on this role as well. Thomas (1998) said that within a family, culture can define boundaries, expectations, rules for interactions, ways of defining problems, communication patterns and specific coping skills (as cited in Crippen & Brew, 2007, p. 107). Culture plays a big role in the lives of children because it dictates how these children will do things in their everyday...
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... and brain development. Children between the ages of 0 to 6 go through stages of acquiring specific skills like, sensorial, language, math, social, and cognitive. In those stages children have the ability to soak up and retain information, some people say like a sponge. As parents it is our duty to make sure we are stimulating our children’s mind between the ages of birth and 6 years. Parents have the opportunity to nurture and educate on all levels throughout a child’s life and should take that opportunity to make sure their child is taught properly. To ensure a successful future for a child it is very important to educate them at an early age. There were a few case studies that showed the importance of early education through pre-schools, Head Start Programs, and the involvement of children’s parents. The studies show that if children are taught at an early age the basic fundamentals of learning, they will start school eager to learn and more advanced than their peers. They also show that children’s environment is a main influence in their upbringing, which can make them either productive or not productive. Their environment such as the parent’s living states, the area they live in, and the way the family interacts with the child will play a big part in how they will be educated. According to Diana Fisklock (2011), “Children who were in the Harrisburg Preschool Program for at-risk children scored higher on Pennsylvania System of school Assessment literacy and math tests...
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...Incarceration Have on Children? Parental incarceration can disrupt a child’s life by removing a key social support from their day-to-day routine, forcing the child to move to different households and schools with new expectations they must follow, and removing financial support once provided by the parent. In some cases, these disruptions can lead to insecure attachments to parents and caregivers, the child exhibiting antisocial behaviors and/or mental health issues, and engaging in criminal activity. However, none of these outcomes are guaranteed to occur, and factors or characteristics of the incarceration can change the severity with which the outcomes affect the child. Such factors include whether the parent...
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...of infants and toddlers? No other stage of human development requires as much learning and results in as many changes as in the first 3 years of life. Some infants and toddlers are healthy, have enough to eat, feel safe and loved, are talked to in responsive ways, and feel like valued members of their families and cultures. Educators and parents now know, definitely, that what happens during the first 3 years of a child’s life has a long-lasting effect on who that person is and will become. Infants’ and toddlers’ early experiences will influence their ability to learn, feelings of self-worth, sense of competence, and capacity to love and care for others. The work of parenting, caring for, and educating young children from birth to 3 years of age, during this time of rapid growth and development, is among the most important work that exists. 3. How are children’s irreducible needs met in your community? Meeting young children’s irreducible needs is the thread that ties these three types of early development and education programs together....
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...I. Introduction Due to the fact that “many of the proposals made by classical theorists had little effect on the crime problem of the time, as well as the fact that statistical improvements in crime measurements began to reflect the existence of certain patterns in the manifestation of crime… the attention was drawn away from notions of rationalism and punishment, and toward an investigation of the causes of crime, stressing in particular the influence of hereditary, psychological and social factors (Glick, 2004: 69).” The school of thought that believes in behaviour primarily being attributed to inherited predispositions and genetic influences is the Positivist school (predestined actor model). The predestined actor model has three basic formulations:...
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...when the child is in their adolescent years and the years they spend thorough out school. A preschool aged child’s social emotional development can be influenced in many ways; one of which being the early style in which their parent uses to raise them. (Dewar). A study examined the relationship between social emotional development of preschool aged children and four identified parenting styles. Parenting style has been found to predict child well-being in the areas of social competence, academic performance, psychosocial development, and behavior problems (Baumrind). Most parents want their children to become independent, productive and able to cope with the world. Since the 1950s, researchers have studied the effects of various influences in young people’s lives, including parenting (Long). There are many different ways of parenting children. Some are more favorable than others and some can even damage one’s emotional future, causing problems such as anxiety, unhappiness, and other low self-esteem issues (Baumrind). Every parent is different in his or her own way. Each one has one of four different parenting styles. These are authoritarian,...
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...quest to explore the connection between parenting styles and attachment styles was an eye opening journey. We have traveled with the psychologists who have helped us along the way in our pursuit to recognize the parent child dynamics, as it relates to parenting styles and attachment styles. Through the use of literature and my real world observations, I will show some links between attachment styles and parenting styles. The four basic parenting styles are as follows: Authoritative Parent An Authoritative Parent is described by Baumrind as parents who "monitor and impart clear standards for their children’s conduct. They are assertive, but not intrusive and restrictive. Their disciplinary methods are supportive, rather than punitive. They want their children to be assertive as well as socially responsible, and self-regulated as well as cooperative” (Baumrind, The Influence of Parenting Style on Adolescent Competence and Substance Use, 1991). This parenting style is the most popular in the United States, although in specific races, cultures and socioeconomic groups this parenting style may not be very popular. The authoritative parent is one who understands a child’s mind to be tabula rasa. These parents provide a positive emotional climate. They commonly use induction and socialization to mold, grow and correct a child’s behavior while preparing them to be responsible independent adults. It may seem to some observers that an authoritative parent is in a...
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...this age group can determine their own success and their own identity, there are factors that can affect these individuals’ physical, cognitive and social, moral, and personality development. There are many things that can affect the physical development in young children during their middle childhood, including environmental influences. With all of the research going on these days, it all loops back around to one issue these children face in the environment; obesity. For example, more and more children are spending more time watching television, and while watching the television they are snacking or having more meal time causing them to increase in weight, ultimately affecting their physical development. This problem increases as the children grow older. “Children’s TV time and home environment factors were assessed longitudinally among 169 families with children followed from 6 to 12 years of age. TV watching increased with age, as did the number of in-home TVs and the presence of videocassette recorders (VCRs), the frequency of meal eating while watching TV, and the percentage of children with bedroom TVs (Home Environmental Influences on Children’s Television Watching from Early to Middle Childhood. (2002). Journal of Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics, 23(3), 127-132)”. Not only are...
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...25% of children now considered obese or overweight (Batch & Baur 2005, p.130). The health and social problems associated with obesity in children are numerous, pushing health practitioners and researchers to uncover solutions for this issue. While evidence points to many dissimilar rationales, much emphasis is being placed upon parents and their role in educating and providing children with effective lifestyle behaviours, focussed on gaining control of the obesity wave. This essay explores the parent’s responsibilities and influences on their child’s weight; through nutritional choices, physical activity and screen time (television, computer and video games), as well as marital status and parenting styles. It will also discuss research showing genetics to be a large portion of the illustration into the world of childhood obesity, and could be the exception to placing blame on the family. Treatment programs for obese children are taking into account parental influences of food choices within the family. Parents are exclusively accountable for the procurement and preparation of healthy food for their children in the home, yet research shows, mothers are inundated with confusion on what constitutes a healthy, balanced meal. With education on these matters, the whole family can gain the benefits of eating better and exercise on a regular basis (Grossbart, Crosby & Smith 1986, p.360). The alteration of food habits within the family, along with support and praise...
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...Problem and Its Background Introduction Parenting is a complex activity that includes many specific behaviors that work individually and together to influence child outcomes. Although specific parenting behaviors, such as spanking or reading aloud, may influence child development, looking at any specific behavior in isolation may be misleading. Many writers have noted that specific parenting practices are less important in predicting child well-being than is the broad pattern of parenting. Most researchers who attempt to describe this broad parental milieu rely on Diana Baumrind’s concept of parenting style. The construct of parenting style is used to capture normal variations in parents’ attempts to control and socialize their children (Baumrind, 1991). Two points are critical in understanding this definition. First, parenting style is meant to describe normal variations in parenting. In other words, the parenting style typology Baumrind developed should not be understood to include deviant parenting, such as might be observed in abusive or neglectful homes. Second, Baumrind assumes that normal parenting revolves around issues of control. Although parents may differ in how they try to control or socialize their children and the extent to which they do so, it is assumed that the primary role of all parents is to influence, teach, and control their children. Parenting style...
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...The Qualitative Report Volume 14 Number 1 March 2009 61-80 http://www.nova.edu/ssss/QR/QR14-1/blanchard.pdf Lived Experiences of Adult Children Who Have a Parent Diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease Amy Blanchard, Jennifer Hodgson, Angela Lamson, and David Dosser East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina Little is known about the experience among adult children who have a parent with Parkinson’s Disease (PD). The purpose of this study was to explore, appreciate, and describe their experiences using a phenomenological methodology. Narratives were collected from seven participants who have a parent diagnosed with PD and analyzed according to Colaizzi’s (1978) phenomenological data analysis method. Seven thematic clusters were identified and an exhaustive description is presented to summarize the essence of their lived experience. The study indicates a strong sense of essential positivism from the participants’ stories, and overall, it seems PD has brought some degree of biological, psychological, socially, and/or spiritual meaning to their lives that they may not have otherwise noticed or experienced. Key Words: Parkinson’s Disease, Phenomenology, Biopsychosocial-spiritual, Adult, Children and Illness Introduction “The bond between mother and child is so deeply rooted in our emotions that we fear to discuss openly anything that threatens the bond” – Glenna Atwood (1991) Establishing links between chronic illnesses and family impact are not novel (e.g., Cooke, McNally...
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...any organization and only gradually become more organized (Brooks, 2010). Newborns usually sleep between 16 and 18 hours a day (Brooks, 2010). Normally newborns do not sleep through the night and they require more feedings, diaper changes, and so forth (Drago, 2009). Between the first 6 and 12 months babies start to sleep longer at night, between 8 and 12 hours (Brooks, 2010). Also at this time babies become more alert during the day, and also investigating the world with their eyes (Brooks, 2010). At first infants live in the present but by the age of 8 or 9 months they realize that other people and objects are separate from themselves (Brooks, 2010). At about 9 or 10 months infants look for guidance through their parent’s expressions and emotions (Brooks, 2010). In the middle of the second year infants fantasize and pretend play copying their parents and siblings (Brooks, 2010). Infant’s smiles and cries are early forms of communication, and gradually evolve into cooing and babbling (Brooks, 2010). On average, infants say two or three words by 1 year, 50 words by 18 months, and over 300 by the age of 2 (Brooks,2010). At every age infants understand more words then they actually speak (Brooks, 2010). By the age of 2 infants can almost form a sentence (Brooks, 2010). At birth infants only have 3...
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